Posts by kleos

    Language: TR

    Client Version:

    That is this? 1243896 [Savaşçı Nişanı]

    For Shadow Moon Merchant I guess this is wrong because there is no such currency?

    I think this mission is very difficult, almost impossible, because the timer restarts when you leave the arena. I don't think anyone can get 50 total kills in a match.

    Quest ID : 428285

    Split Water Coast Quest Line

    424810 Wisdom of the Ages 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424939 The Northern Stronghold 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424987 The Great Overseer's Little Secret 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424988 The Reclusive Explorer 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424989 The Mark of the Explorer 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424992 An Evil Presaged 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424993 The Commander's Suspicions 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424994 Master Detective Soshaka 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424997 Working for Trust 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424998 Uninvited Guests at the Meeting 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    424999 An Axis of Evil 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425056 Istye's Secret 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425057 An Inconspicuous Truth 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425058 Distracting the Guards 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425059 The Whole Truth 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425060 Uncovering the Plot 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425061 General Mobilization 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425062 The Sorrows of a Young Soldier 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425063 War of Attrition 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425064 Let My People Go 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425065 Take Back What Belongs To You 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425173 Saving is a Virtue 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425187 Destroy First, Ask Questions Later 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425266 No War Without Bullets 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425267 What's Going On? 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425393 Making Life Hard for Kobolds 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425394 From the Mountain to the Sea 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425425 A Strange Request 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425794 The Eternal Scout 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425986 Funny Foods 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425987 A Helping Hand 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425988 Mission to the Missionaries 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    425989 There's No Pleasing Everybody 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    426073 Justice Cannot Wait 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    426074 Hostages 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    426200 Bartas Farm Under Threat 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426201 Rumors of a Failed State 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426202 The Hero from Foreign Lands 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426203 The Ambush 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426320 Analyzing the Scene of the Attack Scene 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426961 No Ordinary Peasant 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    426962 At the Peasant Assembly 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427092 The Chalk Canyon Outpost 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427093 Gaps in the Ranks 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427094 The Hostages and the Ambush 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427095 Advance into the Wetlands 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427096 An Ambiguous Direction 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427097 Chaos and Disarray 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427098 On Land and in Water 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427099 Mud Fire 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427100 Where Did Shabdoo Go? 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427103 About the Omnisoul Sarcophagus 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    427104 The Curious Incident of the Bear at Bartas Farm 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427105 The Bear Hunter 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427106 Everyone's Got Their Cross to Bear 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427107 Fields of Chaos 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427108 The Stubborn Old Architect 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427109 The Hope of Victory 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427110 Geof's Old Friends 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427111 Good Plans, Good Equipment 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427112 Return of the Old Architect 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427113 A Glimmer of Hope 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427114 Grandmother's Kitchen 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427115 The Strong Samaritan 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427116 Step One, Clean the Wounds 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427117 The True Enemy 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427118 Banking on Flowers 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427119 The Farmer's Child 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427120 A Young Fan 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427121 Fresh Talent for the Falcon Regiment 16.690.355 306.540 188.616
    427124 Ominous Forebodings 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427125 Visiting Brinewind Castle 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427126 The Assembly 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427127 The Imperial Scouts 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427128 Sea Food and Eat It 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427129 The Pirate Ship Outside the Harbor 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427130 The Armor of the Intrepid 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427131 Royal Artifacts 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427132 Returning Artifacts 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427133 A Message from the Sea 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427134 The Statue in the Harbor 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427135 The Secret of the Totems 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427151 Suspicions 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427152 No Access 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427153 The Sparrowhawk's Nest 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427154 Falcon Momentum 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427155 Pirate Town 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427156 Smuggling Gunpowder 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427157 Leader of the Gang 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427158 Where's the Gunpowder Heading? 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427179 A Merchant's Virtues 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427180 Food Rationing 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427181 Annor the Orphan 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427182 In the Pursuit of Dreams 16.205.955 294.660 172.113
    427183 Dances with Wolf Skins 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427184 The Wolves of Splitwater Coast 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427185 Wrathfang 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427186 A Time of Tenderness 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427187 Pearls and Spices 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427188 The Looming Threat 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427189 A Challenging Collaboration 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427190 Grandfather's Treasure Box 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427191 A Generous Donor 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427192 The Way Back? 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427193 Ruins on the Open Sea 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427194 Smugglers' Tunnel 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427195 Recovering the Smuggled Goods 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427196 Assault Operation 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427197 Food Poisoning 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427198 Doctoring the Evidence 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427199 Messages in (Empty) Bottles 16.860.665 306.540 188.616
    427200 Pest Control 17.187.455 318.960 207.381
    TOTAL 112 Quest 1.878.982.130 34.506.900 21.423.225


    Below are some of the issues I encountered with the SW map.

    Visdun Kalesi : Visdun Castle: Winners of the battles are displayed as a warning on the screen.
    70 Elite unlocked: I don't have 60 or 70 elite missions, but I go into battle with 70 elite unlocked on me.
    I'm playing Warden/Warrior. ID: 490125 [Brute Strength +60] Even though I have strengthened up to 60 levels, this skill contributes 0 to me in battle.


    Klan Kalesi savaşında 3 sorun ile karşılaştım.

    1. 3 Günlük prestij hediyesi varken üzerimde ve PVE de bütün çantalarım açık. Eğer PVP (SW) geçiş yaparsam bu çantaların hepsi kapanıyor.
    2. 3 Günlük prestij hediyesi varken PVE de Prestij bineğim ile geziyorken, PVP (SW) haritasında bu bineği çağıramıyor, binemiyorum.
    3. 3 Günlük prestij hediyesi varken PVE de ekipman 1, ve 2 de görev eşyalarım var. Ekipman 3 ise sadece PVP eşyalarım var. Eğer PVP (SW) geçiş yaparsam ekipman 3 seçemiyorum ve PVP setim ile bu savaşa dahil olamıyorum

    I encountered 3 problems in the Clan Castle war. (Since my English is not good, I get help from translation.

    1. I have the 3-day prestige gift on me and all my bags are open in PVE. If I switch to PVP (SW), all of these bags are closed.
    2. While there is a 3-day prestige gift and I am traveling with my Prestige mount in PVE, I cannot summon or ride this mount on the PVP (SW) map.
    3. While there is a 3-day prestige gift, I have equipment 1 and mission items 2 in PVE. If equipment is 3, I only have PVP items. If I switch to PVP (SW), I cannot choose equipment 3 and cannot participate in this battle with my PVP set.

    Language: TR

    Client Version:

    Map: Talaghan

    ID: 427939

    Normally, when I complete a quest, a map appears, but even though I have completed this task, there is no notification on the map showing where I should deliver it.

    Language: TR

    Client Version:

    Map: Talaghan

    ID: 427940

    Normally, when I complete a quest, a map appears, but even though I have completed this task, there is no notification on the map showing where I should deliver it.


    I've been following that Morrok questline and I'm currently in Tasuq. The QuestHelper addon has been really amazing to help, but it stops in Tasuq. My questing is very slow haha. I uninstalled and reinstalled QuestHelper, but still no luck. Does QuestHelper work in these zones or is there something else? Hey, thanks for reading!

    Quest Line - Oyun Rehberi - Chronicles of Arcadia Forum maybe this could be useful