Installation Error

  • Hi,

    Has anyone ran into an issue when they try to install the game via the google drive client and installer download? I'm getting this error.. Tried all 3 download options with the same result. Tried the google drive download for the client twice as well.

  • Avaltar

    Changed the title of the thread from “Installation Erro” to “Installation Error”.
    • Official Post

    It's issue related to saving file into installation path.

    I checked logs, and it seems like you are getting this error due to permission issue.

    Please try to follow steps below:

    1. create "Chronicles of Arcadia" directory on your desktop

    2. start installer as Administrator (right click on installer option)

    3. choose "Chronicles of Arcadia" directory from your desktop as installation target directory

    If it doesn't help, please contact our Support.

    # edit: solved

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.