Rogue Class [Feedback]

    • Official Post

    Currently following classes are actively getting benefit of this change;


    All Rogue combo bleeds were also planned to be changed to Poison type in future too after proper tests. Skills you mentioned that are modified by elite skill to gain an elemental theme will be considered too.


  • Please correct me if I’m wrong:

    • Rogue/Druid’s DoTs are not elemental damage.
    • Rogue/Warrior has an elemental damage DoT but does not have + elemental damage as an elite bonus.
    • Warrior/Bard’s Rapacious Poison is not an elemental damage DoT. Even if it was, class does not have + elemental damage.

    I appreciate the consideration of incorporating the elemental theme for transformed skills!

  • To my knowledge Warrior/Bard doesn't have a posion damage increment anymore, since Frenzy got changed to increase 1h axe damage instead. Could you please clarify?

    • Official Post

    You can use any elemental damage booster source (title or supports) to boost damage over time effect. Previously elemental damage boost was only boosting magical DoTs, we changed it so physical DoTs which are tagged as elemental will get same benefit too.


  • To my knowledge Warrior/Bard doesn't have a posion damage increment anymore, since Frenzy got changed to increase 1h axe damage instead. Could you please clarify?

    You can use any elemental damage booster source (title or supports) to boost damage over time effect. Previously elemental damage boost was only boosting magical DoTs, we changed it so physical DoTs which are tagged as elemental will get same benefit too.


    Yes but Warrior/Bard DoT is purely physical and thus does not benefit. Maybe this is a mistake?

    I continue to struggle to find a class which benefits from this change. Even Rogue/Warrior who does indeed have an elemental DoT would rather use physical damage in Badge because not all DoTs of this class are elemental.

    Currently the benefit of the change seems to be purely theoretical which is important too of course to open the path for future change.

    • Official Post

    Rapacious Poison is Poison type and is applied by Blasting Cyclone. Physical elemental DoTs are missing floating damage number colorings which might be misleading, it is also in to do to fix it.


  • Hi,

    after todays patch, instrument sounds and some instance sounds i didn´t hear before were moved into the sound effects volume. Now it can be really uncomfortable to play with a Katana (if you´re using perfect slice manually) because it´s not possible to hear the sound of it sometimes. Would appreciate a solution for this.


    • Official Post


    after todays patch, instrument sounds and some instance sounds i didn´t hear before were moved into the sound effects volume. Now it can be really uncomfortable to play with a Katana (if you´re using perfect slice manually) because it´s not possible to hear the sound of it sometimes. Would appreciate a solution for this.



    Only instrument sounds, perfect slice, and some minigame sounds were moved to correct setting. Nothing else was moved.

    Perfect slice was already moved into it's own category under Special Effects.


  • Hello, can you make Assasin's Rage skill (ID:490506) to give us 3x stacks of Perfect Slice buff (1502730) ? A lot of people would prefer katana if you do that. Using Perfect Slice 3 times is really so difficult and sometimes it is waste of time. In this way i believe katana will be better