I cant click Skillbars
- User Interface
- grknkrdn1299
- Closed
Do you have any Errors( you can check with writing "/bug" in Chat)?
Can you reproduce the Issue with Clean Client / No Addons ?
Greetings -
Hi, i just checked it without addons, error doesnt occur. But i dont know yet which addon causing this problem
If you share your list of addons we might try to help.
here is list of my addons
au x64, simpledamagelog, kittyx64, multibuy, asbw, bagsell, cenedrilhelper, charplan x64, dailynotes x64, dungeonloots x64, extendedmacroicon, invite, lootit x64, necrohelper, scrutinizer, slash_afk, project, transmutor, vactionbar, vcthreatmeter
What you can do is turn them on in small groups especially if you have a specific version of these, kind of like testing in steps. This way, you can figure out which addon or mix of addons is causing the issue. Once you find the culprit, it'll be a lot easier to fix the problem or work around it.
What you can do is turn them on in small groups especially if you have a specific version of these, kind of like testing in steps. This way, you can figure out which addon or mix of addons is causing the issue. Once you find the culprit, it'll be a lot easier to fix the problem or work around it.
Hi, i figured out that AU addon caused this problem. But i dont know which plugin of AU addons causing this problem. I am still trying to find out
Not sure if will work but cDura, FSlimUI, or you can use GetInventoryItemDurable API to add these.
Attached file should work for your needs. Or can alternatively use methods as Int mentioned above.
One last request from you, we just killed world boss but since i deleted UI Changes plugin i didnt see spell casting bar of enemy. How can i see spell casting bar on enemy without addon ?
One last request from you, we just killed world boss but since i deleted UI Changes plugin i didnt see spell casting bar of enemy. How can i see spell casting bar on enemy without addon ?
Target casting bar is existing in base UI. Should it not be visible, you should check your addons to see which is removing it.
Or did you mean target casting time being displayed in seconds displayed like cast bar?
Target casting bar is existing in base UI. Should it not be visible, you should check your addons to see which is removing it.
Or did you mean target casting time being displayed in seconds displayed like cast bar?
I mean when i had UI Changes Plugin in AU addon, i used to see a cast bar in here :
since i removed UI Changes Plugin, i dont see anything anymore. If i cant see when enemy casts some skill, it will be a great problem for me
This cast bar is existing and working correctly with no addon modifying it. So must be one of your other addons hiding it.
This is not regular place and by default it can't be moved, so must be addon.
Unless it had coords saved in file with game UI settings and somehow addon modified it earlier.
Closed the thread. -
Moved the thread from forum Bug reports to forum wbb.board.board79.