Quest Indicators above NPCs

  • Good day,
    I was wondering if it would be possible to have the quest indicators that show up above the NPCs heads when they have an available quest, could always show up even if you are more than 10 levels above the quests? For those of us who like to quest :), it is difficult to find the npc's with quests because they dont show up when you are questing in a zone that is well below your level and on this server that is most areas lol. I know you can see some of the available quests on the main map, but it is still hard to find the npc's unless you talk to each and every one in the area, which can be really time consuming. It would be great if this could be done :).

    thanks so much for your time and Arcadia Rocks!!!


    • Official Post

    Hi Strait,

    its not possible in easy way but i can come with some kind of alternative solutuion, which may be usefull for you.

    There are addons which allow you to help with completing missing quests on zones:

    Quest Helper:

    Quest State:

    This addon is not obtainable on curse so i'll attach this to message.
    This addon is based on entire quests id range (should work for future quests and our custom).
    Be aware that some of quests are not available in game anymore, or never was.
    You can run this addon using /quests comannd.

  • Hi Int,

    thanks for the super quick response. I will check out these other mods you suggested, was hoping it would not be a big problem to fix, but I know that some things are just not that easy without changing the whole game programming.

    thanks again so much :)


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