Crash results in game setting issues

  • There is already topic with it but links there do not work.


    Settings are often deleted after game crash.


    1. In the topic on forum someone created a script to copy settings files and then restore them with another script. These scripts are gone so please someone copy them here.

    my idea:

    My idea is to force game to not change these files at all. Nowadays, I can play 2 weeks without changing anything in the game at all. and then suddenly crash and all gone. It is annoying. But if we lock down files on operating system level from modifying then everything should be fine. Main problem here is how to quickly lock and unlock those files from change/delete.

    why is it annoying?

    for example: arcadia utilities default setting is to drop out production runes, low ammo etc. For new player or someone who love sell everything it is very bad settings. I collect these things and sell but when settings are lost everything is lost too because addon load default settings with dropping all items.

    Restoring favorite setting also take time so you know what I mean....

    anyone care to help or have some idea?

    • Official Post


    On Arcadia common crashes are saving settings. Only instant game close/freeze could cause issues with game settings. Are you sure you are getting crash when settings get broken?

    Do you use custom path of SaveVariables?


  • yes I am using default directory. I can not tell for sure when settings are gone. I get 3 categories of crash:

    1. normal crash - i get popup window with notice

    2. game is closing without me doing anything. suddenly just close. it looks like operating system is closing it for some reason or game get critical error that it is not taken by crash notice system.

    3. game get loop - cursor is changing to sandglass or something and operating system is telling that game is not responding. in other software you can wait and everything is fine. in arcadia I have to close the program because it never ends. maybe some addon doing something too long or i do not know.

    but not matter the reason if I can find a way to lock down settings file from being changed by game then everything should be fine.

    • Official Post

    Backup of current settings:

    1. download

    2. move it to My Documents

    3. start it, and it will create backup in COABackup directory with timestamp

    It's even possible to make it automatically with task scheduler.

    Freezing current settings:

    1. set everything what you need about addons

    2. close your game clients

    3. go to properties of "Chronicles of Arcadia" directory in "My Documents" and mark this directory as "read-only", including files and sub-directories


  • thx for help. freezing is what I wanted. It is probably possible to write script for this too using "attrib" then it could work better.

    your link in old topic I had found was gone so thx for new one.