Server stability

  • While waiting, since I am unfamiliar with the situation, I was trying to come up with motives behind these attacks.

    To me, the main one would be either someone banned from the server who is actually a developer/hacker or some developers from the official game trying to take down private server? Idk but sad.

  • Ist bestimmt so ein Kiddy das nen Permabann bekommen hat.

    Oder steckt GF dahinter?

    Kann ich mir nur schlecht vorstellen das gf dahintersteckt. Auch die wollen und müssen seriös bleiben.

  • DDoS attack depends which Layer the recovery time depends on it.

    LayerApplicationDescriptionVector Example
    7ApplicationDataNetwork process to applicationHTTP floods, DNS query floods
    6PresentationDataData representation and encryptionSSL abuse
    5SessionDataInterhost communicationN/A
    4TransportSegmentsEnd-to-end connections and reliabilitySYN floods
    3NetworkPacketsPath determination and logical addressingUDP reflection attacks
    2DatalinksFramesPhysical addressingN/A
  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “I cant log into the game” to “Server maintenance”.
  • Ich habe 7 Jahre GF-ROM gezockt, danach auf diversen Privat Servern. DDos-Attacks gab es soweit ich mich erinnern kann aber nur auf den Privat-Servern. GF kann es wohl nicht haben, daß die Private-Server alle schneller und stabiler laufen, als die eigenen :D

  • Hello,

    one short question: Can we expect the servers to be back online today or is it rather hopeless?


    Can you imagine my lack of patience as I downloaded the game for 1 day, now waiting 1 day more, and I haven't played the game for years? xd But I don't complain, just am impatient.

    In the meantime, I have managed to (as a returning/new player) get into some deep spots of web aka archives of runes of magic current forums where I found the archives to the very first forums for some general guides.

    Talk about inception ha?

    Edit: We are in bois & girls.

  • I can absolutely imagine that. I feel the same way xD. Guild members even said I already have withdrawal symptoms from the new world boss^^. But I am in the same opinion, complaining or stressing in such a case does not bring anything to anyone. Maybe we should rather thank the developers for actively taking action against the DDoS attack even yesterday (sunday). But it's better to wait a little longer and stop risking DDoS attacks on the server than a quick solution that won't work tomorrow again.

  • is there any information about the constant outages with access to the server for an indefinite time, it's already very similar to a joke, when at primetime you drop out and zero actual information from the administration, not counting the post about the end of maintenance work in n+ hours

    • Official Post

    is there any information about the constant outages with access to the server for an indefinite time, it's already very similar to a joke, when at primetime you drop out and zero actual information from the administration, not counting the post about the end of maintenance work in n+ hours

    The outages are caused by DDOS attacks which we are facing recently.

    When doing a maintenance, we are moving our focus on finding how the attackers are bypassing our security measures.

    The attacks may still happen in the future, but we will be adjusting what necessary every time it happens.

  • I know it's not your faults. I also know you guys are on top of your game, however it is very frustrating when you go to log on and the server is down, with a post about it a few hours ago! I mean the other day the game was down all day, and like two or three posts. Extendihg the item shop for a half a day for us over in the USA was appreciated and now another three hours at this point is getting frustrating.

    Thanks for trying to help