Posts by Ladykarito

    What's any good to buy with arcadia coins anyway?

    materials for food, potions, furniture, buff of life and attack. gashas, and even more necessary for some, death amulet. that there is always someone who forgets it.

    I mean to expand the limit of arcadia coins that can be owned.

    They could also add in the traveling merchant a purchase option with arcadia coins.

    greetings ^^

    I don't understand what the problem is if someone puts an alter in defense of atlas. does not harm anyone.

    I do not intend significant changes there, only that they fix the entrance, since when we enter we are below the ground.

    Same that you did with unicorn and priest hp buff... do it with these new buffs. Don't allow crap buffs (low wisdom) to remove better ones.

    I'm all for putting a brake on the same lower quality buff. And if it is not too much to wish, that these buffs are not removed with death, but that they disappear when time runs out. (as it happens with the transformation potions)

    It's completely frustrating to expect a buff from the priest and have the priest not give it because the Druid hasn't buffed him yet. because the warlock is in another location. I find it a waste of time and very exhausting. Because no dps will want the skinny buff. and if in a hurry the buff is thrown without even charging wisdom... the rest of the incursion refreshes its benefit with a lower percentage than it had before. it seems to me that this whole new system needs a lot of calibration

    I don't know if anyone has mentioned it before ... but it would be very welcome if u put in the item shop, a section to buy items with arcadia coins.

    Some of us (in my case particularly) lose notion of the amount of coins we carry in the bag, and in the middle of a race, we have to go out to the npc behind Atlantis and leave everyone waiting to continue the race, because we exceed the available limit.

    or taking into account another choise ... if we had the option to buy an expansion (with diamonds) for a limited time for these currencies, it would be great

    Greetings :*

    Hello Arcadia.

    I would like you to consider putting a denial warning when giving the resurrection to someone who has already received the resurrection by someone else.

    Sometimes we are at a party and there is not always time to write or notify that the resurrection was used .. and maybe both heal and / or several wl revive the same person and we all stay on CD.

    (I can think of a notice similar to the one that appears when you want to give a seed of life to someone who already has it)


    На 93 уровне при заходе в игру появился дополнительный скил, нажала на него - перенеслась в Варанас к НПС Дерис в Классовый зал, он дал квест "Зловещие предчуствия", по нему поговорила с НСП Тебор Чанеп (1) рядом в коридорчике, он отправил на Побережье разбитой воды. Пройдя эту локацию, перешла в локацию Болота Фарситан (2). А вот из нее уже выхода никакого нет - в конце дороги Дамба Муларан, некое подобие ворот в ней есть, но они закрыты. Называется это место - Преграда мозаики (3). Если смотреть карту, локаций еще много (4) - Кризалия, Тундра Мердин, Сарло и др. Я думала что из Болот Фарситан будет проход и в эти области. Как в них попадают?

    портал позволит вам войти в Тасук, когда вы завершите цепочку квестов.

    это будет иметь место в каждом из следующих мест. Если вы не соберете цепочки, вы не увидите там никаких квестов.

    Weeping Coast - Costa de los lamentos . 62.9 , 40.7

    Tienda de Mineral de Recuerdos antiguos – Ancient Mementos Ore Shop

    Zinc Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de zinc

    Tin Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de estaño

    Iron Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de hierro

    Copper Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de cobre

    Dark Cristal Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de cristal oscuro

    Silver Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de plata

    Wizard-Iron Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de hierro de brujo

    Moon Silver Stand Bag - Saco de polvo de plata lunar

    Abyss-Mercury Sand Bag - Saco de polvo de plata de las profundidades

    Flame Dust Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de ceniza de llama

    Cyanide Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de cianuro

    Rock Crystal Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de cristal de roca

    Mysticite Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de misticita

    Mithril Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de mithril

    Frost Crystal Sand Material Package - Paquete de material de polvo de cristal escarchado

    Mica Sand Material Package - Lote de materiales de polvo de mica

    Rein Crystal Sand Material Package - Lote de materiales de polvo de cristal de rienda

    Ironaxe Stone Sand Material Package - Paquete de material con polvo de hacha de hierro

    Sea Crystal Sand Material Package - Paquete de material con polvos de cristales marinos

    Tienda de madera de Recuerdos antiguos – Ancient Mementos Wood Shop

    Ash Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de fresno]

    Willow Timber Bag - Saco de madera de sauce

    Maple Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de arce]

    Oak Timber Bag - Saco de madera de roble

    Pine Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de pino]

    Holly Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de acebo]

    Yew Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de tejo]

    Tarslin Demon Wood Timber Bag - [Saco de madera demoníaca de Tarslin]

    Dragon lair Wood Timber Bag - [Saco de madera de Guarida de dragón]

    Chime Wood Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de madera de campana]

    Stone Rotan Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de junquillo]

    Redwood Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de secuoya]

    Dragon Beard Root Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de raíz de barba de dragón]

    Sagewood Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de salvia]

    Fairywood Timber Material Package - [Paquete de material de leña de madera de hada]

    Aeontree Timber Material Package [Lote de material de Maderos de árbol de eones]

    Stone Pine Timber Material Package - [Lote de material de Leña de Pino de piedra]

    Blood Palm Timber Material Package - [Paquete de materiales con leña de hemopalma]

    Bleak Fir Timber Material Package [Paquete de materiales con madera en bruto de abeto pelado]

    Tienda de hierbas de Recuerdos antiguos – Ancient Mementos Herb Shop

    Mountain Demon Grass Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Hierba del demonio de la montaña]

    Beetroot Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Remolacha]

    Bitterleaf Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Vernonia]

    Moxa Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Artemisa]

    Dusk Orchid Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Orquídea del crepúsculo]

    Barsaleaf Bundle Bag [Saco de manojos de Hoja de barsa]

    Moon Orchid Bundle Bag [Saco de ramilletes de orquídeas lunares]

    Sinners Palm Bundle Bag [Saco de ramilletes de palma del pecador]

    Dragon Mallow Bundle Bag [Saco de ramilletes de malva de dragón]

    Rosemary Material Package [Paquete de material de romero]

    Bison Grass Material Package [Paquete de material de hierba de bisonte]

    Foloin Nut Butter Material Package [Paquete de material de manteca de nuez de Foloin]

    Green Thistle Material Package [Paquete de material de cardo verde]

    Straw Mushroom Material Package [Paquete de material de hongo de paja]

    Mirror Sedge Material Package [Paquete de material de juncia espejo]

    Goblin Grass Bundle Material Package [Lote de materiales de Fardo de hierba de Goblin]

    Dovetail Flower Bouquet Material Package [Lote de materiales para Ramo de flores de cola de paloma]

    Dragonsprout Grass Bundle Material Package [Paquete de materiales con gavillas de hierbas de dragoncillo]

    Moon Grass Bundle Material Package [Paquete de materiales con gavillas de hierba lunar]


    North Janost Forest - Bosque Norte de Janost 45.8, 53.9

    Limo Desert - Desierto de Limo 37.5, 74.6

    [Rune Obsidian Sand Bag] - [Saco de polvo de Obsidiana rúnica]

    [Ancient Spirit Oak Timber Bag] - [Saco de madera del Roble del Viejo Espíritu]

    [Thorn Apple Bundle Bag] - [Saco de manojos de Estramonio]


    Land of Malevolence -Tierra de la desgracia 62.3, 46.3

    Redhill Mountains - Fortaleza subterránea Botafuego 25.9, 29.2

    [Verbena Bundle Bag] - Saco de fajos de hierbaluisa

    [Olivine Sand Bag] - Saco de arena de olivino

    [Fastan Banyan Timber Bag] - Talego de madera de Fastan Banyan


    Chrysalia - 35.0, 41.0

    Merdhin Tundra - Tundra de Merdhin 42.0, 44.6

    Syrbal pass - Paso de Syrbal 41.0, 64.7

    [Thunderhoof Grass Bundle Bag] - [Saco de Fardos de Hierba del Trueno]

    [Todo Ginkgo Timber Bag] - [Saco de madera de Ginkgo Toddo]

    [Olegan Stone Sand Bag] - [Saco de Polvo de Piedra Olegan]


    Sarlo 50.5, 25.9

    Wailing Fjord - Estuario de las Lamentaciones 25.0, 75.6

    [Isyeh Gras Bundle Bag] - [Lote de manojos de hierba Isyeh]

    [Nadal Wisteria Timber Bag] - [Saco de madera de glicinia de Nadal]

    [Silver Star Stone Sand Bag] - [Saco de arena de piedra estrella plateada]


    Jungle of Hortek - Jungla de Hortec 74.1, 16.6

    Salioca Basin - Cuenca de Salioca 19.5, 25.4

    [Cold Psilotum Bundle Bag] - [Saco de pino glacial]  

    [Summer Oak Wood Bag] - [Saco de madera en bruto de roble de verano]

    [Bag of Mutation Dust Sand] - [Saco con polvo y arena de la mutación]


    Thunderhoof Hills, Colinas del Trueno 57.8 , 15.4

    [Nocturnal Lantern Grass Bundle Bag] [Saco de fardo de hierba de linterna nocturna]

    [Purple Agate Crystal Sand Bag] [Saco de arena de cristal de ágata púrpura]

    [Janost Cypress Timber Bag] [Saco de madera Janost Cypress]


    Kashaylan - Casailan 71.5, 70.4

    Splitwater Coast - Costa corriente Atroz 36.9, 30.2

    [Bag of Snow Grass Bundle] [Saco de manojos de hierba de nieve]

    [Fire Mountain Tree Timber Bag] [Saco de madera de árbol de la montaña de fuego]

    [Bag of rainbow stone Sand ][Saco de polvo de piedra arcoíris]


    Moorlands of Farsitan - Colinas de Farsitan 48.7, 54.3

    Tasuq 17.1, 77.1

    Enojh 24.8, 62.0



    Chamber of Elements - Camara de los elementos 66.1, 44.5

    [Shell Flower Bundle Bag] [Bolsa de ramilletes de flores bivalvas]

    [Kandi Tree Timber Bag] [Bolsa de leña de árbol de Kandi]

    [Argyrite Sand Bag] [Bolsa de arena de argentita]


    An email arrives that directs you to go speak with Daris [Leader of Adventurers' Association]. Daris  directs you to speak to Votakai .

    When both your Primary AND Secondary classes are at least 70, speak to the NPC to start a quest series that will award you the Elite Skills. You will receive 2 skills at the same time.

    If you have not already, it is highly recommended that you drop some ink at Sanctuary of Balance and Fallen Throne of Embers (where the dragon is sleeping) the first time you visit them.

    Votakai in Chrysalia at the Sanctuary of Balance

    Llega un correo electrónico que le indica que vaya a hablar con Daris [Líder de la Asociación de Aventureros]. Daris te indica que hables con Votakai.

    Cuando tanto tu clase primaria como secundaria tengan al menos 70, habla con el NPC para comenzar una serie de misiones que te otorgarán las habilidades de élite. Recibirás 2 habilidades al mismo tiempo.

    Si aún no lo ha hecho, es muy recomendable que deje caer un poco de tinta en Santuario del equilibrio y Trono caído de ascuas (donde duerme el dragón) la primera vez que los visite.

    Votakai en Chrysalia en el Santuario del Equilibrio

    Good guide ;) Only one thing to add according to boss 3 - there is a tactic, and not full burst! :evil:


    only Grox knows the tactic there 8o

    :/great detail. it's true .. you can see that in the boss that something has to be done ..^^ but the general way of passing it is always burning. It would be interesting for the creator to give us that information.;)

    Garganta de los gigantes de hielo - Gorge of the Ice Giants

    Hola a todos, aquí les traigo algunas explicaciones generales de la instancia Gorge. Espero les ayude a ir conociendo la instancia y como poder completarla.

    Hello everyone, here I bring you some general explanations of the Gorge instance. I hope it helps you to get to know the instance and how to complete it.

    Boss 1 - Zak´vi

    Boss 2 - Iglis

    Boss 3 Nydhor

    Evento de avanzada - Advance Event

    Boss 4 Malte

    Boss 5 Glacis