Posts by kleos


    PVE Equipment 1 select and working,

    PVE Equipment 2 select and working,

    PVE Equipment 3 select and working,

    PVE Equipment 4 select and working,

    PVE Equipment 5 select but not working,

    Also, when I want to purchase the 6th equipment slot, I get a "data error" warning.

    I tested PVP Equipment, there is no problem.

    Language: TR

    Client Version:


    Tabore Çarşısı /Kozmetik/Silahlar/Personeller

    Buradaki isimlendirme Personeller doğru değildir. Burasının 2-H ASA şekilde güncellenmesi gerekiyor.



    Tabore Shop/Cosmetics/Weapons/Personnel

    The naming of Personnel here is not correct. This needs to be updated to 2-H STAF.

    Language: TR

    Client Version:


    Bilindiği üzere günlük klan kalesi savaşları gerçekleşmektedir. Burada mevcut karakterimizin yetenekleriyle savaşabiliyoruz ve savaş sonunda ödüller alarak bu ödülleri takas yapıp yeni yetenekler elde ediyoruz. Bu yeni yetenekleri ise bence savaş içerisinde kullanılması gerektiğini düşünüyorum?

    1. Resim PVP aittir. Burada görüleceği üzere Yardımcı yeteneklerim son olarak görünmektedir.
    2. Resim PVE aittir. Burada görüldüğü gibi klan kalesi savaşında kazanarak elde ettiğimiz yetenekler görünmektedir ama bunları kullanamıyoruz.



    As it is known, clan castle wars take place daily. Here, we can fight with the abilities of our current character and at the end of the battle, we receive rewards and exchange these rewards to obtain new abilities. I think these new abilities should be used in battle?

    1. The picture belongs to PVP. As can be seen here, my Auxiliary abilities appear last.
    2. The image belongs to PVE. As can be seen here, the skills we obtained by winning the clan castle war are visible, but we cannot use them.

    Language: TR

    Client Version:


    Bugün 20:00 ile 21:00 arasında klan kalesi savaşına katıldım ve savaşı kazanarak ödüller aldım. Ödüllerin resmi aşağıdadır.

    Burada dikkat edilmesi gereken bir durum mevcut,

    • ID: 206685 x67 [Klan Savaşı Ödüllü]
    • ID: 206686 x120 [Badge of the Trial]
    • ID: 1244119 x578 [Deneme Nişanı]
    • ID: 1248082 [Savaşçı Gaşa]
    • ID: 242553 [Talent Orb (500,000 Points)]
    • ID: 205690 x15 [Badge of Honor]
    • ID: 777831 [Kart - Küçük Mancınık Kulesi]
    • ID: 1249335 [Atlas Lost Rogue Fragment]

    ID: 206685 x67 [Klan Savaşı Ödüllü] Doğru ödül değildir. Sanırım bu bir çeviri hatası olabilir çünkü böyle bir ödül üzerime gelmemiştir. Burada bahsi geçen ödül nedir bilmiyorum?



    Today, between 20:00 and 21:00, I participated in the clan castle war and won the war and received rewards. The pictures of the awards are below.

    There is something that needs to be taken into consideration here:

    ID: 206685 x67 [Clan War Reward]

    ID: 206686 x120 [Badge of the Trial]

    ID: 1244119 x578 [Trial Seal]

    ID: 1248082 [Warrior Gasha]

    ID: 242553 [Talent Orb (500,000 Points)]

    ID: 205690 x15 [Badge of Honor]

    ID: 777831[Card - Small Catapult Tower]

    ID: 1249335 [Atlas Lost Rogue Fragment]

    ID: 206685 x67 [Clan War Reward] It is not the correct reward. I think this might be a translation error because I have never received such an award. I don't know what the reward is in question here?

    Language: TR

    Client Version:


    Bugün 20:00 ile 21:00 arasında klan kalesi savaşına katıldım ve savaşı kazanarak ödüller aldım.

    Savaş sona erdikten sonra ekranda açılan Savaş Alanı Durumu dikkat ettim, ödüller doğru olarak yansıtılmamaktadır.

    Burada ödül olarak

    • ID: 206685 x100 [Klan Savaşı Ödüllü]
    • Onur Puanı 1.000
    • ID: 1248082 x3 [Savaşçı Gaşa]

    Yukarıda bahsedilen ödüller sanırım çeviri hatası olabilir? Çünkü gerçeği yansıtmıyor bu Savaş Alanı Durumu



    Today, between 20:00 and 21:00, I participated in the clan castle war and won the war and received rewards.

    I noticed that the Battlefield Status that appears on the screen after the battle ends, the rewards are not reflected correctly.

    Here as a reward

    • ID: 206685 x100 [Clan War Reward]
    • Honor Points 1,000
    • ID: 1248082 x3 [Warrior Gasha]

    I think the awards mentioned above may be a translation error? Because this Battlefield Situation does not reflect reality


    PVE bölgelerinde Chat kullanırken /g veya fare ile klan (yeşil) buton tıklayarak kendi aramızda konuşma sağlayabilmekteyiz. Eğer klan Chat herhangi bir şey yazdıktan sonra bir daha bir şey yazmak istersek sadece ENTER basmak yeterlidir.

    PVP bölgesinde ise her bir Chat iletisi göndermek için sürekli /g yapmalıyız veya sürekli fare ile Guild Chat kısmını tıklamak zorundayız.

    Bence PVE de olduğu gibi en son Guild Chat de varsayılan olarak devam etmesi gerekir. Aksi taktirde PVP bölgesinde sürekli /g yaparak zaman kaybediyor veya Chat kaçırabiliyoruz.



    When using Chat in PVE regions, we can chat among ourselves by clicking /g or the clan (green) button with the mouse. If we want to write something again after typing something in Clan Chat, just press ENTER.

    In the PVP region, we must constantly press /g to send each Chat message or we must constantly click on the Guild Chat section with the mouse.

    I think it should continue to be the default in the latest Guild Chat, just like in PVE. Otherwise, we may waste time or miss Chat by constantly doing /g in the PVP zone.


    Bilindiği üzere Goblin Madenine girerkek NPC ile konuşarak takas yapabiliyoruz.

    Bu takas sayesinde NPC bizde Transport Rune istiyor. Bunu ona verirsek kilitli olan kapıların hepsini bizim için açmaktadır.

    Eğer üzerinizde ID: 1243987 [Goblin Madeni Tekrar Bileti] varsa bunu kullanarak Goblin Madenine gün içerisinde bir daha girebiliyoruz.

    ID: 1243987 [Goblin Madeni Tekrar Bileti] kullanarak Goblin madenine tekrar giriş yapar ve NPC ile konuşursak bu sefer bize bu takas seçeneğini sunmuyor.

    Bence ne kadar çok ID: ID: 1243987 [Goblin Madeni Tekrar Bileti] kullanırsak kullanalım bu takas seçeneği her zaman aktif olmalı ki bizim için bu kabul edilebilir bir anlaşmadır.



    As it is known, we can make barter by entering the Goblin Mine and talking to the NPC.

    Thanks to this exchange, NPC wants Transport Rune from us. If we give this to him, he opens all the locked doors for us.

    If you have ID: 1243987 [Goblin Mine Repeat Ticket], we can use it to enter the Goblin Mine again during the day.

    ID: 1243987 If we enter the Goblin mine again using [Goblin Mine Repeat Ticket] and talk to the NPC, this time it does not offer us this exchange option.

    In my opinion, this trade option should always be active no matter how much we use ID: ID: 1243987 [Goblin Mine Replay Ticket] which is an acceptable deal for us.

    Hello, (Help translate)

    I participated in the Ancient Treasures mini-game and successfully collected my rewards and exited by clicking on the altar.

    Normally, when we go outside, we are teleported back to the Sisilian Steppe, but this time it teleported me to the Atlas map? I thought it would be useful to share this with the thought that someone other than me might have a similar situation.


    I encountered a problem in the clan castle war.

    If ID: 112064 (DOOR) is attacked by the enemy and the door is destroyed and ID: 112064 (DOOR) is repaired by me or my friends, we cannot go out by clicking on the door. At the same time, you cannot enter by clicking. We have to use other doors as a solution.

    ID: 112064

    Hello, (Help translate)

    I noticed something while making a goblin and I tested whether this was a coincidence or not. This is not a coincidence. If you grab the first box immediately after killing the goblin boss, it gives you x10 Phirius Shell as a reward. When you open the last box, x20 P.S. gives.

    If you do not open the first box immediately after killing the boss, but start opening the 4 chests in the square after killing all the creatures, each chest will give you x20 Phirius Shell.

    In this case, it is possible to obtain additional Phirius Shell by following the 2nd strategy.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or a strategy?

    Hello, (My English is not good. I'm using translation help.)

    We need to fight for the Shadow Moon Merchant here and get the necessary rewards. We also need the cards here. Although rare, matchmaking occurs once a day on this map. Even though I accepted the matchmaking, there has been no match on this map for about a week.

    Even if the matchmaking is 1v1 on this map, do not cancel the match. I think even if it's 1v1, the matchmaking should continue and the game should start.

    I think there needs to be improvement in this regard?

    Hi, (Use Translate)

    ID: 129134

    Atlas (

    As a beginner, I encountered a problem and I cannot find a solution. Can someone help?

    As it is known, in order to enter Atlas on weekends, we need to get a Buff by talking to the NPC.

    This NPC changes locations frequently. As you can see in the picture, its current location appears to be Atlas ( Even though I have Prestige and a mount, I can't go here.

    I tried to reach the other side of the Atlas, but there is no riding there either and I cannot pass.

    Me and beginner players like me are having a hard time getting buffs in this coordinate. Can you find an alternative way to solve this or what is the solution?


    As you can see in the video, I enter the pairing queue. When we match with our opponent, we are taken into the arena. After fighting each other for a while, the map automatically kicks us out. We cannot receive rewards when we are automatically kicked out. Also, since we are kicked out, we receive a waiting time penalty to enter the arena again.


    I noticed. When producing food, almost everything is produced in x2 pieces. So far, I have come across a product that was produced only x1. I guess this needs to be produced in x2 units like the others?

    ID: 200150

    Name: Serenstum

    Moorlands of Farsitan

    ID QUEST NAME_US XP =[@XP]*5 TP =[@TP]*45 GOLD x3
    424810 Wisdom of the Ages 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424939 The Northern Stronghold 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424987 The Great Overseer's Little Secret 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424988 The Reclusive Explorer 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424989 The Mark of the Explorer 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424992 An Evil Presaged 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424993 The Commander's Suspicions 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424994 Master Detective Soshaka 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424997 Working for Trust 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424998 Uninvited Guests at the Meeting 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424999 An Axis of Evil 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425056 Istye's Secret 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425057 An Inconspicuous Truth 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425058 Distracting the Guards 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425059 The Whole Truth 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425060 Uncovering the Plot 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425061 General Mobilization 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    426200 Bartas Farm Under Threat 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426201 Rumors of a Failed State 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426202 The Hero from Foreign Lands 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426203 The Ambush 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426320 Analyzing the Scene of the Attack Scene 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426961 No Ordinary Peasant 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426962 At the Peasant Assembly 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427092 The Chalk Canyon Outpost 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427093 Gaps in the Ranks 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427094 The Hostages and the Ambush 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427095 Advance into the Wetlands 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427096 An Ambiguous Direction 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427097 Chaos and Disarray 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427098 On Land and in Water 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427099 Mud Fire 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427100 Where Did Shabdoo Go? 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427124 Ominous Forebodings 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427125 Visiting Brinewind Castle 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427126 The Assembly 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427127 The Imperial Scouts 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427151 Suspicions 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427152 No Access 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427153 The Sparrowhawk's Nest 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427154 Falcon Momentum 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427155 Pirate Town 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427156 Smuggling Gunpowder 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427157 Leader of the Gang 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427158 Where's the Gunpowder Heading? 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427122 The Shadis Family Request 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427123 Without a Trace 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427272 Incinerate Everything 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427168 Attack of the Living Dead 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427274 The Undead General 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427269 The Skeleton Plague 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427178 The Rescue Operation 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427238 The Dead Lifesaver 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427239 The Lord's Altar 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427240 Lord of the Dead Spirits 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427241 To the Manor Borne 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427270 The Refugee Camp 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427273 The Organization of Evil 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427276 Goods Escort 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427277 Changing Seals 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427242 Hidden Vestiges 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427243 Warning the Dwarves 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427275 Madame's Medicine 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427271 Supplies for the Warehouse 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427244 A Curse Most Extraordinary 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427284 Groucho Gone Walkabout 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427295 The Troll Nest 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427278 Punishing Trolls 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427279 Defense of the Fortress 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427245 Reconnaissance Foray 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427246 A Mysterious Hero 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427247 Talisman Fragments 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427248 The Swordsmith 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427249 A Beautiful Mine(d) 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427280 Competition Time 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427285 Smell of the Summer Wine 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427283 Trolls Can Forge? 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427282 A Dark Past 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427250 Kughar's Son 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427251 Curse of the Mines 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427252 Father and Son 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427253 Resolute Action 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427254 The Akson Family Values 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427255 Appointment with the Master Mage 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427292 A Pot of Potion 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427290 Check the Traps 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427293 Concentration is the Key 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427286 Nemesis of the Demon Soldiers 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427291 Great Mage of the Shadows 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427256 The Demons Behind the Wall 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427257 Each to their Own 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427287 Fend Them Off! 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427258 Little by Little 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427259 The Third and Final Material 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427260 Grotto of the Demon Spirits 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427261 A Tragedy 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427262 The Spirit of the Dead Hero 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427263 Primordial Terror 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427264 The Talisman Axe 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427265 A Heroic Sacrifice 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427266 The Talisman Spear 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427267 The Akson Family Joins the Fight 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427268 An Alliance is Born 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427281 Talisman Barrier 17.697.455 331.830 232.527
    427289 Unlimited Energy 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427294 Theft of Intellectual Property 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    427288 A Potent Soup 18.220.620 345.240 266.286
    TOTAL 107 Quest 1.864.025.210 34.771.590 23.869.338


    Maid's Potion

    As the video shows, there are potions obtained by talking to the Maid. When these potions come at us, they do not overlap. We have to use the mouse to combine these potions that come to us separately.

    I think it would be much nicer if these potions came together automatically, rather than coming separately from the maid.