Heart of the Ocean (Awakened) [Patch]

  • And here we go again... sorry, but I need to put in my 2 cents on that, bcz it feels bad if I don't do so... =O There are some huge misunderstandings in the room, I can't ignore.

    Aoe should be lowered drastically.

    I propose to give aoe up to 300 Then the distance will start crying that the instance is too difficult

    Can't disagree more, sorry to say so. I think, the game offers us a great opportunity with hoto: to play (underused) class combinations that have better utility and work better on a cooperative way. I was already sick of the ego-pushing content where only your personal dps mattered as a dps. As an old ESO veteran I need more than just dealing damage as a dps, the game would be too simple without further difficulty. What you two complain about is true on your pov, but objectively viewed, there is a lack of arguments: Mages also stand in melee range in hoto (if not, they don't use their full potential in hoto).

    So my rogue with 500k deff is strong enough? But m/k with shield of discipline is too weak?

    You don't even need shields to survive the instance. We farmed the trash up to b1 duo without a healer in a few mins per run - you can easily negate ANY damage of mobs, if you play the right classes.

    Why are you saying that mages have advantages as ranged dps? Me as a mage, I'm standing right next to our rogues in the trash, in order to interrupt/cc the trash packs with my discharge and hit them with all my aoe and I don't die at all, even as a m/s, m/ch etc. The problem is not the scale of damage or range, but the playstyle of the entire party AND everyone self.


    We discovered that it's better having a priest heal than a druid, bcz priest has the better utility. Druid has a much better heal potential there, but who cares, if the instance is easier with the better setup? Same applies to support and dps classes. You can definitely play any class, but the question is: is it as useful as utility-classes?

    If gorge or rofl were difficult instances (what they are not imo), we all would adapt to that and play classes to make life easier... oh wait, we already do! We use specific supporters that are useless in all the other instances, cuz they are useful in the custom ones. So that's the exact same way how to play hoto. You don't NEED to play a utility-class, but it would solve all your problems. But instead, you can just let the tank and heal play specific utility-classes and taddaaa, you will never die anymore (or need to use any non-mainrota skills yourself). :/

    Seriously. Hoto brings out the classes that now lean towards a more defensive playstyle

    I wouldn't say "defensive playstyle", it's more like an "utility playstyle". You don't hold back as a dps, but you use more skills overall. DPS doesn't suffer from that, bcz dead players deal no damage at all. As a mage I keep lightning, discharge, silence and all the other utility stuff literally on cooldown, because it's useful to do so. If you have a warrior, a knight and a mage, you can perma-interrupt everything by 100% uptime, just saying, not even mentioning the druid or warlock stuff. I mean, even the priest bubble is useful (again) :saint:

    Every single AoE can be countered

    Well those Medusa Servants use an instant AoE that hits low-def-units out of space indeed. So at this point, ranged classes are definitely more useful than melees. But however, normally they die fast enough not to be harmful, as we know ;)

    After all, you wrote yourself that you need to find the right team combination.

    You are much better having a well set up team, but you don't need to. Guess that's what he wanted to say :/

    The mage or the scout can go o all dps and choose the strongest combination, and the rogue/warrior/champ must go with something very armored and have dmg less!

    Don't mix up class balancing with game design I guess. Also, as a chain user you can play champ, which literally is immortal in hoto, just as warden. As a leather user you can switch to scout, which is also almost immortal there. The mage for itself suffers the most in there actually, but also is one of the strongest classes there, but also the most useful for the party. Not having a mage in party makes a huuuge difference in our runs, bcz ppl actually have to take care of things xD

    I wouldn't call it "paying attention" and "paying more attention." While hitting from a distance you only consider the fear of the tank, nothing more. You have to be careful when hitting up close and have your eyes everywhere, it's ridiculous.

    I agree, even though tank fear can be prevented quite easily, but nevertheless, I always need to be careful while discharging, but... that's normal I guess? There is no difference to ROFL playing melee in hoto, or in any other instance. :/

    AOE 300

    But it is not about forcing people to change class to ranged?

    At which point are you forced into ranged classes? It simply makes no difference if you play range or melee in hoto. Even if you increase the range of AoE to 300, so what? Just press the right buttons at the right time and profit.

    But still, I get your point with the "fairness" part. If you have the possibility to stand in range, you have an advantage against melee classes. But this is just class design and has nothing to do with instances. But fortunately we play on a server where you can play almost any sort of melee/ranged class with (almost) any gear. Also, that class design is equal in any other instance and already was on the official content. But there we go again, mixing class balancing, class design and instance design is a bad idea. :rolleyes:


    So after all, I got the solution for those who complain about too strong AOE: Let the tank turn around mobs, bcz 90% is front aoe and almost everything else is being casted -> can be interrupted. It's easily possible to stand in melee range as a mage or cloth user in general. The entire discussion is just nonsense - as a friend uses to say: As a real endgame player you need to be aware of everything in the instance and react on everything properly. No hard feelings. ;)

  • stones are ok now but i think u should change something with stats we need 5 run for one item and we can have crap xD

    its not funny when someone farm one item and have crap stat (mage item and sta/sta) what he can do after this ?buy next item ? 6 ppl if all have mats for one item its 30 x hoto

    30x hoto for next crap ? i dont like this

    just give stats from last boss like we have in DL

    I want to mention that I would support this idea of getting 1 stat at endboss. otherwise it is too much farm to get only 1 random stat that is like tikal (which not even need leather classes for example)

  • 100% truth!

    Maybe fragments of pain, knowledge, etc? 50k coins for each?

  • someone from team can answer about stats ? we want stats for eq from last boss bcs 5 run for one random stat its a bad idea


    u dont wanna money from us ?:>

  • I wonder why the stats are added so late? Are you waiting for players to get jewelry? Then you add stats? When will the cards be added? How do people get the right amount of stats?

    Why is it taking so long? I have the impression that these changes are introduced too sluggishly and this is bad extension of the life of this content.

    Please add stats and cards as soon as possible :)

  • Besides, once again I would like to ask you to level the complexity of playing on different classes on this instance.

    Currently, there is a gap in the gameplay complexity of melee classes versus range classes. This is complicatedly unnecessary, to play your favorite class you need to have the right team combination. In the case of the mage and scout classes you don't have to have it, where is the level playing field?

  • I think, it's good as it is now. People wanted stats, coins and cards, they got stats, coins and cards... now ppl want more stats? Do you also want more coins and more cards? ^^ The longer the farming takes, the longer the instance isn't overfarmed. I think, we got enough pve content for now, until the next custom instance is being released &)

  • I think, it's good as it is now. People wanted stats, coins and cards, they got stats, coins and cards... now ppl want more stats? Do you also want more coins and more cards? ^^ The longer the farming takes, the longer the instance isn't overfarmed. I think, we got enough pve content for now, until the next custom instance is being released &)

    I'd really, really like to see another nostalgia instance though. Hoto is really fun to me and more content is always better than less :saint:

  • tikal stats GS 3

    hoto stats GS 5

    same value but not GS

    inferno stats GS 4

    gorge stats GS 5 like hoto xDDD

    WB stats GS 6

    WB and gorge same value but not GS

    why ?


    its funy bcs when i use stats 3/3 and i dont have stats from Wb i use ROFL(7GS)Goprge(5GS) inferno(4gs)

    i have lower GS with better stats [rofl(7gs) gorge (5gs) hoto(5gs)]

    16pkt with better stats

    17 with hoto XD


    with better stats i dont have better GS

    • Official Post

    Gear Scores can be adjusted with next patches.


  • it would be nice to add a Temple Core or Weak Core to ini, as well as a second statistic

    In average you need around 30 mins for a run (if you kill all mobs for greens). If you skip plenty of trashpacks, you can even make it within 15-20 mins for 1 stat. This is quite okay to me, since hoto gives us both a best in slot set AND best in slot stats. If you put 2 static stats into Medusa loot, the ini will be overfarmed soon. But in the long run, it's better to keep the reward as simple as it is now, so that Hoto will still be farmed in the future.

  • I suggest to make only so-called "wanted" stats to drop from last boss. int/int, str/str etc. No sta/dex..


    Same stat as Tikal level in "remastered" version of very old ini, and I believe those who put str and dex in EQ like rogues/scouts, they are not even looking at it because its already a crap for them.

    Maybe mages/chains/heals but for how long it will be wanted? Untill new ini comes in.

    I already had few situations when we walked in 6 people and 3/4 or four on four runs in a row were craps. Its so annoying

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • I suggest to change the instance a bit so it gets harder, currently everything with a bit of brain can run this instance in under 30 minutes without the risk of dying because the trash is really weak and the bosses mechanics dont rly do anything.

    I would suggest to add physical and magical deff to the mobs and make the bosses events hitting harder e.g. jiasha where u can just skip the event with a decent heal by standing in a bush to the left.

    I would suggest give everything 10% deff 15% hp and 20% more damage.

  • Even a better suggestion lets make every instance lvl 50 so we dont need to do anything and get free loot.

    thanks and happy new year

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Heart of the Ocean (Hard Mode) [Patch]” to “Heart of the Ocean (Awakened) [Patch]”.