RaidHeal Fix

  • Since the Class updates, many skills didnt work anymore since some spells use 7 digit ID's instead of 6. Added a fix that you can use every ability again, even the new elite skills one.

    Even tho i changed the setskills aswell, they still might be bugged, i couldnt test them. I would love to get reports about the setskills, which are bugged. Thanks!


    Last Edit: 15.06.21, 01:54

    === Changelog 1.0 ===

    + added lvl 75-104 setskills for priest

    + added lvl 75-104 setskills for druid

    + fix that hes reading the new ID's

    === Changelog 1.1 ===

    + improved FPS (shout out to Lutine)

    === Changelog 1.2 ===

    + targets dead people automatically if you want to ressurect them via "Skill" instead of "Action"

    === Changelog 1.3 ===

    + doesnt target the player when using skills from "Skill" tree

  • In my linked thread. Version is fixed in attachment

    Edit: the newest Version of AU already works with this Raid Heal version. There is the CastSpellbyName function fixed

  • === Changelog 1.2 ===

    Some people had problems with resurrecting people that you had to target them first. Problem might be the function "CastSpellByName" combined with the resurrection spell because it needs a target which CastSpellByName doesnt provide. added a if else statement to check the players HP. if its 0, it will target the player and revive him.

    updated file is at the beginning of this thread reuploaded.

  • We noticed issue when new user installs this version, Filter List is not refreshed with new buffs/debuffs. Is there any way to make this version to update this list? (I know we can copy it from someone who has complete list but what about completetly new buff/debuffs?)