Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

  • turn off the disappearance of mobs after killing the first boss and on the last one because there are huge drops in the game's fluency

    I would suggest to change it to instant dissapear like the monster in rofl right before b3 at the end of stone event. That would stop the lag/freeze/fps-to-0 drops

  • I do not understand your statement of abuse, has it ever, anywhere, been forbidden to farm trash in the instance? Following this line of reasoning, when making tiers, you also need to make a full instance and then break the team.

    Apparently it was forbidden (wb case), because we also only "farmed" and now noone gets punished(luckily). Isn't it fair? XD. The Statement of Kaga is totally valid and as you already mentioned, we farmed stats and items like t stones at worldboss, because the design allowed it xD. So why should we think, it is not allowed. But the difference is, that we got a 2 week ban. In the World boss case we alone were able to farm == exploiting and abusing, caused a ban . Now all ppl were able to farm ago the change in KS == no exploit, no abusing, though it is the same case...

    Can anyone explain the rules? Are the rules the same for everyone?

    I did not write anything about what it looked like on the world's barefoot, you describe it. And if the case was as you say, for me the blockade was well deserved. Because there is evidently a 24-hour ban in order not to get a drop on instances, it is not. We were able to do it too, because we were already killing this boss and we knew about it, but we did not do it. But it is not for me to judge whether you were doing wrong or right, it is supportive of this. The topic also does not really concern the world barefoot, but only the SK instance. And I don't think there is anything else to go into here

  • Guys, we can argue like that for a month.

    The point is, why can't we farm only mobs on KS? So we couldn't make artifacts so quickly?

    The difference is only few hours, I don't get it...

    One way or another I have to spend many hours to farm it, whats the difference how? Maybe I don't want to kill last boss because I don't care about stats?

    Now game forces me to do so.

    There was no information it's forbidden, same as no information killing only 1 WB is forbidden, to be honest. So how can we know if something is allowed or not?

    Reason why they do this now: Overuses.

    Seriously? This is ridiculous!!!

    Now I don't know if I can farm Wild Boar Card to have it x300, when someone has only 1. Is this overuse?

    When someone killed only 100k mobs in game and there are ppl who killed over 1million, is this overuse? (source: ranking)

    When someone has t14 weapon and someone has t17, the one with 17 will kil mob faster -> will have more drop in the same time -> is this overusing?

    When someone toped-up 10PNC and someone else few thousands $$$, is this overuse?

    When someone plays healer and cannot farm solo essences to 1st boss Hoto and someone on d/wrl can -> overuses class?

    I can make that kind of questions all day, believe me.

    Next time DEVS, when you plan to add something, try it hundred times more before opening or write the specific rules for each one: mob, Instance, world bosses, events, item etc, etc.

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • There was no information it's forbidden, same as no information killing only 1 WB is forbidden, to be honest. So how can we know if something is allowed or not?


    When someone plays healer and cannot farm solo essences to 1st boss Hoto and someone on d/wrl can -> overuses class?

    Yes XD

    I can make that kind of questions all day, believe me.

    Next time DEVS, when you plan to add something, try it hundred times more before opening or write the specific rules for each one: mob, Instance, world bosses

    It is not only/always the fault of devs. Devs in general create and implement stuff product owners wants. Idk how it is in CoA, but if any designer or higher position of a dev says, "we want this and this. Should work like this", a dev implements it. That is why designer and product owner have in general more understanding for their customers.

    P.S. don't see this as 100% truth for everything. It is my point of view as a software Developer with experience in small, big and world wide acting companies

  • Why the mobs in KS look to be farmed.

    1) You have a revolving daily q (There is a daily q on Xavier, which can be done once a day).

    2) After killing Regin, you can re-inst. You don't get the debuff that prevents entry. (Dl is an ini that you can do once a day ).

    3) Regin doesn't give a special item to the artifact.

    4) You can transform weaker materials into better (like cenedril).

    Why WB doesn't look to be farmed.

    1) You get the debuff that prevents entry.

    I guess it's easy to see the difference.

    if the KS was supposed to look different, it's hard to catch. Given points may mislead players. Therefore, I believe that it is not the fault of the players.

  • Regarding the Artefacts.

    It seems whatever you changed didn't work. Now the artefacts, that had a low dura have a high dura and vise versa.

    Edit: If you didn't change anything on purpose, something you did change caused the dura's (that shouldn't even be there) to switch (ld --> hd and hd -->ld)


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • Needless to say, the KS is released too quickly without a thorough prior check. This proposal has already been made, but I will repeat: With subsequent instances, it is worth considering scaling the difficulties similar to RT. The harder the level the more drop. Strong guilds will have a challenge for which they will be rewarded, and weaker guilds will also be able to make another artifact - simply with a longer farm.

  • I confirm I have the same: D

    • Official Post

    Mobs before first boss

    We didn't expect that so many materials will be farmed in short period of time.

    Such attributes aren't supposed to be obtained by farming trash only.

    Additionally, the mobs were unintentionally respawning, what made the farming even faster.

    Due to that, we decided to temporarily disable the loot, and work on a solution.

    Every player had the same possibility to farm, no advantage or disadvantage then.

    There's no punishment for that part.

    Artefacts durability

    All artefacts were supposed to be low dura.

    We didn't notice that there is a chance of crafting HD one.

    It will be fixed with next patch, and all artefacts will be properly adjusted.

  • It would be nice if the artifact had durability as on other items and had golden hammers working on them. If you want to put runes into them, it's nice if they have stats like in other items

  • Such attributes aren't supposed to be obtained by farming trash only.

    You have a big (HUGE) design problem in your team and we told you trillions of times but still we are ignored. These artefacts were designed to be farmed by killing mobs, not killing bosses. Just READ the recipe. Any player could notice after first minute that bosses weren't needed. I'm shocked you guys didn't even think about it.

    For example:

    HOTO: 1000 greens per item (killing mobs) + items from bosses.

    Kalin: 2000 (quest included) greens per item (killing mobs) + many many many daily tickets (other mats)

    You literally switched killing bosses into doing daily tickets. How can you say this wasn't supossed to be obtained by farming trash? It is literally how it is designed.

    Every player had the same possibility to farm, no advantage or disadvantage then.

    There's no punishment for that part.

    Of course there is a punishment. You failed in design. Instead of changing on first day before anyone did the first item, you waited and now many crafted it. From now on, should we play thinking the new content we farm will be removed for "overuses"? This literally give us zero confident in the team behind all this.

    There isn't any possible solution for this if isn't keeping the same system. Admit you failed and next time do better. Do not punish your players for your team mistakes. We had enough suffering and laughing in our faces with Rake and his failed year of cards system.

    Regards, Madoxx.

    • Official Post

    You have a big (HUGE) design problem in your team and we told you trillions of times but still we are ignored.

    Not sure where your assumptions regarding the team come from, but we don't have any issues.

    The team is growing month by month, so we can add more updates to the game.

    The longer we will work together with new DEVs, the better content quality will be.

    There is no intention to implement features which will makes the product worse.

    We are considering the feedback, and commonly based on it, adjustments are made.

    It's not possible to fit into every player needs, at the current size of the player base.

    It's also not possible to create a bug-free content, not matter of the amount of tests.

    These artefacts were designed to be farmed by killing mobs, not killing bosses. Just READ the recipe. Any player could notice after first minute that bosses weren't needed. I'm shocked you guys didn't even think about it.

    It was supposed to include mainly bosses, not just trash with daily quests.

    Trash was supposed to be an addition, and being way less effective than full run.

    If it turned differently, it wasn't our intention.

    Of course there is a punishment. You failed in design. Instead of changing on first day before anyone did the first item, you waited and now many crafted it.

    Punishment would be, if we remove what players obtained - we didn't.

    Yes, the final output wasn't as intended, no one is hiding that, it was already stated before.

    It could be adjusted faster, but was done at the time when it was possible.

    From now on, should we play thinking the new content we farm will be removed for "overuses"?

    Your question is incorrect, as based on wrong assumption that everything what we implement, is broken, but it's not.

    If content will not bring expected results, and is breaking the idea by unexpected events, we will adjust it.

    This also apply to parts which may look obvious, but wasn't found during testing process.

    Even if you aren't happy from the output, bringing any ideas and solutions will always be helpful.

    These can be discussed freely with other players, and by that it helps us to consider it with updates.

    A post with only complains and tension won't help in this process.

  • Even if you aren't happy from the output, bringing any ideas and solutions will always be helpful.

    These can be discussed freely with other players, and by that it helps us to consider it with updates.

    A post with only complains and tension won't help in this process.

    Please tell me you are joking right now. I have been asking for many months to have a planned log change so we can see the changes for cards patch before the disaster content start. So we can see our ideas are implemented and we can improve them together. What did we get? A few points saying the whole system was gonna change, that our last 200 comments about cards were useless because nothing will be the same. I told this in forum post, I went and send messages to Rake, to Grox, even to a GM because Rake ignored the forum private messages. Don't tell me im only complaining and tension anything. You are insulting me and our efforts to improve this server. Players tell you what you (design) did wrong and how to fix it and your answer is: don't complain...

    We already told you the solution, you just don't wanna listen. Keep the same system.

    About the rest of your answers, you just don't read at all what I typed. I said design problem many times.

    - It is not devs fault.

    - It is not bugs fault.

    - It is not bad quality content problems.

    - It is not me being a selfish player problem.

    - It is (I hope is clear) design problem.

    Recipe did not include bosses. Period. Design team created a loot where killing bosses was not needed. You can say whatever you want about this but reality is, it was designed without bosses. Anyone after 1 week playing this game could see that. Are your designing members not playing this game? If they don't, that is exactly why a planned log change is needed. So players can tell you, "hey, that won't work". This is a deja vu. I hate repeating myself but lately is like talking to a wall. Byte did it with balance. Ask him!

    I honestly don't know what else to say. I'm tired of having the same problem over and over with every new content for not asking the players what we think.

  • "We didn't expect that so many materials will be farmed in short period of time."

    Such an answer is unacceptable. You brought almost the same system to hoto a few months ago. Did the development team of several people not realize this? It brings me the following thought. Either you don't try the innovations you bring more than once, or you don't have any knowledge about the game.

    "Every player had the same possibility to farm, no advantage or disadvantage then."

    Thinking that the system will not change, I may have focused primarily on doing quests.

    Everyone's possibilities are different.

    Not being sure whether the system will change constantly reduces the pleasure of the game.

    I respect the work you do but this time you have to admit that you failed.

  • Please stop flaming a single dev, who is answering here completely and in detail.

    Yes, "Every player had the same possibility to farm..". That is correct btw. "HAD" -> past. Now @all players: Look forward.

    They can remove all artefacts and resend materials from full runs or something like that or they don't remove artefacts.

    But please, don't complain anymore. it is what it is. We all need to live with that.

    I also assume that the team, especially the devs, didn't had enough freetime or sleep in the last weeks because of the ddos attacks. We also should see the circumstances.


    • Official Post

    I have been asking for many months to have a planned log change so we can see the changes

    We started to adding planned log changes, as long as it's possible, and can be shared.

    It's really uncommon thing in the game development industry already.

    Not all changes can be spoiled, otherwise players would already make an action to benefit of them after updates.

    Don't tell me im only complaining and tension anything.

    I didn't say that, it was a reply to a direct post, not the entire history of your posts.

    I appreciate every constructive feedback you left for the past years.

    Keep the same system.

    Keeping the same system, make new content being farmed really fast.

    This will lead to obtaining what update brought faster than we are able to prepare new updates.

    This may lead to players finish it shortly, and being bored faster.

    I think your ideas are far away from that.

    It is (I hope is clear) design problem.

    This system was mostly prepared by new employees, which are new in this matter.

    They have an experience in gameplay, at the good level.

    There is a difference between knowing how to play a game, and designing.

    It may not sound as good explanation, but I'm stating facts.

    If you think you can surely manage the game design better, we are always looking for new members, but I can ensure you the player's output wouldn't change much. The reason is, that most want to benefit own characters, and it's pretty normal. If you had a group of 20 people, half of happy and half unhappy, you would get 8 complains and 2 positive replies.

    Anyway, we will learn of it, and try to improve.

    Such an answer is unacceptable. You brought almost the same system to hoto a few months ago. Did the development team of several people not realize this?

    If you don't like the answer, it doesn't mean it's unacceptable.

    Stating this way, you wouldn't get most of the answers.

    When answering, I don't expect that you like it or not, but I focus on providing feedback from our side.

    The current content was made by another team than the previous system, and even with tests didn't end up like expected on the live server. Any mistakes, or flaws which were made, we will try to correct.

    Not being sure whether the system will change constantly reduces the pleasure of the game.

    It may not always be possible to bring a solution without major changes.

    We are trying to adjust the features soon after implementation.

    Some adjustments can be just one patch, some can take longer.

    This is a part of game development, and we keep in mind during that, that constant changes in the system, may cause players being annoyed, so we consider it during the process.

  • aggro "resets" are annoying at last boss (i don't mean each phase reset) Regin after his "jump" almost everytime resets aggro for a moment and can hit character he jump on. is it intended? and if not plz check it

  • We somehow managed to activate Ensia from Adepts room which caused every mob to take no damage (cause we couldnt play the event). In addition Ensia just ran in her room around.

    Maybe look into that and make it impossible to activate the boss from 4 rooms away.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • I am impressed how this thread turned out.

    I would like to point out that I sign with both hands and feet on what Madoxx wrote, I have been observing such moods in my guild and more broadly on the server for a long time. I think he wrote what many of us think and the fact that it gets diplomatically ignored of is very sad to me.

    Even after the reactions on this forum and the posts you can see how the players feel, and they feel deceived and disrespected, this is the effect of the policies that I have been observing for almost a year. I have deja vu in another server, players were also deceived there and not given what they wanted, claiming to know what was good for them.

    I believe that every minute a when drop on KS is blocked is being unprofessional and unfair to players who didn't get the artifact.

    My proposal SOLUTIONS:

    If you do not want to take what you did and want to undo it in some way, I suggest:

    1) Unlock mob drops

    2) Take the artifacts from all players who obtained them

    3) Return ALL RESOURCES to these players

    4) Add the raw material from the last boss: "Regin's Finger" (preferably in the amount of 6, so that it can be divided into a team)

    5) Change the recipe to an artifact so that it needs, for example, 30 "Regin's Fingers"

    6) Determine the teams that captured regina and send them the outstanding "Fingers"

    Thanks to this, you will force the players to make instances, you will not take their work from anyone, because the resources will be returned. I believe this is the most honest way to resolve the situation and at the same time implement your vision.

    • Official Post

    I believe that every minute a when drop on KS is blocked is being unprofessional and unfair to players who didn't get the artifact.

    You should strictly define unfair meaning in that matter.

    You can't say that something is unfair if all players running on the same conditions.

    It wasn't enabled or disabled for specific players, it was disabled globally, affecting everyone.

    Every player had the same opportunity, and no one knew further steps.

    Anyway, as previously mentioned, we are already working on a solution, which should be brought this week.

    Thanks for the suggestions, will be considered as well.

  • Perhaps you are already tired, I think you are reading without understanding, I think that is quite clear.

    If someone could farm resources for 10 hours, someone else at that time focused on, for example, quests, or simply did not have time, now you turn off the option of farming for everyone (I'm talking about mobs up to 1 boss). The source of dishonesty is 10h, which the other player cannot make up for, this is not treating everyone equally as you tell yourself.

  • Perhaps you are already tired, I think you are reading without understanding, I think that is quite clear.

    If someone could farm resources for 10 hours, someone else at that time focused on, for example, quests, or simply did not have time, now you turn off the option of farming for everyone (I'm talking about mobs up to 1 boss). The source of dishonesty is 10h, which the other player cannot make up for, this is not treating everyone equally as you tell yourself.

    Even the person who was questing, had the possibility of farming kalin shrine. That is the definition of equality. What persons do with their time, farming kalin, doing quests, writing in forum is the decision of everyone himself/herself.

    • Official Post

    Perhaps you are already tired, I think you are reading without understanding, I think that is quite clear.

    If someone could farm resources for 10 hours, someone else at that time focused on, for example, quests, or simply did not have time, now you turn off the option of farming for everyone (I'm talking about mobs up to 1 boss). The source of dishonesty is 10h, which the other player cannot make up for, this is not treating everyone equally as you tell yourself.

    No worries, I'm not tired, and I clearly understand what you are trying to say.

    You must get the point that both of the players from your example had a choice in what they do.

    None of them was forced or prevented to do any action since opening KS HM till disabling the loot.

    Both of them could farm the items in KS, one decided to do so, others decided to choose less profitable task.

    None of them knew that the loot will be disabled as well.

    This is quite similar example to players complaining about not receiving rewards, when not participating in an event due to deciding their time to be spent in other way.

    You can cause "dishonesty" if these two players would be threatened differently at the same time, being forced by the game mechanic. Ex.: we disable player A to enter instance, when player B can still do that.

    I would like to mention, that here always may be a change which may looks good for some players, and bad for other one, but it mostly happens to make the whole game better, or bring some balance. It's never an intention of the team to bring a disproportion, what obviously would cause players being unhappy.

    Take a note that it was initially stated that the loot has been temporarily disabled.

  • Since the acquisition of the artifact has been temporarily hindered (significantly), maybe the artifacts should be temporarily disabled for those who obtained them? At the moment, the policy you are TEMPORARILY pursuing gives an advantage to players who have decided to farm monsters to 1 boss. Is this the equality you are talking about?

    I saw a similar policy on another, more sad server.

    An instance was released there, one guild managed to complete it quickly, in a way that the developers did not foresee, it was TEMPORARILY blocked, thus increasing the disproportion between the players. I would like to ask, that is equality? After all, other players could also make such a decision, then they probably regretted it? This is what equality looks like? Thank you for such equality.