oh sry we mean boss 4

Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom (Awakened) [Patch]
Thank you
Did you adjust the dropchance of the good stats in idk?
Did you adjust the dropchance of the good stats in idk?
The droprate was not adjusted.
Again regarding boss 4: My pet still died after the recent patch(es). But I noticed that the death of the pet happens at the 4 mini bosses (maybe one of the casts kill the pet) and not at the main boss directly if he is casting "whirlwind chop". Would be nice if you could check it again.
Regarding Pangkor: Sometimes the debuff which can stack and reduces attack- and castspeed still appear after the boss fight on way to the last boss despite combat end and cleaning the debuff. Is this intented?
https://gyazo.com/9200a162aa75a8e8fc8463bd1b92df93 // screenshot of the debuff/stun
sometimes it happens that the stun, i think from mob id: 101913 (don't remember the name or id) of the stun, does not run out and you are permanent stunned. 104 ISS for cleaning does not work because it is not visible for the other raid members. Only the one who has the debuff can see it. You lose the buff, if you leave the group and get ported out of the instace. Maybe you can take a look into it and fix.
Boss 4 is a bit buggy. If you burst it to 0% before the 4 mini bosses reviving, they despawn without any loot
Boss 4 is a bit buggy. If you burst it to 0% before the 4 mini bosses reviving, they despawn without any loot
This is intended.
Pets still die on b4.
The Basic Artefact Driller recipe is bound as the final runes crafted are not bound. The rune recipes will reviewed and potentially made unbound in the future.
as you said, the runes crafted should not be bound, but they are!!! Please fix.
Are you planning to add runes to the artifact for DPS in the near future?
Mula Nail
- Fixed that Whirlwind Chop wasn’t always being cast.
After latest patch, this happens again.
Skill 492847 does damage through physical and magical immune. HP absorption does not work as well. I ask whether this is intented, because sometimes if you want to play music, you get interrupted due to the damage and can't do anything against it.
The Basic Artefact Driller recipe is bound as the final runes crafted are not bound. The rune recipes will reviewed and potentially made unbound in the future.
as you said, the runes crafted should not be bound, but they are!!! Please fix.
Hello, what about that? Ikaria and what about that you cannot extract runes from artefact? :O
as you said, the runes crafted should not be bound, but they are!!! Please fix.
Hello, what about that? Ikaria and what about that you cannot extract runes from artefact? :O
Both have been fixed already for next patch.
the mob ID (101601) with the Card ID 770540 does not exists in hardmode, but in easy mode (but not dropping new card system cards).
I think 4 mobs in the first room of IDK hardmode are wrong and needs to be change to mob ID 101601
Hi you put cards in IDK and we can kill get crads but we cant disenchanting cards for higher start.. Is it Intended?
the mob ID (101601) with the Card ID 770540 does not exists in hardmode, but in easy mode (but not dropping new card system cards).
I think 4 mobs in the first room of IDK hardmode are wrong and needs to be change to mob ID 101601
There are few other small differences between easy and normal mode versions of this instance. Since Hard mode was built around normal mode we don't plan to add such changes to hardmode currently. The card has been removed from the Hard Mode category of the compendium.
Hi you put cards in IDK and we can kill get crads but we cant disenchanting cards for higher start.. Is it Intended?
This has already been fixed with most recent patch.
From what I've noticed, more defensive runes have recently been added to the artifact creation store. Therefore, I ask, what about the promised offensive runes ? Are you considering adding them yet to this content (IDK) or, for example, will you introduce them only in the next nostalgia instances ?
From what I've noticed, more defensive runes have recently been added to the artifact creation store. Therefore, I ask, what about the promised offensive runes ? Are you considering adding them yet to this content (IDK) or, for example, will you introduce them only in the next nostalgia instances ?
We haven't added any new defensive runes since the release and don't plan too. As for offensive runes, we already discussed it here. They will be added in future content.
From what I've noticed, more defensive runes have recently been added to the artifact creation store. Therefore, I ask, what about the promised offensive runes ? Are you considering adding them yet to this content (IDK) or, for example, will you introduce them only in the next nostalgia instances ?
We haven't added any new defensive runes since the release and don't plan too. As for offensive runes, we already discussed it here. They will be added in future content.
I believe Marcellos was asking more about the approximate timing of this future content
We haven't added any new defensive runes since the release and don't plan too. As for offensive runes, we already discussed it here. They will be added in future content.
I believe Marcellos was asking more about the approximate timing of this future content
It is planned to release offensive artefact runes within the next nostalgia content update. The timing depends on internal resources, such as developer availability and other projects and changes that have to be released before. For this reason, I cannot make any statement about an exact release date at this time.
However, I can confirm that the next nostalgia content is already in progress. But don't worry, you surely will have enough time to enjoy the latest content first.
Flame Sipirt (PET)
In the last boss, whenever I move, the pet leaves the playing field and loses HP quickly.
Chronicles of Arcadia [Zeus] (gyazo.com)