Posts by Laisha

    Is it possible to increase the range of the auras so that e.g. on Zhargos/Phargos if a priest is on Zhargos, the players on Phargos still get the buff?



    is it possible to change the aggro reset of phargos so that only players in the bosses room can be targeted? If a player starts on Phargos and then changes to Zharghos' room its possible that Phargos changes the aggro to that player and runs over the bridge to the other side of the entity chamber which, tbh, sucks hard :D

    So my suggestion is that Phargos can only change its aggro to a player that has aggro on him AND is in a certain range to it.


    Normally there are Promos every 2 weeks so since there was one last week, the next one may be next weekend.

    Обычно акции проходят каждые 2 недели, так как одна была на прошлой неделе, следующая может быть на следующих выходных.


    Itnal Camp the buffs you get from Balton:

    You normally get a 280k priest buff (together with a concentration prayer and wl buff) but the priest buff is overwritten bei an 14k aura.



    On Atlas Ch3 and in custum inis fireball is disabled already and the dmg of perception got nerfed.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see how the class performs if ppl play it regularly


    If I remember correctly it had sth. like "After effect runs out it cant be triggered for 25sec" or sth. similar^^

    Also an Idea regarding useless amulets that you drop while farming dreamland:

    While farming you get many amuletts that are useless for you (from killing bosses) or (with regards to my post above) you basicly only need 1 Amulett now since you can always recharge it. Since the amuletts are already disenchantable, maybe let them disenchant in some Dreamland materials (Dust or Flawed crystal) so that you get a bit resources back.


    I don't know where to post this so feel free to move it :D

    Regarding this change :Increased maximum amulet capabilities by a factor of 100.

    Could you also change the amulets so that they are removable? Right now you have to destroy them if you want to remove them. Reason behind my suggestion is the following:
    Different class combinations may use different amulets. So being able to swap them instead of maybe having to destroy one with 90k charges left would feel a lot better.Greetings

    Can't confirm that. I ran dc with this class and while I couldn't keep up with "op" classes I could keep up with every other strong dps. Is it a bit boring to just press 2-3 skills, maybe. But class seems fine to me, but thats just my opinion^^


    Regarding this change in Windrunner :

    Adjusted game start to allow for more players to join.

    If there are 4 ppl already no more can't join. So why do these 4 also have to wait the whole 60sec (instead of how it was before that as soon as there were 4 ppl, the 10sec would start)? So my suggestion is to revert the change to how its been before since basicly nothing changed, only players inside have to wait longer.

    I personally dont mind only 4, since I guess with 8 ppl the last person would get almost no Atlas Tokens, so I guess 2 parties with 4 ppl is better than one with 8.


    Rogue/Warrior: If you mean with "slow and strong" 2-3sec and annoyingly overperforming, then I guess slow and strong are the correct words. While the single target isn't OP, the aoe for sure is.


    Also would it be possible to change the Hall of Records in Itnal Camp to a pvp zone but disable the PK-Mode, so that its a "neutral pvp zone"?
    That would enable players to check/change their gear before an actual fight. Or if you want to upgrade runes and you need to extract old ones you can afterwards equip your gear again.


    Siege War:
    Is it possible to let the amount of Atlas Tokens you recieve not be dependent on the amount of kills/takedowns you have ? If ,for example, you farm mobs the whole time you get significant less Tokens than a player who just kills enemies all the time, although you are contributing as much (maybe even more) to winning the SW.


    Has anyone checked if the [Throw] debuff really lowers all damage(s) (like %hp based AoEs, DoTs and other non-normal attacks)?

    Like Lutine said this wont work. Thats why the Worlock Shield ISS (which reduces damage by 90%) also doesn't work on DoTs etc.


    It was mentioned in the patch notes that it doesn't work currently


    • Changed Notes from the Hell to 900 seconds buff, removed cooldown, changed it to increase Wand magical damage by 60% instead of magical damage. effect is not working properly



    there are certain levels where you need to "upgrade" your gathering skills (at lvl 20/40/60/80). The first instructors are in Varanas-East. They will give you a small quest you need to complete and then you can level higher.

    The maximum level currently is 100.
