Organic Deconstruction Setskill

  • Hi,

    two of the championsetskills, Clone Conversion and Organic Deconstruction do not work as described in the tooltip.

    Clone Conversion: "Instantly cancels Shield Form... Puts Shield Form into a cooldown state for 6 seconds."
    Organic Deconstruction: "Instantly cancels Disassembly Mode... Puts Disassembly Mode into a cooldown state for 6 seconds."

    But both of the setskills give a cooldown to both, shield form and disassembly mode. I think it is supposed to be that there is just a cooldown on one of the abilities. Than you can use organic deconstruction and switch into shield form or use clone conversion and switch into assembly mode.

    • Official Post

    Most of new elite skills are replecaments or upgraded/alternative versions of old one.
    This is exactly case for Clone Conversion and Organic Deconstruction.

    As you may notice description is really simlar, and double effect would be definitly too high.
    We can add additional description to next patch.