Hey community,

    i am interested in the communitys opinion about current pve content.

    basic acknowledgment: Features like reworked ISS, Balancing, new elite skills combinations, 64-Bit Client are making CoA a unique game experience - i want to make that clear

    But all this, which takes alot of time and resources for sure, cannot even the horrable pve content.

    I hate Rofl. For me it is the most boring, unfunny custom instance i have ever played on CoA. Additionaly to that the ultimate-gear-grind mostly forces us to run old instances, we old boys ran for years now. (yes you can craft every core based on earth, but that instance is cancer)

    My second problem is, and this is still existing since Gorge. Endgame instances are lasting way too long. Gorge lasted for 2 years, and guys, remember, it has a reason why normally you farm lower set in one, upper set in another, accessory maybe in a third instance. So you dont have to farm 1 instances for too long.

    Every people have their own opinion and I bet there are some and still active players that love this content, but i experienced a massiv loss of players, mostly because of the boredom.


    Disabling AU was a terrible idea. It makes no sense paralyze most of the server running instances again just because you found someone who crash I guess, well we crashed millions of times for years and we were still able to play. It worked perfect for me.

    Other addons cause way more problems and we just had to wait for a fix, they weren't disabled.


    Yes exactly

    Nobody is forced to use AU. If it is crashing your client, don't use it.

    It was perfectly fine with me, and others told me the same.

    It's just a perfect quality of life Add-On. -> especially LackBuffs

    And all the people, that are crying about using AU, are just hypocrites.

    I mean they just replace most of the AU-Plugins with the original Add-Ons and even for Boss-Tactics they use their own Macros. Double Standard as always


    The Patch indeed do deliver a bunch of additional FPS.

    But what about ArcadiaUtilities? Is it banned now, or going to be 'fixed'? Because it kinda ran flawless on my Client. I had no issues with it.

    • Changed Wind-Piercing Arrow to increase attack speed by 5% stackable up to 10 times, removed duration time, now it will reduce stack of effect by one upon each successful physical skill use as long as Chiron isn’t Sacrificed. Each stack gain will restore focus by (10 – stack quantity) * 3. Critical hits will stack twice.

    I tested it. I dont think it is a good idea that the stacks will be reduced- honestly


    i want to include Holy Phoenix into my buff macro, but since it is not usable in the custom instances, i need to get this function going.

    But i am not sure, since

    /Script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetZoneID());

    does not give me a valid number.



    • Increased Explosion Wave maximum target limit to 15.
    • Fixed Frantic Slash Marking was providing unintentional effects.
    • Fixed Protection of the Oak was removing personal pet upon use.
    • Fixed Forged Briar effect was being overridden by other class Briar Shield effects.

    Good that the bug has been fixed, but still, this class needs to have the shock overload to really can compete with champ/warlock otherwise your work with this class was for nothing, because nobody will play it


    is it possible to enhance the amount of macros being able to create.

    At the moment i am using the addon Extended Macro Interface which enables the possibilty to create 56 Macros

    Is it possible to double or triple the amount?


    The problem is, that DN is too easy. Alot folks can solo (with alts) or duo it, and because of that in my opinion DN should be open all the time. The Buff-mechanic does not solve this issue properly
