Heart of the Ocean (Awakened) [Patch]

  • Good to see pieces got a tiny boost. What about magical tanks as I asked? Why create these classes if we can't go endgame with them? And no, use mdps pieces + physical tank pieces is NOT the solution.

  • In my opinion, the stones are too weak now, we do not even notice them, they are killed by our aoe :(

    I think so too, the 20kk hp are good but add a little bit def not the very high def like 3,3kk maybe little bit lower than the bosses like 2,2-2,5 kk would be good. need to check on testserver im not sure. i think they dont have any def amt, they getting so high hits.

  • The latest change of the medusa stones suppose to have golden gear to do so. Weaker player are not able to do this boss anymore. They have tons of def (3kk+ I guess) and now 80kk HP, selfheal and, if I watched correct, you have 2 seconds less to kill them.

  • stones are ok now but i think u should change something with stats we need 5 run for one item and we can have crap xD

    its not funny when someone farm one item and have crap stat (mage item and sta/sta) what he can do after this ?buy next item ? 6 ppl if all have mats for one item its 30 x hoto

    30x hoto for next crap ? i dont like this

    just give stats from last boss like we have in DL

  • Maybe you can increase the stack amount of the items to 10.000

    Of the green one you need 1000 but one stack is 999 -> Thats frustrating xD

    The instance itself is ok as it is for guildruns but as said for randomruns maybe increase the amount of purple items to 5.

    Stones on endboss needs concentration but with a good group its possible - not as before with that much def^^

    Its quite nice to farm the instance now -> TY!

  • In my opinion, dmg from aoe are far too high, should be reduced by at least half to even out the chances of melee and distance beats. I think just immobilizing, fears, and stuns are enough.

    The fact that the first crystal after killing the boss brings you near mobs is a mistake.

    I propose to change the last boss so that the first summon of the shells does not appear after some time, but after breaking some dmg values. Thanks to this, the boss will not be so boring and will be more dynamic.

    I suggest that the 3rd boss should not disappear from the target during the tactic, but become immortal. It also seems to me that there is a large disproportion between healing this boss on a druid and on a priest, where in theory a 6-person instance should be ideal for a priest. Unfortunately, I see the absolute domination of the druid here.

  • In my opinion, dmg from aoe are far too high, should be reduced by at least half to even out the chances of melee and distance beats. I think just immobilizing, fears, and stuns are enough.

    I honestly see no issue with the aoe of the monsters. We've been farming this instance consistantly with champions and d/ws. All you have to do is to know what to interrupt. All the AoE has counterplay - especially if you have a knight you can block a lot of damage for the group. Imho that's what makes HOTO so fun.

  • Unfortunately, in some classes it is impossible to survive even when the reduction is around 60%. Every call of a rogue practically falls there with the bigger trash.

    We do not have this issue, even with just red leather gear. Some of the AoEs are meant to be oneshots and some of them are meant to be intimidating when hit multiple times (e.g. the aoe of the mantas). I would recommend to adjust your strategies as both a team and individuals. If you'd like, you can contact me in game. I am happy to give you some pointers! :)

  • Believe me, you don't have to teach me anything in this game, but thank you for your concern. My point is that you can't walk what you want with Aoe, you just have to choose the right class composition. Without the area stun, it's hard to survive there standing close. The problem disappears when the appropriate connections are selected. Which creates an instance only for selected 6-person teams.

  • Unfortunately, in some classes it is impossible to survive even when the reduction is around 60%. Every call of a rogue practically falls there with the bigger trash.

    I don’t know What your Problem? R/Champion is one of the best Classes in That ini, and i have just red Leather gear with Chain pimped Accessoires. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s just bad luck or connection problem when I die, and on bosses are only a few other classes who can compare that dmg 😉

  • Unfortunately, in some classes it is impossible to survive even when the reduction is around 60%. Every call of a rogue practically falls there with the bigger trash.

    I don’t know What your Problem? R/Champion is one of the best Classes in That ini, and i have just red Leather gear with Chain pimped Accessoires. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s just bad luck or connection problem when I die, and on bosses are only a few other classes who can compare that dmg 😉

    just like that to play with more connections not only 2 ...

  • I don’t know What your Problem? R/Champion is one of the best Classes in That ini, and i have just red Leather gear with Chain pimped Accessoires. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s just bad luck or connection problem when I die, and on bosses are only a few other classes who can compare that dmg 😉

    just like that to play with more connections not only 2 ...

    Hmm 🤔 don’t get what you mean. If you just want spam your Macro, let other ppl play classes who can stun/interrupt you can survive easy ever attack, or interrup them 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • just like that to play with more connections not only 2 ...

    Hmm 🤔 don’t get what you mean. If you just want spam your Macro, let other ppl play classes who can stun/interrupt you can survive easy ever attack, or interrup them 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I'm already translating. HOTO, due to its specificity, requires appropriate connections in order to play smoothly. There are no 2 instances where you have nothing to look for when you go in end game eq without a stunner. When playing Rogue you have reductions that are still not enough. Not only that, even if you use the title, you will still rain on reducing damage. I do not mean the power of lowering the aoe, but about those where, with the reduction of mele dps, it will be able to survive.

  • Like I say you can! the is no attack who kill you instant, only those who mobs cast and you can dodge or interrupt them. For the one who don’t kill you Instant, you have a setskill what reducing taken dmg for example if you are to slow to move or something like this.also other classes can reduce that taken damage. The only terrible thing are if you under a fear you are not able to do anything, so just kill those mobs who fear first and all other it’s easy. In every other game you have a lot of those mechanics and this is the first real ini in Rom who needs that. So I don’t think it’s a problem if you know what you have to do in that Game like you say😉

  • For me I really like to play like this and don’t Spam just a Macro to do dmg and all die Instant After a few Sec. I hope more new inies like this comes out! But I understand, maybe they bring in.further something who just kill/stun or fear Range dd I would like to see😉 the truth the most melee dps have the problem with those mechanics.