Class Balance [Patch] & Bard

  • I agree on that. I have tested WL/S a bit and while I never did the damage Revenent described (but we had not that much support tbh) this class still overperformed so I think the upcoming nerf on Shot is needed and fine.

    I haven't played WL/w (will do that today) but some guild members have and from what I've seen this class is even stronger than WL/S so I think the upcoming nerf is also needed.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Các bác sĩ cho biết thêm:

    With upcoming change of tactical smash, even bigger gap between pdps and these 2 classes.

    Indeed I don't know where the chain classes will go. their damage is not so dramatic. while cloth layers took the throne quickly.

    So please don‘t get me wrong.

    First of all the chain damage value is hells crazy at the moment and i‘m sure its the lesding dmg in the game right know.

    And the mages did not take the throne, he can literally just keep up fine now, don‘t know why the warlock gets that immense hate right now, just because mages have a chance now to make more than just ‚trash‘ damage.

    Take some things serious please and don‘t get the informations wrong.

    Have a nice day

  • Hello everyone:)

    I agree with many that the magician is only good at large piles of garbage. On 4 bosses in rofl, the mage is never the first. What if the mage added an acceleration for 15 seconds, which would make spells instant? Roll back a skill long, 5 minutes.

    And separately again the mage/rouge. He has too many conditions for strengthening, which is impossible to gain in time in a strong group. "cursed fangs" + "kiss of a vampire" + "plasma arrow", then "electric compression" and only then "electrostatic field". It is worth adding that the mage/r has less magic attack than other mages. Also, he has a huge aggro, and the "gift of the baron" successfully attracts the attention of garbage. (I have two runes for - aggro 12)

    I asked to make a "gift of the baron" like a scout, so that it would be a buff only on himself, since the magician / r is already one of the weakest mage. In the "gift of the baron", perhaps, it is worth adding an increase to the magic attack, for example + 25%. (but not removing the existing buffs, but adding to the existing ones)

    Also, the mage/r lacks overclocking, he practically does not have it.

    The fastest-recovering boost is Buff, which grants 4780 magical damage.?( For example, in the case of champ, this acceleration gives 60% to damage. (two skills) The difference is obvious. ^^

  • Im shocked. M/R right now is one of the best mages, static field change work flawlessly on this class, add that to extra thunderstorm dmg (this class never used that), the easiest aoe on game (purge) and overall dmg will be really good specially in small parties. Btw this mage is considered a support so...

  • Hi:) I agree, maybe in a small group, the mage / r is not bad, but in a large group, where there are many different pdps, the mage/r does not stand out. And again, the magician / r is good at trash, and at the point is very average.

  • Regarding upcoming death to Wl/wd,

    If u want to change something, just do little steps not something like that:

    • Reduced Charged Chop damage to 2720 from 3200.

    First u want to nerf the Magical Attack, after that u want to nerf the Damage of the Main damage skill... just pointless.

    That looks more like: We hit it with the hammer until the class is dead, and not like a real plan how to balance a class

    Please do me a favor, if you want to make things worse, do it in small steps and look how it goes. Such things lead to the fact, that the players no longer have any desire to give thier feedback, or that class to play becaus it is death anyway.

    Gratz Itzamna

  • Hello

    Probably everyone is now focused on the new warlock:/, so as to nerf him as soon as possible:rolleyes: (after all, it can not be so that it will be better than physical, and especially than rogues:P). However, I wanted to propose to slightly strengthen scout / warlock, namely by increasing Elemental Discipline damage by 50%. I think that this way the balance of this combination will be closed.


  • how come 15% nerf to "main" skill - which will not be main skill after psi recover change - is being destroying the class which is clearly overpowering in every state? 15% is a small change compared to nerfs/buffs other classes were getting in past, and class will still be broken imo.


    "if you want to make things worse"

    there is nothing bad yet you are talking like they are nerfing a bad class to be even worse, thats just wrong, these changes are literally making an op class to be still op but in different way.

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • how come 15% nerf to "main" skill - which will not be main skill after psi recover change - is being destroying the class which is clearly overpowering in every state? 15% is a small change compared to nerfs/buffs other classes were getting in past, and class will still be broken imo.

    Overperforming in every state? Sustain dmg is almost not existing, it's all about its burst from my perspective. AoE burst is insane, but this is caused by the strong ISS, not the class itself. AoE sustain is quite okay, pdps are better imo and in our guild runs. The only thing is, that you deal insane dmg with wl/m and m/wl in party, since you can increase your dark damage that much. But nerfing ISS is not an option since other warlock classes would suffer from that.

    I think, WlWd needs a nerf indeed, but not that much at once. As I wrote, the patches these days are more kind of crowbar hits into the meta, which isn't a good way I guess. Balancing needs time, noone complains. But you also need time to let the meta evolve after every single small change.

  • what wl/wd lacks at the moment is PSI recovery, which will change with the next patch. Having a better PSI management will allow this class to be played more smoothly, increasing its dmg, especially during offburst.

    This change is necessary, as I pointed out earlier, but to what extent is open to debate.

    Also Severed Consciousness will be buffed, which should also increase all warlocks dmg.

    You guys should keep that in mind, before complaining about the nervs for wl/wd, which supposedly will "kill" this combo.

    The only thing is, that you deal insane dmg with wl/m and m/wl in party, since you can increase your dark damage that much

    wl/m and m/wl do not increase dark dmg for other warlocks any more than any other element for any other class. In fact only classes with dark dmg that cannot apply Weakening Weave Curse themselves profit more form wl/m than others.

    I believe I never pointed this out in this thread, so here is my point of view on how to approach the balancing in general:

    In my opinion it is imporant to first focus on combos for each main class and bring them to one level, in warlocks case wl/w, /s /r /ch /wd as dps. This should happen indepenent of how these combos perform compared to other main classes. And from what I hear and see there are still significant differences between secondary combos for certain main classes.

    Only then as a second step you should start balancing all main classes to each other by adjusting skills that increase elemental dmg (Ill Will/Elemental Knowledge etc) or weapon dmg (2h/Ranged Weapon Mastery etc) for a mainclass and all its secondary classes roughly in the same way.

    This might affect certain combos differently. As a third step, you might then start making individual changes for these cases, by adjusting specific elite skills once more to bring them all to one level.

    Combos like s/wl or wd/d will need individual balancing anyway due to their mechanics.

    As long as each particular class combination is changed individually and compared to each other class combination in the game, which currently all perform differently, we will not come to an end here for a very long time.

    Like that there are just too many factors that have an influence on balancing.

    So coming back to warlocks, while giving feedback I think it is best to first focus on how each warlock combo performs compared to other warlock dps combos, disregarding how they all perform to other main classes.

    Yes, this will not result in an immediate result where any 4 pdps and mdps in a raid deal all 25% of overall dmg after the next patch, but all in all this will make the whole process way less complicated.

    Yes, this propably will result in your favourite class performing worse with all its combos than other classes for longer than until the next patch, but some classes suffer this fate already anyway and again: all in all this will make the whole process way less complicated.

    After all what we are trying to achieve here is proper balancing, not the fastest way to the top in the scrutinizer.

    Of course points of view may differ, but that is how I see the situation as someone who rarely plays dps nowadays.

    Cheers! :thumbup:

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • This part is really good point of view, but i'd like additionaly ask: What is our "Target" dmg/heal/tank/etc.?

    What i think is that we (to be honest) have no clue what is balance target. What i want to believe is that Dev team have some idea about how much dmg should DPS classes deal, how much heal should healers do etc. Yet we as players have no clue about it. All the time in this thread we can see This is OP, that is weak, this is useless, but maybe we all are wrong. Maybe Weak class/combo is what it should looks like, so every other class that is dealing good/op dmg just needs nerf?

    What i experience so far is that we are all wrong and right in same moment. What was mentioned before many times - dmg output of every single dps class strongly depends on raid/pullmethod/gear/playstyle/kitty/lua/manual/noideawhatmore. I know that we can only base our propositions on each individual knowledge, but i think we all need reference value to compare with.

    For me it would be really helpfull if i could compare any of my dps class to some kind of example that was given by Devs.

    Best regards

  • Heyho,

    It is nice to see some other posts about the mages^^ But i don't agree with some mentioned things:

    Indeed I don't know where the chain classes will go. their damage is not so dramatic. while cloth layers took the throne quickly.

    Chain is atm very strong and has some of the strongest classes. It is as strong as other pdps classes.

    Mage classes are really not that strong compared to similar pdps classes. In trash some mage classes like /r, /w (with very good buffgear), /ch can compete or can do 80%-90% of most pdps (rogues, champs, scouts) trashdmg but at bosses you have 0 chance.

    To the post of Sabrina ^^

    Normally if you have a decent pdps in your group you can't get first place at any boss in rofl :s

    He has too many conditions for strengthening, which is impossible to gain in time in a strong group. "cursed fangs" + "kiss of a vampire" + "plasma arrow", then "electric compression" and only then "electrostatic field".

    It is the same like every mage has except for the kiss of the vampire - only classes like /scout has a similar cast^^

    The mechanic with static field has every mage and i know the problem with it :s annoying.

    In the "gift of the baron", perhaps, it is worth adding an increase to the magic attack, for example + 25%. (but not removing the existing buffs, but adding to the existing ones)

    Matk is what every mage class can use very very good but adding 25% permanent would be very high.

    *Zitat Also, the mage/r lacks overclocking, he practically does not have it.*

    Also, the mage/r lacks overclocking, he practically does not have it.

    This is true - but it is maybe because you have much support on this class and permanent buffs which are pretty strong. Classes like m/wl dont even have 1 single buff which gives additional dmg.(only castspeed)

    I think it is maybe because of the set skills or primary mage skills. (but wouldn't be the answer - look at /priest)

    The permanent buffs on this class and the additional mdmg from the dagger, extra curse rune and the Purgatory Darkness have some good constant dps. It is one of the 3 strongest mage classes in my opinion.(strong for a mage ofc)

    Mages overall are behind pdps and thats no secret but for a mage it is not that bad^^ (and has very good support)

    3. I have same question but, most mages have enough aoe burst so I wouldn't allow this to work on aoes. My suggestion to make it for next 3s casts is still up.

    Thats true yes he has enough i guess (atm some of the combos)

    4. Reduced Ion Storm damage to 1065 from 1150. This skill is 25% of my total dmg and most of it comes from sustain so, be careful nerfing this thing.

    Is it really such a hard nerf? i mean you get 5% elemental dmg and ofc the rest of the buffs.

    But i know how you feel - it's the same with mage/warrior which has a chance to die next patch. That's why i'm a bit sceptical here^^

    Btw i think it would be a good idea to balance the mage on his own classes too/first after the next patch. I mentioned the /r, /w, /ch above (and can tell something about it after the next changes) but it would be very good to balance them to an even level or something near that.

    Classes like the /k, /d etc. exist too - but no one plays them. And the main reason is that they are way worse than the better mage combos. Getting them to an even point would make the balancing easier this class^^

    Like everytime feel free to share your opinion or add what i missed/mentioned wrong:)


  • Heyho,

    Just adding something - also i think the different opinions about mage to pdps classes etc. are here because the skillcap of the classes are VERY different.

    Ofc a burst mage is not that hard to play (no macros etc). You buff everything and do the same spells and then spam your 3s cast.

    In case of a pdps without any macros its WAY different and harder to play/get the most out of a class in burst and overall. I think thats an additional point worth mentioning ^^


  • Hi :)
    I know that the mage/r is not weak and, it seems, I play with him well) I would like, in general, that the mages had the opportunity to be the first on 4 bosses in rofl. I know that a mage/priest and a mage/scout can do this and I wish other mages could do the same:thumbup:
    All the changes I have suggested will still not make the mage/r the strongest class

  • played wl/s again and also tried wl/wd

    - wl/wd has slightly lower sustain compared to wl/s but alot more aoe burst (i can't say single target burst on mobs is alot stronger somehow, while 1 severed consciousness is enough to kill a mob during burst for wl/s, i needed to use a few skills to kill single mob as wl/wd)

    - wl/s needs some preparation time for 1-2 seconds before starting its aoe burst while wl/wd don't need it since your main hit is already your preparation skill

    - wl/s has rare focus issues, wl/wd has no issues except lack of psi

    - wl/s has more reliable sustained burst, wl/wd losing burst after you waste your all burst psi (6+4 seconds) but its still alot stronger than wl/s in terms of burst, especially in aoe

    - wl/s has more fluent skill order, wl/wd has boring and easier skill order which is making it easier to play/manage your sources

    - wl/wd has quite high matk so its stronger than wl/s in many aspects if raid don't have -%defense support stuff

    - wl/s has still more burst than mage/scout and druid/warlock even without ironblood will (20% more damage) and wl/wd has EVEN more burst potential

    as result; i can say wl/s has sustain of warden/mage, burst of scout/rogue, aoe of rogue/priest

    wl/wd has sustain of rogue/mage, burst of scout/champion, aoe (mostly burst) of scout/mage

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • - wl/s has more reliable sustained burst, wl/wd losing burst after you waste your all burst psi (6+4 seconds) but its still alot stronger than wl/s in terms of burst, especially in aoe

    Would you be so kind to clarify what you mean with "sustained burst"? Those are two mutually exclusive things. Do you mean short cooldown burst?

  • - wl/s has more reliable sustained burst, wl/wd losing burst after you waste your all burst psi (6+4 seconds) but its still alot stronger than wl/s in terms of burst, especially in aoe

    Would you be so kind to clarify what you mean with "sustained burst"? Those are two mutually exclusive things. Do you mean short cooldown burst?

    wl/s has always same damage until you lose a buff, thats what i mean by sustained burst

    wl/wd is using 3 skills immediately in first second, then using 3 + 2 (3 if you have 104lv iss) ruthless judgment and it starts to slowdown due to wait time of 2 psi regeneration while wl/s is doing 1.5 sec channel always which is enough time to gain required psi for next cast which is reason i call it more reliable (more likely stable)

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • Hey ,

    We found a Bug with Wl´s Surge of Awareness(621280).

    When u have the Lute Buff and use a SoA it overrides the Play Lute II Buff(1501469) that gives Castspeed.(

    When u play a Guitar and use Soa you dont get the bonus of SoA , there is eventho an animation as if you would get it but the buff bar is empty ( Character Info also shows that your Matk/Patk does not get increased).


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 2 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • One should also mention, that all warlocks in general have quite good support potential with their battle res, Surge of Awareness/Paradoxon, Mind Barrier and ISS lv85, 95, 98 which all can be utilized depending on the situation - so allowing them to be top dps AND being able to support the raid like this might be a bit too much compared to other classes.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Would you be so kind to clarify what you mean with "sustained burst"? Those are two mutually exclusive things. Do you mean short cooldown burst?

    wl/s has always same damage until you lose a buff, thats what i mean by sustained burst

    Yeah, that's how buffs work...? Your point doesnt make much sense. Damage his higher with buffs. Do you mean that those buffs are too frequent?

    Quote from espar91

    wl/wd is using 3 skills immediately in first second, then using 3 + 2 (3 if you have 104lv iss) ruthless judgment and it starts to slowdown due to wait time of 2 psi regeneration while wl/s is doing 1.5 sec channel always which is enough time to gain required psi for next cast which is reason i call it more reliable (more likely stable)

    Yup, it's very interesting how it works.

  • One should also mention, that all warlocks in general have quite good support potential with their battle res, Surge of Awareness/Paradoxon, Mind Barrier and ISS lv85, 95, 98 which all can be utilized depending on the situation - so allowing them to be top dps AND being able to support the raid like this might be a bit too much compared to other classes.


    Have you ever seen a champion? xD


  • wl/s has always same damage until you lose a buff, thats what i mean by sustained burst

    Yeah, that's how buffs work...? Your point doesnt make much sense. Damage his higher with buffs. Do you mean that those buffs are too frequent?

    rj: ruthless judgment
    cc: charged chop

    rj cc rj cc rj cc recover psi rj cc rj cc rj (the part it starts to slow the burst down) cc cc rj cc cc rj cc cc rj cc ...

    i don't think i can explain simplier, if you actually play the class, you would understand it better i believe.


    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • I really dont understand why are you straight flaming the mdps and arguing with empty words still you've got no other way to arguing on a normal way xD so and when you play the wl/wd as a support you should never do dmg because youve got a aggro multiplier on every damage skill.... also sorry but this post are for me empty words not more...

    Good Night :) &Ryzek +1