I downloaded another client, this time fresh installation and fps drops are the same. Ive been testing some addons. So far this list have no fps issues and cause no bad performance:
-ArcadiaUtilities and Transmutor (new fusion), they will be shared when reve finish, we are testing atm but no fps drop at all.
-ExtendedMacroIcons, FastBagQueue (might not be usefull since game have it on its own now?), LootIt, MagicBoxFramePlus, Streamline, UltimateMailMod (hope someone update the new time thing), Zbag.
Something i noticed, bag is extremely bad optimized with and without zbar, when it is open, my fps drop more than 50%.
-Addon creating huge problems: ExtendedActionBar, from 250 to 90 fps just using this addon with only 2 small bars activated on it.
Will be testing others I have and give feedback about them.
Beside addons, i tested client just empty and fps are so unstable, they change alot while walking, just seeing new objetives make our fps drop a lot.
Edit: rest of addons worked fine, no fps lose. Idk where the problem is but in rofl from 50 fps it goes down to 5 in a second by the face. Outside is the same, drops from nowhere just moving is quite unplayable for me right now.