Posts by grox


    Your feedback for Patch - Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard), Festival of Fire may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (Hard).

    For PvP please use PvP Rework [Patch] thread.

    For class balance please use Class Balance [Patch] & Bard thread.

    For monster cards please use Reworked Monster Cards [Patch] thread.
    For housing please use Housing Rework [Patch] thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

    Would you like to participate and give your opinion but it's not your thing to do so in the forums thread? Click to use the Survey and send us your feedback!


    This is not an issue, while you use custom label (written in text field) - it will charge you 50 diamonds for page and 50 diamonds for label like visible in diamonds price.

    However we will add placeholder to text area to make it clear it is for label.



    Did you enable recently "Optimize performance" option?

    If yes, your graphic card doesn't support it and please disable it from launcher settings.

    Otherwise we will check crash reports later this day.


    can someone breakdown " quality of life changes " for me ?

    because those seem like that should be a given that just goes along with the game unless im missing something lol

    It is meant like dozen of small changes such as in patches within last 2-3 months, which is slowing down process of another big content due to devs are working on these.


    Change the XP rate back to 10x.

    The level cap won't stay at 105 forever. With the introduction of new instances most likely it will be increased. The lame excuse "we halved the XP rate to help the new players" won't work when that happens because the number of level 105 players far exceeds the one of the lower levels and therefore halving the XP rate to 5x will start ACTIVELY affecting the 105 level players as well, especially those of us with 11 classes. Also, since 99% or more of the players on CoA are xRoMans and know what they are doing, changing the XP rate back to 10x will help them as well. Spending less time on questing and leveling will give us more time for other in-game activities. From the money PoV, with 10x XP rate more players will max out their 3 classes and decide to pick another, that will eventually increase the purchase rate of items for race change & class slot, which unlike XP pots can only be bought with diamonds.


    We don't plan restoring high server XP rates.

    You can use a lot of potions, charms, orbs, buffs, bonuses to get to even higher rates.

    We might only consider leveling sub classes a little easier in future.



    I just want gear slots to work appropiately: if I set (for instance) my chain gear in slot 1, it stays as slot 1 and doesn't become slot 2, or 3.

    Is it too much to ask? Really?

    This will be finally solved soon along with PvP gear slot.

    I am waiting for Bags of runes to stack and replace cards with one click (instead of searching the card, removing it and reading new one)

    Runes bags are already scheduled for replacing to stacked direct runes. Card swap is awaiting.

    New UI ? :/

    We had in past some big plans related to that, but since performance is not that bad as before and since here are players who doesn't like new styles, we will rather do not go too deep into this direction. It is always possible to use/write UI visual addon.

    More dynamic class balancing. In the last months there are to less Changes that would be needed.

    Due to limited development team size we are forced to from time to time move some of them between different projects. Surely it won't be abandoned.



    Would you please be able to record some of such situation for easier reference with further reprocessing of this report?

    P.S. Frank advice

    Why don't you make a list of bugs in the middle of dealing?

    At least that should be done for those that are important and have been in existence for a long time.

    It saves both players and staff a lot of extra work, doesn't it?

    It would be silly if I bothered to write it down and be told it was already known, so.

    Most of more known bugs is visible on forum in current section. We have also some more on internal task lists. It might be kind of scary list for players to see these all at once, while many of them are considered as low priority.



    We would like to ask all of you what are you seeking the most in upcoming patches.

    There are planned upcoming contents for next months, but maybe it's worth to change order or add something new.

    We are interested especially in what you would find fun for long term.

    Last years were rough for everyone, so we need to also focus more on things that can let us keep server running, but maybe there is something that would make it actually nice and pleasuring.


    As person who does not follow which zones are added to new system it's hard to find which zones are included in this system. It would be great to have small indicator on the list that zone is new or old, for example adding small star next to name of the zone.


    We have often updated list in our wiki: Zones with New Cardsystem

    But we will definitely consider your suggestion with future zone and card tooltip updates.



    In past we tried to introduce instance in both hard and normal mode, but normal mode was almost never played due to lower rewards, which is natural due to lower hardness. Then it appears in our community it might be hard to get well between both sides. However, one of upcoming content might be some step into pleasing fans of challenges and relaxing gameplay.



    If you have Boost FPS option disabled, there were nothing else changed.

    You might try also disabling Interaction Popup in settings, it might cause tiny performance loss currently on weaker machines.

    Might be also that some addons started to conflict/lost their saved database.

    There should be no any reason from our side at losing settings, might be patching issue directly in your case. You should have backups done by launcher and accessible in it's settings if you didn't restart game too much already.
