After the last patch that we got yesterday I was getting this message of "Check your connection or your firewall" some times and randomly I could log in to the game. But after the last patch Im getting the message all the time, so I ask what shoud i check on my firewall? , Im not using any VPN or Proxy to access to the server and I have conexion so idk if I have the problem on my computer or Its just that the server is off or if there is a rule on my firewall that has been created with the last patch xd.

Server stability
I had the same problem since last night. What fixed it for me was launching the game as Administator. After doing that everything worked out fine for me.
Hope this can help you.
Kind Regards
Nghty -
Аналогичная проблема и у меня, со вчерашнего вечера не могу подключиться к серверам.
We made some infrastructure changes with the latest patch.
One of them has been rolled back right now.
Please try to log in now, and let me know if something changes.
Now I can log Thanks
Hello, Got disconnected and now cant log states server is online but message box shows connecting to game server but nothing happens
Whats happening??
Hello, Got disconnected and now cant log states server is online but message box shows connecting to game server but nothing happens
Whats happening??
Same here
World Server down
Serverstatus | Chronicles of ArcadiaDiese Seite enthält alle verfügbaren Informationen zu vorhandenen Chronicles of Arcadia Servern und ob diese online sind oder nicht. Weitere Informationen zu… -
Hello, Got disconnected and now cant log states server is online but message box shows connecting to game server but nothing happens
Whats happening??
hi same here
Same here. More ddos attacks.
Is it an other ddos attack or something ? Can we have some news about whats happening ?
Can we have some news about whats happening ?
Есть ли какая либо информация по поводу включения серверов?
Hi. Nobody can log in. More of the weekend ddos attacks I believe. Can someone at least respond to us, please? You all need some coffee? (__)>
Moved my thread here but won't respond. Lol.
Server has no been pulled offline folks. They must be working on it. Stay tuned.
I wasn't here on the attack time.
We are looking into it.
Ich hoff die Hacker haben das Spiel nicht ganz abgeschossen wen ja dan gute nacht
Dauert jezt schon lang für nen normalen Angriff
If the DDOS attacks continue for too long I think we should have the weekend item shop promo items extended for 1 additional day...
Just my opinion...
Due to the DDOS attacks issues, the Weekend Promotion will be extended. -
I agree with what Thunderstorm said. I don't know, a gasha full of purified stones, 30-day sighs or why not a return ticket on playernet
Thank you for putting all these hours of effort to try to fix the game.
Thank you for your feedback.
We are still working on the custom solution previously mentioned in the announcement thread.