Posts by Madox

    • Changed Plasma Arrow to Alternative Current; Passive: When successfully use an electric spell, you will be in Charged state for 10 seconds. Charged state will provide same effects as previous Plasma Arrow. electric spells are Electrostatic Charge, Discharge, Electric Bolt, Electric Explosion, Thunderstorm, Voltage Seize
    • Increased Electric Compression duration to 30 seconds from 20, increased Static Field damage gain to 25% from 15%.

    Those electric spells still permanently remove Electric Compression buff. What's the point of increasing its duration to 30s if we lose it every second (m/ch combo for example).

    Change charged state to not remove Electric Compression.

    Mages can't be even viable without this.

    We have considered changing some of the loot to be friendlier to endgame players, but have found that the addition of universal potions, the deposit injector, cards and instance-tier phirius potions to be sufficient.

    Sufficient to do minigames 3 days and never come back I guess :/

    (I think it's better if not all mages don't spam only static)

    Can't wait for that moment to be finally true ;(

    • Changed Electric Explosion to inflict 1935 + 2328 damage instead of 1935/2328.

    Are you sure you want this change to be up for all mages and not only for m/ch? m/s does not need this crazy 3s cast. :/


    Please keep in mind that thunderstorm number of hits reduce affects the passive of this class. In a big pull is 2x15= 30 less hits and that is a ton of lost dmg. Last time static field went from 6 hits to 3 mch got a HUGE nerf and wasn't take into consideration. I hope this time you do :P

    • Changed Voltage Seize to inflict its damage to targets within 80 radius of target. Increased damage to 6291 from 3775.

    That skill can't be used on mobs. Is terribly designed. If you try to use the bleed on each mob so you can use voltage seize you won't do any static field at the end. It was really really bad. Only place it works is a target where you hit for many seconds like organs. The bleed skill hits nothing so every time you use it is losing time doing 0 dmg. Please remove the needing a bleed and add 2s cd to this one. Another option is make voltage spread the bleed into the targets around when it does dmg to them.

    Another thing about m/ch. It has a so-so organs dmg but only if you use static field. Since it will get nerfed, please reconsider a buff to the 3s cast.


    I've been in 3 different servers, including oficial server. Coming here was the best decision I ever did. Just thinking in going back makes me want to cry ^^

    Thank you for your reply. Have you not regreet, to leave behind what you already had there?

    Maybe the first 2 weeks xD. This server wasn't that good when I started few years ago and still it was worth. Right now the changes they are making, custom content, class balance, NO CRASHES (heaven)... are things I could never imagine I would live to see and happily I am here now to experience them. Just one regret: not comming earlier 8o.


    I've been in 3 different servers, including oficial server. Coming here was the best decision I ever did. Just thinking in going back makes me want to cry ^^

    Hey. I've been thinking about mini game rewards. Stats are really nice, good job there. Cards and the injector are interesting too. We won't need them in a few months so minigames won't be worth again. Sadly, beside this, there is nothing else. 10x charges super randomly and not much more.

    I think as rewards they should include some item shop things like a puri, a extractor, a world badge fame... these kind of things. Items we will always need, no matter what stage of the game we are.

    Regards, Madoxx.

    m/s: pet is totally bugged in all ways.

    Could you explain this more detailed, please?


    • Fixed pet wasn’t inflicting damage.
    • Halved Flame of Fire damage. pet is triggering this twice with 70 elite, so we thought its a bit too much

    Guess it got fixed in other channel while i was typing xD. I have to test the shot dmg vs pet dmg. It was almost same % overall before 12% pet and 11% shot in most runs, lets see now (in rofl). Dummys test was terrible, 92% shot and 8% pet, I hope when the pet is buffed things change because that was really bad. I'll say when I try in rofl.

    I'm super dissapointed with all mage changes.

    m/k: static field hits 66% more than stars of light, why use it?

    m/wd: using new cast cap buff (vs 2 mobs) static field hits 83% more than the 3s cast, why use it? This feels like a little organs buff, thats all.

    m/ch: well... tiny buff but still have worst single dmg ingame (It's fine as long as other aspects are ok and they aren't at all) and meh burst aoe (when this was the good part of the class).

    m/s: pet is totally bugged in all ways.

    m/d: that change makes no sense. Remove b1 mobs, b2 mobs, lake mobs dmg from this class? It has nothing else decent to use. Other aoes are wind, not earth. I guess remove the dmg decrement and keep the 6 mobs target instead of 15? Would need to do math, idk if big pull would end up in similar amount of dmg.

    m/p: many lines of "changes" but at the end is the same thing, nothing changed.

    100% of the "changes" are useless, not a single one of them is even worth.

    The biggest problem with mages right now is their design. They are slow. Single burst is non existant and extented in 60s when other classes do the same in 15s. Burst aoe need more than 8s when others do it in 2-3s. Sustain mobs dmg was the good part but that is impossible in actual content. Sadly our only hope is that new ini isn't far away so these classes are (I hope) viable again.

    Warlocks: That is another question. Mages can be viable for their sustain dmg in new ini but warlocks? They dont't have that. If they are terrible in actual fast rofl I can't imagine how they will be in next ini. Is their fix coming?

    Wl/s: it has 3 major problems. Considering is a single dmg class, It is ok that the aoe is bad but single can't be bad.

    1. You can't need 6-12s to go back to dps form, that is just stupid. Make shot give 2 psi instead of 1.

    2. This class has huge problems to get psi while being transformed, imagine losing them from one mob to the next because we lost combat XD. Losing combat shouldn't remove those psi, same as not transformed kind.

    3. Single burst. B1, Balton and last boss. It is terrible. It needs some kind of buff with for example 5 mins cd (so isn't much used in mobs) to push the dmg in those 3 places. There could be other options to achieve that.

    Atm our only rofl option is pretty much m/wl to support the others, b/m for mobs/aoe and b/wl for doing dmg in organs and last 2 bosses. Maybe some cps weird class but thats all. Nothing else is worth to use compared to the rest of meta-classes of the game.


    From what i have seen there are atleast 3 viable options for rogues so far.

    For Scouts , i dont see a reason to play Scout at the worldboss currently as the design of Scouts doesnt Fit the playstyle for WB.

    I guess it is all about how you do the boss itself. For us any scout is worth to use. Pdps and mdps have their own place and everyone have their own job to do.

    For mdps only 3-4 are viable for us. For pdps more than 10-15 different classes are good as hell inside.

    Mate, leathers are literally the only ones talking today. I guess your hate to mages as Jockels say must be true. Mdps have literally a tons of useless warlocks, 1 mwl (not good in overall dmg as some people say...) and maybe 1 ms (btw, the pet change is a nerf, not a buff). Rest are weird cps combinations from others classes but not real mages.

    So, stop the hate on mages. We are not even talking in this conversation you are having with your (oh surprise) 60 reworks/changes/buffs for pdps.

    You write about useless connections. How many of them are on the skin, looking only at the scout, you have 2 strongest connections in the form of magical eq. S / wl and s / m are very strong even looking at s / w. And why is that so? And when the issue of the physical buff is discussed, it is smoke because it will be too strong. I am not negative towards magicians, I just say that there is an unequal balance because the magicians are simply too strong. If you do not understand it, it is worth going somewhere :)

    Damn they must be insane in your partys. I didn't see a single scout mdps in any random party in 6 months. For me mdps are mages and warlocks, those are the pure mdps. Scouts well, I don't care about them, you can remove them if that makes you happy.

    1. You write about useless connections.

    Those useless connections are 90% of mdps classes LOL.

    2. I just say that there is an unequal balance because the magicians are simply too strong.

    Since noone say a word about this class, lets remind how strong in every single content r/ch is. For how long? 1 year? 2 years? well... scout mdps being op isn't a reason to say that "magicians" are simply too strong. It's like saying first b/wl made all mdps classes totally broken xD.

    Well, magic classes are doing great on 12/6 person instances so it's cool, I fought for a scout to have the same mistake? I can see that the only thing you can write about with magic players here is only about the buff of their classes because the rest for them does not count and they are just trying to spoil the balance :)

    Mate, leathers are literally the only ones talking today. I guess your hate to mages as Jockels say must be true. Mdps have literally a tons of useless warlocks, 1 mwl (not good in overall dmg as some people say...) and maybe 1 ms (btw, the pet change is a nerf, not a buff). Rest are weird cps combinations from others classes but not real mages.

    So, stop the hate on mages. We are not even talking in this conversation you are having with your (oh surprise) 60 reworks/changes/buffs for pdps.

    wtb 6-0 dex change for leathers :P

    Jokes aside, everytime a new stat, a new system, a new mechanic or any new content appears is creating problems and leathers are always affected in a good or in a bad way. Maybe is time to reconsider and slowly change them to be like rest of classes in game.

    Just an opinion, Madoxx.


    • Changed Self Awareness to reduce channel time of Severed Consciousness to 1 second from 1.5.
    • Reduced Dark Rain channel time to 1 second from 1.5

    Thank you! Class seems way more fluid with this. Problem, going back to dps form is still SUPER slow. 5-6s while some other warlocks go back instantly.

    • Reduced Saces’ Impatience cooldown to 15 seconds from 20.

    I understand that with the old skills, this provide 5 more seconds of psi at the end of transformation so instead of finishing at 20s, it would be 25s. Thats with old skills. With new 1 second channel, we spend all psi in 10 seconds, wait another 10s until we can reuse this skill and is gone in 3 seconds.

    If before we had 20s psi and 10s of nothing now is 15s psi and 15s of nothing XD

    We will see how this turns out when ale pot isn't on because 15s of dmg and 15s + 6s of pure nothing can't be the solution.

    Focus issue. Class needs now to use -20% focus cost as title so it loses 10% dark dmg or wb title. That is a huge nerf. Please make the lvl 40 elite a 15 min buff.

    Have you compared bards with druids or warlocks yet?

    I compared with warlock/scout the other day and is bad. Not only in dmg but in design. Rofl is just too fast for the class to be fluid. It needs changes. 50% of the time you are trying to get psi and transform into dps mode xD.

    I just did a run as m/ch and is 30% under b/m in overall dmg. Balton and last is even worse tho, a pure shame haha.

    Gonna try d/wl :P

    b/m vs d/wl. Removing 1 part I died. d/wl is 31.5% under b/m in overall dmg.

    B1 single burst, organs, balton and last (no bulls) were pretty much similar dmg in both classes. I imagine all this difference come from aoe burst and mobs sustain dmg.


    • Changed elemental damage type to dark damage from wind damage.

    I completely don't understand this change any more than I understand the bard/scout changes. It looks to me like an attempt to destroy a cool combination and thus go towards unplayability. I don't know why you are introducing a new class if it will be simply unplayable after balancing anyway. And B/Wl could have been weakened in other ways instead of taking away darkness damage and giving wind damage instead. For example, you could reduce Darknes, A rise by a few percent as well as damage on individual skills.

    It is saying the opposite, it had a wind skill and now is dark :D

    Have you compared bards with druids or warlocks yet?

    I compared with warlock/scout the other day and is bad. Not only in dmg but in design. Rofl is just too fast for the class to be fluid. It needs changes. 50% of the time you are trying to get psi and transform into dps mode xD.

    I just did a run as m/ch and is 30% under b/m in overall dmg. Balton and last is even worse tho, a pure shame haha.

    Gonna try d/wl :P

    Mage/knight is dead. You can't compare with this class since stars light channel is now stupidly long and useless.

    I used mage/bard a few times and I can say that is a waste of time aswell. Is a mix between a bad support and a really bad dps in ALL aspects, it isn't good in any kind of dmg. It is a copypaste of mage/rogue but with worse numbers in every skill.

    Idk how the rest of mages are performing in terms of dmg. I will have to check soon I guess, once the bards fever is down and people start playing old classes. What I can say is, about playstyle (not dmg), bards are WAY more fun and pleasant to play. Mages have 4-5 min long cds in its buffs, most of its dmg come from spamming static field, 1s cd skill with gcd that do a max of 3 hits when there are 2 mobs. Thats it. Almost no other spell is used in almost any mage combination most of the ini. They became boring and slow to play.

    Bards have only a few usable skills but we constantly see fast channels and instant skills that make the classes really fluid and cool to play seeing many little numbers on screen.

    I don't think bard/druid can be compared with any other class in game. It is super weird designed. Not being able to use many of the skills since is using staff is a bit sad tho. For me bard/mage is the best desgined one. Spam a 3 seconds cast after every skill is a single dmg sustain boost that normal mages don't have and it feels good.

    Hey ,

    • Changed Tempo to ignore terrain obstacles.
    • Changed Octave Shifting to ignore terrain obstacles.

    Would be cool if those changes could also be extended to the Druid lvl 104 Clean , i have seen it many times not catch all raidmembers in range due to little obstacles etc


    [Party] [Cruvor]: little leaf 1 Madoxx 0

    I tried ;(