Client patching issue

  • One thing though. I have installed Chronicles of Arcadia for the first time ever, client runs patching but pop-up message appears saying "Access denied".

    Considering I have played original RoM and am aware how bugs and errors can appear, can anyone confirm this is related to the server being down at the moment or I have to do some manual fixes?

    For some reason unknown to me I can't attach a screenshot.

    • Official Post

    "Access denied" is caused by your operating system or antivirus blocking the patch to execute.

    Please try to install the game on your desktop, and disable antivirus for installation time.

    Additionally, check in directory properties if your user has all permissions.

    It's not related to server being down now.

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Client patching” to “Client patching issue”.
  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.