Connection issues, suggestions appreciated

  • Hi :)

    Just wondering if anything's changed over the last 10 days or so, as I'm having issues connecting to the game. I can get in but my ping starts at around 2,000 and goes up and up. I've not really been able to play for about 10+days without a VPN, and the VPN's I've now bought aren't very secure. My ISP says it's not at their end, and I've gone through a number of troubleshooting steps. This has happened before and resolved itself within a few days, but it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

    Any suggestions will be good. Thanks for reading.

    Edit: or if people use a good, solid VPN then which one(s) do you use?

  • did you do a trace route to see where you are having issues down the line??

    BTW of course your ISP will tell you all is fine on their end lmao, most people who will respond to you will say that. They have no clue and just go through their check list given by their bosses. They have no clue or ways to check except putting you on hold to make you believe they've checked :P :P

    Do a trace route yourself to the server and see if any hops has an issue, hope it helps you.

    My ping is always steady at 94ms from Canada to the servers, please don't hate me :love: :love: :love:

    • Official Post

    Hello, you should give a try for CyberGhost VPN.
    Its pretty good VPN, but i would suggest paid version (faster connection / better pings).
    You should get 1 month version for test and check how its going if you connect to EU locations or any which is near you.