Few thoughts about this year balance and where things are going.
Overall im happy with the job done so far, mages are viable yuhuu, thats a win. Rest of magical classes? Disapointing.
I see you guys are focusing a lot of magical classes into "sup" material, we keep asking you to stop, to change that but is just simply like talking to a wall.
-Mage/rogue. Class is missing dmg, we asked to remove what you call sup potential and make it proper mdps but no, instead you give the sup buff a bit more dmg?
-Warden/druid. Same. It was a great mdps and could be hybrid magical tank. Ignored all our comments and turned this class into a small support with low sustain, not good single burst and terrible aoe burst. Btw, magical tank is gone, hybrid and full tank gear.
-Warrior/mage. Useless. Zero aoe and bad single burst. Aswell really low mattack.
-Knight/mage. Well, already talked about this few weeks ago, still no improvement on any direction dps or tank.
-Scout/warlock, everyone is using it. 3 nerfs in 3 patches. It will end up being useless at this way in couple of weeks, like happened to m/r and wd/d over the last months.
-New change on mages 5 min skill. Some mages needed 60s of bursting to reach other dps dmg like in last boss or organs, now mages like mch or mr with low single burst pontential are screwed. Consider improving the dmg of those classes 3s spammable skills.
-Druids: warlock and rogue... I hope we can make them viable dps.
-New warlocks. Please, please, please give us mdps! not supports!!
As a lot of people suggested, I would like some info on why some changes are taken, some feedback from Byte/Thor on why they turn down our propositions and do literally the opposite. We are the ones testing 24/7 every possible combo, give us atleast some credit and imagine we know a bit about the things we are proposing.
After this book, happy new year to everyone