synchronize IS wheel reset times

  • Super low priority:

    The IS wheel button resets to "free" in the normal reset times in the morning (together with dailies etc. just as it always has been)

    But the new check you have added (about one free roll per day per account) reset at midnight.

    This means that if you roll after midnight

    * the whole next day interface is just silly - the button says the roll will be for free, and when you click on it you get a message that you have already rolled today ... on the character you are actually currently logged on :D

    * this also means that once you roll just once after midnight you are stuck to the 6 hours window between 0:00 and 6:00, or you loose one roll.

    But: not that important, I don't think anyone cares. :D (Just it feels like updating your new checks to reset together with the wheel/dailies/everything else reset time in the morning should be a zero-effort task. ;) )

    • Official Post

    This is already fixed in our dev release, and will be soon moved to live.

    Thank you for your report.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.