Mage/x new player question

  • Hello all!

    I am a relatively new player, and I have played till level 55 or even 60 on the official servers.

    Glad that I foundthis server, but i had a long break.

    So I am not sure what combination to play with the mage.

    I usually played the Mage/Priest, even tried the Mage/Warrior and heard of the Mage/Rouge.

    Are all of the Mage/x combination viable or are there combinations that are not worth playing.

    Just trying to get an understanding of the combinations.

    Thanks in advance!:)

  • Hello there,

    I play here for 151 days (not much compared to the others probably ;P ), mainly i see myself as mdps, so my point of view is that every single mage combo i viable.

    BUT different combos needs different mainhand/offhand/ranged weapons, so good to take closer look before you decide ;)

    We have like 9 different mage/x combos and different subclass means different "playstyle?"

    i see them like:

    m/s - strong dps

    m/r - strong dps + bit of support

    m/ch - good dps +bit of support

    m/wd - good dps

    m/d - good dps

    m/k - good dps + self survive

    m/p - ok dps + bit of support

    m/wrl - good dps + insane support

    m/w - dps? <--- no idea bec he needs swap equipment to be played good

    So as you see all mages are nice to play depends on how you play, and with who you play.

    I suggest you to check charplan to see skills and then try any of them yourself ;)

    Good luck :D

  • Hello! Welcome to Arcadia!

    Maybe you don't know that here you can have all classes in the game even those special for dwarves and elves.

    You human character can be mage/druid for example.

    So you have an oppotunity to try all the combinations. Classes are balanced now so everything may change with a new patch.

    Have fun!

  • Did you order that by power? Bcz that's actually pretty accurate. But I would put M/D over M/Wd personally. And I also have no clue where to put M/W... maybe somewhere over the rainbow :/