Problem with an interface for a second class combination

  • Cheers guys,

    I just wanted to create another interface for another class combination. Normally I play warlock/mage and wanted to build another interface for my warlock/champ now. But now I have the problem that it doesn't save the interface I built for the warlock/champ. I used to use abar for that but now it just doesn't work anymore. I manually saved the interface for the warlock/mage and the warlock/champ and if I change class from warlock/mage to warlock/champ it doesn't work. Only buff foods and makros from that combination but not skills I use are loaded.

    Has someone else experienced something like that before and can help me? Would be highly appreciated :saint:



    • Official Post


    Pure game engine does save different action bars for main class only. Saving them separately for subclass is matter of addons. Then one of your addon you used for it is not working anymore, you can only ask someone for fixing it.


  • It semens like "GetActionInfo(x)" - does not return "name" as second argument anymore if you use it on skills on your Actionbar - This however still works with makros / buffood however - so it semens like the issue is in the Skillset idk.

    And all that since you've dropped that latest patches this week.

    It was never returning name except for macros/emotes, and vActionBar doesn't need names to save skills

    the world chico, and everything in it.

  • Hi everyone,

    I am pretty sure i located the problem, but wasn't able to fix it yet.

    The problem: vActionbar is using information from tooltip, since tooltip was changed recently i guess the problem came with that. I think somehow in the Tooltip the name of some skills has a whitespace where before was no whitespace.

    Here the function that is causing the problem.

    -- Get tooltip text
    local function getTooltip(side, index)
        local lineobj = _G["GameTooltipText"..side..index]
        if lineobj then
            local text = lineobj:GetText()
            return text
        return ""

    To remove all whitespaces i added following line, but unfotunatelly it removes also the whitespaces of skills which consist of two or more words.

     text = string.gsub(text, "%s", "")

    According to lua patterns following line should remove all trailing whitespaces, but somehow does not (just a minor change to the above)

    text = string.gsub(text, "%s$", "")

    Maybe someone here knows how just to remove the trailing whitespaces.



    • Official Post


    We noticed it 2 hours ago that currently used wrap function that was supposed to full-fill whole width for item name was adding space on end of name, so indeed all regexs started failing. It will be fixed with tomorrow's patch.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.