If the guild is too weak to make an instance, the best thing to do is to top up dias, or even better ... Top up dias and buy everything from LL ... I can see that this guild has got used to the monopoly ... when I see it shaking hands and the PRO_LL policy taking effect.
You must be confused. You mean fallen I think, like fallen sell WB title. LL give it for free afaik
Obviously LL are better, here some examples
- fallen sell WB title. LL give it for free afaik
- fallen kill WB's. LL farm them
- fallen give feedback. LL give better feedback because more PNC
Sry, couldn't resist. Some spend lot more money than others and this is totally fine for me.
The problem will arise when the game will be made completely for such people (now that's what is being done, isn't it?), and all the rest of the "weak players" will finish playing because the game does not attract new players. Who will you then give the title for free?
P.S. Is it possible or "not intended" to add some blackboards in few places on INI like that, so everyone will know what is intended or not intended? thank you