Posts by grox


    If you have Boost FPS option disabled, there were nothing else changed.

    You might try also disabling Interaction Popup in settings, it might cause tiny performance loss currently on weaker machines.

    Might be also that some addons started to conflict/lost their saved database.

    There should be no any reason from our side at losing settings, might be patching issue directly in your case. You should have backups done by launcher and accessible in it's settings if you didn't restart game too much already.


    Google Translate:


    Übersetzungen im Spiel werden hauptsächlich von Spielern gemacht, die dies in ihrer Freizeit tun. Sie können übersetzte Zeichenfolgen innerhalb weniger Tage mit folgenden Patches erwarten.

    Wir entschuldigen uns für Unannehmlichkeiten.




    Translations in game are made mainly by players who do it in free time. You can expect translated strings within a few days with following patches.

    We apologize for inconvencies.



    please check quest state and quest helper or whats giving me quest that ive alredy done over again (not daily ) and it's messing up the maps in every zone.

    thank you

    Can you tell us exact name and/or id of this quest?


    I want to report a bug. I noticed that since yesterday I no longer see any quests on the map (zone). I can't see them on the world map but when I open the zone map. If I go into the house then all the quests are displayed to me again. Also in the zone. If I leave the house again, no quest is displayed to me again. I play without addons.

    Greeting Metapha

    Could you please send us list of bugs if you have any: Bug Report Guide



    Did you have issue with installator from website or you already passed it and it is crashing in launcher when updating?

    Can you please attach some screenshot? I see you already created support ticket so you can also attach it there.

    How many GB free you have on disc you are installing game on?


    Die "Miete" für Bank AH und Post wurde ja auch kräftig erhöht von 1000 auf 3000 Dias...schämt Euch was!!!


    Prices weren't adjusted for many years.

    This has nothing to do with increasing prices as of "last moments", it is regular action.

    Moreover, it is still some solution to inflation while we keep PNC/diamonds exchanges same.

    Plus it is pure Quality of Life element.


    Is QuestHelper going to be fixed soon? It no longer works. Won't update when you take and complete quests.


    Can you please tell us some details which part doesn't update exactly (Quest Book / Quest Tracker / something else)? We checked it and couldn't see issue.

    Do you use latest version from Chronicles of Arcadia CurseForge?

    Do you get any errors (red icon near minimap or /bug or /bug2 chat commands)?

    Can you also tell us some example quests you tried with?



    Edit: after re-examining the problem, I found that only with arcadiautilites can log in without a crash.

    You mean that after removing Arcadia Utilities or if keeping only this addon?

    i have the same Problems after update to

    Could you please send me addons list and crash report? (Can be on PM.)

    Hi. I have a problem, during the game every 5-10 minutes the game throws me to the character selection menu ...

    This sounds more like connection issue. Kindly please contact with our support for debugging.

    For me, it was the scrutinizer.

    Could you send me your scrutinizer so I can check it? Might be some old version that is not matching (anymore) with Chronicles of Arcadia.



    We will implement some improvements in future patches.

    But we will definitely not restore custom solutions, since it was getting more and more complex to avoid coding conflicts and preventing users from using latest features, which will be still added there with time.

    So if there are any other suggestions please write them all in this thread, there is no need to mention autologin2 name so often.



    Updated addon is already uploaded to CurseForge and will be available soon. Also then with next client patch (today or tomorrow) it will work correctly again.


    i asked for Buy-able test dummies for the house around 2 years ago lol but would still be nice to have :P

    This would be a nice Idea to add to Housing . Buyable testdummies where you can change def hp etc :/

    These are already planned in Housing along with Buildings system.

    Provide the ability to search for all NPCs.

    Provide the ability to search for a point by coordinates.

    Access to an airship and quests with its participation.

    Could you please elaborate more (you can just update post) since I am not entirely sure what did you mean by these?


    Thank you, but why do you remove the possibility to sell items or repair your gear. It is inconvenient and unnecessary to have to go to a dealer. Can't you integrate a sale and repair option with the maid? That would be very nice, thank you

    It was removed since no longer needed as of new interface. For selling items and repairing you can buy "Summoning Stone - Travelling Merchant" and then have a merchant that does it always on your call without need of using house rune or looking for housemaid. Or just talk to other merchants in around.



    We would like to know what are most requested changes and features you are seeking to see soon.

    It will help us plan incoming months for your needs. However it doesn't mean that these things will be introduced soon (or even at all if they aren't in our plans).

    Please do not repeat requests if one already exist, and instead use reaction on other's messages.

    Please do not put class balance/skill related elements (only mechanics like formulas etc. could be here) nor elements related to patches that have own Feedback threads (unless they are heavily requested already now).
