Posts by Denis987

    In this case, i suggest return 1000 heal radius for p/wl spirit. Also original p/wl.

    I hope there is another way... because like you say, it was op, and the nerfs, iam fine with it. i only want that the spirit works. i dont have a problem with call new at specific situations, thats ok. but sometimes it happens randomly

    All work, just need mana and range(not on you, on spirit) control, thats all.

    Unfortunately, i see no reason to change it. After nerf spirit's heal radius he became like this. But you still have a highest heal radius in game. This should compensate the dearth of speed.

    I think, what not need just to write "change p/r to mdps/dps". Suggest your own option balance to any dps how you see that. I proposed healer way above. Im sure devs appreciate new ideas for a new elite skills.

    Priest/Rogue - Supreme priest of the Snake. (Healer way)

    1) Snake curse (15, 499975)

    Description: Changes your urgent heal (491147), Heal (490261), Group heal (490281) to the healing of darkness. Also your Cleans will also cleanse poisons.

    2) Infectious wound (20, 499973) -> Snake mark

    Description: You mark the target with the snake's mark. If target is alive then every 2 seconds for 10 seconds you heal raid member with the lowest health point in radius 200. If target dead then mark moves to the nearest target in radius 100.

    Cost: 40 energy, 7% MP.

    Radius: 200.

    Cast: 1s.

    3) Quick spellcasting (25, 492400)

    Description: Your nimble hands not increase your attack speed, but increase your casting speed by 25%.

    4) Purge (30, 492360)

    Comment: This skill very good in pvp, special for siege wars. The one class, who have anything like that, he can use it w/o any various requirements. With out changes.

    5) Lure of the Snake Woman (35, 492637) -> Darkness out of light.

    Description: Increase your heal of the darkness by 10%, also removes consumption of health at the Holy candle, but power of candle decrease by 2 times.

    6) Shadow fury (40, 492932)

    Description: Increase critical magical and physical hit rate by 600 and critical magical and physical hit damage by 5%.

    7) Snake spirit (45, 493040)

    Description: Snake mark with 40% chance can heal twice.

    8) Fairy's "Wraith Halo" (50, 493279)

    Description: Increase atk all raid members by 6% in radius 200.

    9) Toxic feedback (60, 499961)

    Description: Your Group heal can heal all raid members.

    10) Black source resonance (70, 499974)

    Description: Wraith Halo also increase elemental damage by 5% for all raid members.

    I dont know correct it or not, but heal (490261) on b1 forsaken abbey significantly weaker, then should be. How i see it: I cast heal (490261) got ~650k damage on him, i cast urgent heal (491147) got ~530k damage. Class priest/druid. In my experience heal ~ 2x urgent heal stronger in power, but slower in cast time. This can be on another druid skills with high power heal too (unfortunately im not checked).

    What if:

    Add in Agnes quests with reward for any bosses? Just example, if u kill Astaroth u can get ~30kk gold (it just simple example). We can w/o Agnes even, we can use guild board with this quests, of course with ranks board. Stronger rank - stronger quests up to dark core last boss.

    1) No mobs! Only bosses and world bosses. (Hello inflation again)

    2) Its should be a daily quest, but only one per day, you can take a quest to kill Astaroth, but of course u take gold less, then Zhargos or dc. I think from Zhargos should be the highest reward(gold).

    3) This quest you can take only from guild board, its should be a stimulation to join a high level guild, not stand alone in yourself guild.

    4) I said about board rank, board is should be a same build as farm, armory etc. Board must be upgrade, if u want to take quest to kill Zhargos.

    5) About 30kk gold for Astaroth, it was a simple example, of course we can change gold, i think its not a big problem.

    What if:

    Add in Agnes quests with reward for any bosses? Just example, if u kill Astaroth u can get ~30kk gold (it just simple example). We can w/o Agnes even, we can use guild board with this quests, of course with ranks board. Stronger rank - stronger quests up to dark core last boss.

    A long time ago i suggested K/S with gun, check)

    p.s. k/b best tank what i saw.

    I said about aggro from a simple heal, not real heal. For example, if you heal 1m recover (493528), then u get 500k aggro (just example). You get aggro even if u heal ppl with 100% hp.

    I dont know if it possible, but i try.


    Is it possible to make a new tank based on heal ? Healing create aggro too, this tank will use heal(not damage) for tanking. The more you create a heal, the more you create a aggro. I know this idea very hard for realisation, but if do it we make a new original tank with new mechanic.

    One big problem would be: how will you generate aggro if you don't heal? Atm healing is only generating aggro if you heal lost HP of friendly members. Overheal does not generate aggro. In that case, how would it be possible to get any initial aggro?

    The idea itself sounds nice at the first moment, but I doubt it is possible in the way, how the game handles aggro generation based from healing

    We can try create a new elite skill, for example: "Every your healing(and regenerations too) skills provoke all enemies in radius 100(for example) and generate aggro 50%(for example) your heal in boost, also remove all aggro for damage." (for example it can be a first elite skill). Unfortunately i dont know exact formula aggro generation for heal, so we can try so.

    P.s. it first idea which came in my mad head xd

    I dont know if it possible, but i try.


    Is it possible to make a new tank based on heal ? Healing create aggro too, this tank will use heal(not damage) for tanking. The more you create a heal, the more you create a aggro. I know this idea very hard for realisation, but if do it we make a new original tank with new mechanic.

    About warden/priest, what was noticed:

    1) If someone in your raid die, then Wd/P pet (1490672 with skill healing surge 1490868) try to heal died ppl. (same problem with P/Wd pet)

    2) I very want to see skill focused aide (1490671) work for raid, it should increase him how healer. Also when you successfully cast Urgent Heal on any target which is under effect of your Focused Aide , Divine Oak Walker will instantly cast Healing Surge on this target if their HP is below 80% from 60%.

    Do you have plan about Knight/Priest ? He not heal, because need wisdom and heal points. He not tank, because i not see something interesting for tanking (may be someone correct me). He may be a supp, because holy protection is good skill, but not for tank (if you not want to lose aggro). How to play on him ?)

    It's a tank. Holy protection increase casters aggro while reducing others

    How and where this class can show itself ?

    Do you have plan about Knight/Priest ? He not heal, because need wisdom and heal points. He not tank, because i not see something interesting for tanking (may be someone correct me). He may be a supp, because holy protection is good skill, but not for tank (if you not want to lose aggro). How to play on him ?)

    I wanted to write about druid/champion a long time. Class have very interesting game mechanic in mechanisms. Need some changes in him to be a good class combination.

    1) Healing forge (15, 1490629)

    Change: w/o changes, except healing forge can be stacked to 12 and get 3 stack, if u equip hammer.

    Comment: yes, class can use 1-h stick, but with hammer positive effects will be stronger.

    2) Rune vitality mechanism (20, 1490630)

    Change: ...rune vitality mechanism restore 4% HP, 1% MP, 2 focus, 2 energy, 2 rage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Max HP and received healing not need here. Also if you equip hammer also restore 1 psi. Effect work for all raid members

    Cost: 10% MP, 15 rage.

    3) Vital escape (30, 1490632)

    Comment: Not need here, i think need something interesting with hammer.

    Change: When you wear hammer, action time all mechanisms will be increase double time (20 seconds)

    Type: passive.

    New name: Durable hammer.

    4) Augmentation mechanism (35, 1490633)

    Change: ...augmentation mechanism increase p. and m. attack by 4% for 10 seconds.

    5) Mechanism implosion (40, 1490634)

    Comment: I think not need damage here, i dont know why, but skill not always cause damage. (may be broken)

    Change: augmentation mechanism also decrease p. and m. defense by 5% all around enemies.

    New name: Weakening mechanism.

    6) Mechanism feedback (45, 1490635)

    Change: For every raid member buffed by a mechanism, all raid members get 1 stack mechanism feedback, which give a 1% casting and attack speed. (for example if mechanism buffed 3 ppls then buff will be a 3%, if 12 then 12%). Not will work for all pets.

    7) Stone fortification (60, 1490637)

    Comment: not need, need something else.

    Change: Purify can clean also harmfull effects.

    New name: Deep cleaning.

    in general every healing from every class (if you for example look at urgent heal or Recover), that has dark core gear, is way to high (and even higher with every new gear). some debuff like warden pets have in such inis would be also a good idea, that you really NEED the new gear for the next instance, instead of overheal with some million (for example "Healing" from p/s is around 8kk xD)

    I furthermore thought about it and reducing the wisdom and/or heal bonus by a fix amount in new instances like DC and new ones would solve that problem (instead of reducing percentage amount). Just an example (I didnt calculated or tested) reducing for all healer classes in DC the wisdom by 60k and bonus heal by 20k. This would reduce the heal amount from 4-8kk on single target and 300-500k heal over time effects to maybe 3-5kk on single target and 200-350k heal over time effects.

    The example values are still to high for healing tbh but that should be an example, how this problem can be solved without affecting lower instances and lower geared ppl in lower instances

    Wont solve the problem. May be im not understood something or bad translate, so:

    1) Fix amount its, for example, 200k wisdom, right? I cant do more wisdom that 200k, yes? Then why i should increase wisdom up to ~350k, if 200k limit for DC?

    2) You said reducing wisdom and heal bonus, what about with buffs (hp/atk/wis) ?

    3) 300k heal over time, balanced ? ~100k max balance.

    4) This game always had one problem: fat potato tank - good; strong dps - nice; supports with good hands - great; healer with high heal (w/o bufs, just high heal) - merde (very sorry for this bad word). How will u solve this ?

    5) I mean, what if u want nerf heal, need nerf everywere, not only DC, option with warden's pets not enought.

    still missing p/wl changes in patch notes :/

    I'd be suprised, if it done immediately xd

    Although you havent heard, but i always say and will say "regens weak, one-target and mass strongest". I very want compare p/wl and one strongest healer (he w/o pets, regens, only one-target and mass), max equip, dc

    you know p/wl has also group heal skills? And I don't talk about "Group Heal" of priest in general. I really think some ppl use this class only for specific healings in specific boss events, where ppl actually shouldn't get heal by design but "ignore" that with this class (will test it soon and if so, I report such ability as bugusing here :D)

    Edit: what ppl here want is reducing the range from ~1000 to maximum 200-250. that has no real impact on heal output, but for some specific healing tactics

    I know this class very good and know what you mean. Skill 498769 have diminishing, for example at first u have heal 500k, this skill heal second ppl, 250k, third 125k etc until 10k (mb) on sixth (too mb) ppl. Skill 498770 have good one-target heal, but he activated spirit only 2 times, because spirit's trigger 0,5s. And i earlier wrote about p/k, how to "res" this class, but... we know what.

    Although you havent heard, but i always say and will say "regens weak, one-target and mass strongest". I very want compare p/wl and one strongest healer (he w/o pets, regens, only one-target and mass), max equip, dc