Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

  • If the guild is too weak to make an instance, the best thing to do is to top up dias, or even better ... Top up dias and buy everything from LL ... I can see that this guild has got used to the monopoly ... when I see it shaking hands and the PRO_LL policy taking effect.

    You must be confused. You mean fallen I think, like fallen sell WB title. LL give it for free afaik :)

    Obviously LL are better, here some examples

    - fallen sell WB title. LL give it for free afaik

    - fallen kill WB's. LL farm them

    - fallen give feedback. LL give better feedback because more PNC

    Sry, couldn't resist. Some spend lot more money than others and this is totally fine for me.

    The problem will arise when the game will be made completely for such people (now that's what is being done, isn't it?), and all the rest of the "weak players" will finish playing because the game does not attract new players. Who will you then give the title for free?

    P.S. Is it possible or "not intended" to add some blackboards in few places on INI like that, so everyone will know what is intended or not intended? thank you

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

    • Official Post

    "Reworked tank and dps artefact effects."

    There is indeed a change on tank one description , but the dps one is exactly the same as it was before patch or am I wrong ? I don't remember exactly the values before patch, maybe it was dmg dealt on mobs with less than 10% hp ? If not, then what's suppose to be this reworked effect ?

    DPS artefact was inflicting extra damage equal to x% of last dealt damage which is a buggy way to do so, now it is directly increasing damage of last used spell to avoid such issues.


  • Quote

    I remember months back, when it was complained that rofl is too easy. Which it is. Now there are finally real entcontent. And you complain again? *Surprise*

    I don't know if this is a good argument, because the guild that "complained" then is not complaining now, and if I remember correctly, it was the only guild that complained.


    And I don't know why so much complaining about last patch. The ini is not harder than before.

    GM has officially admitted it is more difficult.


    I btw don't like the change of the artefacts, bcs I wasted thousands of phirius coins for +6. But I have to live with it, bcs I made it to fast.


    Imagine rofl is possible to do with Starter Gear! (Except healer, bcs no heal bonus in starter gear)

    I think it is possible, but firstly, rofl is not an endgame anymore, secondly, it was not possible from the beginning, the class balance gave a great boost to party power.


    Also if I see my top up history, thousands of €. Where is the problem having better gear while spending more money?

    Someone loading more and someone less is not a problem. The problem is creating content with only those who have given more in mind. This way the game becomes pay to win, and in some cases (I believe it is an artifact) pay to play.


    Omg WTF! I have never seen so much text with so tiny content in this entire forum :pinch: Stop complaining

    I don't think it's okay that in a situation where someone describes a problem, gives arguments, and a discussion follows, it can be called "complaining." Virtually every post that does not praise the game can be described as a complaint, so please skip such extreme opinions.


    Can't we just appreciate the content we got (which is totally fine in my opinion)? &) We were one of these guilds fighting through the instance really much and hardly (turtles still trigger my PTSD) and we managed to clear it multiple times already, but imho the instance is awesome! ROFL was just a joke, Hoto had good ideas but the only difficult thing about it was, not to pull the entire instance with a wrong auto-tab. And Kalin finally contains both, complex mechanics and rewards depending on playstyle. The better you play, the easier the instance is. And that's everything to be said about it. Keep it up Devs, we're finally on a good track!

    At present, we are arguing not so much about the DIFFICULTY of the instance, we are arguing about its HARDIZING.


    Maybe some people who are complaining here and who can do the ini with their guild "try to take the defense" of the poor weaker players

    This argument is a joke and an attempt to offend my guild, I will not comment on it.

  • Hello,

    since i am a normal human beeing and understand what feedback means i want to give such for the INSTANCE KS (not like others fighting for the end of world hunger, endless peace and the mission to bring back michael jackson to life).

    B4 event isn´t really playable like other bosses since its hp differs very much from all other bosses. I think it could get a bit more hp so you have to atleast play the event a bit.

    Kind Regards


    • Official Post

    Please keep in mind that this forum thread isn't here to provide a place for your personal feuds but rather a place for feedback. Posts containing open jibes against other people will be removed.

    P.S. Is it possible or "not intended" to add some blackboards in few places on INI like that, so everyone will know what is intended or not intended? thank you

    As hilarious as that meme is, the prerequisities for Kalin are not as astronomical as one might think. Kalin is mostly focussed around good timing with it's events:

    Time your cooldowns well -> Boss 1 goes down;

    Time your druid clean/free at the right times at B2 -> Boss goes down easily.

    If you run in semi-blindly with bursting every boss (as I've watched some groups do; yeah, GMs sometimes watch runs since some recent issues.) you will fail, no matter how big the weapon or how t14 the gear.

    As I've written before: Kalin is supposed to be the most difficult instance right now; there's no place for weak links in a party, there is little room for mistakes and gear can't save you.

    In addition: The amount of players that could do one run but no subsequent runs is vanishingly slim (>1%!). The instance will have to be farmed by everyone again with new rewards.

    That being said, there was nothing taken from these players, as they once more could farm their artefact before boss 1.

    Boss one has one strategy (which was completely breaking the boss) fixed. You can still kite for a short amount of time with certain speed boosts - but you really shouldn't need them.

    It wasn't good that one scout + a tank a dn ring could outrun the boss without any other speed boost.

    And why should it be made even more difficult, if others had it easier before (including you)?
    In my opinion, for the first artifact, the difficulty shouldn't increase. It is fine for an upgrade.

    Because they Trying to make ppl make t13/t14 gear and t17/18 weapons

    I can firmly say: No. The instance was tested with Tier 10 Golden equipment and a T14 weapon; slightly above the rofl standard. No stats beyond ROFL (Titan & Unknown) have been used. These are the minimum requirements for a player to comfortably run the instance. The better your gear, the more relaxed the afformentioned timings are, but not to a point where it trivializes the instance.

  • Hello

    We did not kill WB our guild is too weak ;)

    We did KS HM in solid eq (full gold t11, weaphon t15) probably like most population.

    We dont say it is immposible to do, cos we did.

    When we finished we said it is too hard, made us tired, it was not a fun time ... maybe next time :D

    For me, us 6 ppl ini shoud be nice to do, maybe for top is, but is only our opinion

    Some ppl spend more for this game some less and that is fine, but for a moment i started think we goin to p2w i hope i am wrong.

    Probably we (with our eq) are representatives of the larges group on the server and many ppl can think similarly.

    Game team decides what is good for them we just play or go


  • Ant-Man "What the hell happened here?" Remastered in UHD (4096x2048px) :  r/MemeRestoration

    I'll summarize for anyone arriving here:

    1. LL and Fallen tried to bully each other (though it was kinda one sided)
    2. Fallen is bringing up the point that boss 1 is now harder and is therefore against weaker players
    3. GMs tell everybody that the instance isn't really made for weaker players
    4. No real arguments have been made, therefore it's basically just complaining
    5. GM tells people how things are supposed to be
    6. Unreasonable ridicule ensues
    7. The people taking the piss wonder why nobody listens to them
    8. No real discussion has been had, everyone is pissed off

    Yeah this should sum it up reasonably. Kalin is a hard instance and I like it. Good events, good trash balance - literally everything has counterplay. Go use your immune food if you see that you get super high hits from the boss that your heal cant outheal/your tank can't stand. You have at least 15 seconds even without a tank to kill a boss with no hp gates. Should be easy enough if you play well.

  • New heal artefact:

    Instead of giving it 5% less mana consumption after its fully stacked i would suggest to let it stay at 50% but on the refined artefact it should stack faster to the 50 stacks. The 5% are kinda useless for a heal but faster stacking would make the artefact worth to upgrade.

    Kind Regards


  • is it possible to obtain artifact without completing quest ?

    if so how ?

    no, you need to finish the instance at least 1 time to unlock the npc, and be able to see the recipes and buy materials.

    if you complete it 1 time, then you can only focus on collecting trash from the beginning. nobody can sell you a artifact, because from what I've read, they are linked. then you need to create it yourself

    the difference with always doing the ini until the end, is that when you kill Regin, he will drop an item to improve the purple artifact.

  • Hello,

    Since Kalin Shrine is a harder instance and drops 2 stats at the end of the instance i would find it good to give the loot 2 items with 1 stat each instead of 1 item with 2 stats on.

    This would counteract the probabilty that 1 stat could be on the item twice which results into only dropping 1 stat.

    Kind Regards

  • Since the idea for the normal artefact is to be obtainable by farming could you please increase the amount of maximum instance IDs ^^ As far as I know an instance ID remains for 5min after the group/raid is disbanded. Yesterday 2 groups (from what I could see) were farming mobs and after ~30min you couldn't enter because the maximum was reached and had to wait ~1min for an old ID to close.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited once, last by Laisha ().

  • Can you reduce the pull range of Yusalien and Ensia please?`Its still possible to accidantly pull yusalien from before the first boss and you can pull Ensia from the room after Adept.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • I would like to ask about nostalgia content:

    are there any plans/works for the next instance?

    Is there a chance that the new nostalgia will have a 6/12 people mode?

    The idea of 6-person instances is very nice, but in our guild there is a regularly unpleasant situation such as: we are eager to go ks and suddenly a 7th person shows up and we have to go to the rofl, which we already have above the nostrils.

    • Official Post

    I would like to ask about nostalgia content:

    are there any plans/works for the next instance?

    Is there a chance that the new nostalgia will have a 6/12 people mode?

    The idea of 6-person instances is very nice, but in our guild there is a regularly unpleasant situation such as: we are eager to go ks and suddenly a 7th person shows up and we have to go to the rofl, which we already have above the nostrils.

    Hi. We indeed have concrete plans and are already partially working on the next nostalgia content update in order to further follow up our artefact content line. But we decided to put the release after the next major content update so that you guys can spend some time with Dark Core first and then, after a while, start into the next nostalgia instance.

    It is not planned to extend the player amount beyond 6. For raid content there already are the major custom instances and this is how it shall stay right now.

    Best reagards!

  • It is a very sad news

  • Hello,

    one question regarding the current artefact: Are there any changes planned to be allowed to build in "normal" runes or are there "special" runes planned for the artefact.

    I just ask, because the interface for the runes is the same like at all items but we have no drillers for it xD.

    Maybe a short feedback here :).

    Thanks in advance and Greetings.

  • grox

    Changed the title of the thread from “Kalin Shrine (Hard Mode) [Patch]” to “Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]”.