Error in the description of the skill?

  • Hello.

    Found a discrepancy between the description of the skill and its work.


    Battle instinct

    The description shows that it increases physical critical damage by 32% by 900s

    If the skill hangs on the character, you can see that agility increases and physical critical damage does not increase.

    Something is wrong or description or action.

  • Hello,
    I think you are misunderstanding the phrase "physical critical damage". You marked in your pictures the "physical damage" and the "critical hit rate". But neither one of those is infected by the buff. The buff increases your "critical damage" which literally means that your critical hits on mobs can deal more damage. This is something which, as far as i know, is not displayed in the character window. (maybe this could be added in the future)
    Hope i could help to clear this up.

    Kind regards Nghty

  • Thank you for the explanation.

    It's just that there are percentages in the skill, and I wanted to know what it means.

    So, there's a chance that units will suffer 30% more damage in a critical hit?

  • Or with a 30% chance of additional damage in a critical hit? That is every third blow somewhere.

    I dont think it works like that.. When with 30% chance of more damage like every third hit, how would you explain the ~80% from each of your ring?
    I think that every critical hit since lvl 1 does a certain amount of damage more than a non critical hit... and the percentages from buffs/equipment are just boosting the amount of critcal damage even further.
    (Please correct me if i am wrong :) )

    Regards Nghty

  • Then in Russian, the description of the skill can be made as follows.

    "Временно увеличивает Ловкость на (текущий Ловкость + 322,8)x10,4% + 322,8 и нанесённый физический урон при критическом попадании по цели дальнобойным оружием на 32,3% в течении 900с" ?

  • Sorry if I correct you, but if a skill is inflicting 100 damage without critical and you have a 100% crit damage boost, the skill will inflict 230 damage.

    That's because the base crit multiplier is 30% (if you did not changed it from base game :D ) and with another 100% boost, you have 130% crit boost (crit values are additive).

    And 130% crit means: base damage (non crit) * 2.3 because the base damage is increased by 130% with a critical hit

    Kind regards

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