Posts by Czarner

    new patch...
    I enter to game and what i see? Blood arrow 10% every 1s.
    Do you think heals must heal main tank or scouts? 10% every 1s is totally absurd. Boss hit % dmg, dots %, heal stun, time cast healing etc. 2-3 scouts and we need 3 heals 1 heal = 2 scout and 2 or 1 heal for all pt with tank.
    I told u scouts aren't the best dps on this server only comfortable. Now scouts aren't good and comfortable.
    Last week we did inferno everyday without scouts and i think it looks better.

    You told that you wasn't on new ini and will not tell about ini, but u told to Slezanin that new ini is good because is long...

    You wrote that inferno on start was long? like new ini? despite that u wasn't there. So i told you first inferno we cleared about 9h (1 day). Each next was about 1,5h. New ini we cleared 7 days. Atm we need about 5-6h to clear this ini. When u go there u will be know why. And finally on last boss u got 1 stat.
    It is not global server so pls don't tell that ppl didn't cry about tosh gc etc. Where are they now?

    And still i tell u that scout wasn't the best class (maybe was on tikal). Scout was only comfortable. Go on new ini as scout and try do dps like other magical classes or go on inferno with "good" wrl/ch.

    Pls next time write about new thing when u try them.

    To this topic i want still add my opinion about new dps on ini. Why now only magical class? We waited on this ini because we thought that finally we will be do somethink other (meele) classes. Now we have only magical class with a lot of difference in dps with pchysical. 0 balance.


    Finally i can tell something about new ini.

    First i want tell that new ini is very nice. Something other than always.

    Now bosses:

    1 boss is too long (artificial extension like 4 boss inferno wchich u change later) i think tactic 80% 60% 40% 20% is enought.

    2 boss is 1 with my favorite all is good

    3 boss ... (if it's supposed to work like that - ok)

    4 boss event pingou ok

    5 boss all is good in my opinion ( random mobs are good don't disturb tactic)

    next event at the end is stupid that u die if bad jump. Should don't die if bad jump and swim to tp. Idk only we have problem with aggro? Mobs all time lose agrro.

    6 boss we killed him. Interesting boss i can tell only it.

    Mobs are stupid. Again champion is good because all time stun fear dark etc. Why so much of it?

    And finally drop. This is totaly joke. u don't learn on earlier ini? tikal 20-30 min 2 stats and for arcadia coins. Inferno 2 stats 1 stone to rafine where u need rafine only 2 items to eq and 2x stones to stats (5 stats 1 run 40min).

    Now new ini i think with good 12 ppl 1:30h-2h and 1 stone to rafine where need 7 items to eq (don't tell me that i don't need rafine all items it is funny) and 1 stat... Pls change it fast. I think nobody come there again.

    Check when items and stats was on ah when inferno start. Now price will be 200k dias item for 6 months.

    My propostion is: 1 stat in weapon, 1 stat in item which is already rafine, 2x stone to rafine ( 20 items with bosses needed to rafine) and 1 stone to stat ( price 20k coins) as inferno where is 2x. ( together 5x stat "4 random" 1 run like inferno and 3 rafine items).

    Because we don't have again where spend our coins

    PS Bollo and Onigh i hope your post is joke if no who in your opinon will be everyday farm it 2h to 1 stat and 1 random stones (gl when u drop plate stone and sta/dex)? Maybe you have time idk, but i think more people don't have enought time. I think Playernet must earn. When will items and stats and how much on ah? Who did inferno on start? 1 or 2 guilds. Other people waited for items and stats on ah. Atm players whispers to us because on ah items are rare. Look on price earrings from inferno. With 7 items to rafine will be more problems.

    It is only my opinion. I hope team it will solve these issues quickly.

    Sorry for my English. I can write inPolish if u prefer haha :)

    Niestety ale ten addon nie spełnia w najmniejszy sposób tego czego oczekujemy, ponieważ wielu rzeczy nie zapisuje np, przemian i itemków przez co wprowadza jeszcze większy chaos.

    W takim razie proszę o ponowne przedyskutowanie w teamie możliwości dodania takiej opcji w grze lub przemyślenia innych opcji (na ten moment sam nie wiem co by innego można jeszcze z tym zrobić).

    Na ten moment mamy w grze przypisane ustawienia pasków akcji do danej klasy. Czy jest możliwość zrobić to bardziej szczegółowo i dopisać do tego jeszcze subklasę? Chodzi o to by własne ustawienia pasków akcji miał np. rycerz/kapłan a już rycerz/mag miał swoje?.

    Jeżeli nie będzie takiej możliwości czy dałoby rade dodać więcej pasków akcji, albo powiększyć ilość miejsc w danym pasku z 20 na 30?

    Swoją prośbę motywuje faktem, że w grze można grac np. k/p, k/m, k/w i często brakuje miejsca i męczące jest ciągłe podmienianie skilli czy odpałek patrząc na fakt, że k/p i k/w jest tankiem fizycznym a już grając k/m trzeba się przestawić na magiczną klasę.

    Skill Name: Ukaranie Bestii

    ISS Level: 75

    Suggested changes: Dodać agrro i zrobić z niego skill obszarowy

    Reasoning for these changes: Na ten moment strażnik ma tylko 1 skill frontalny który nabija agrro "Ukośne Cięcie" nie ma obszarówki która robi agrro więc trzymać mobki na sobie jest ciężkie zwłaszcza, że mamy do dyspozycji tylko obszarówke bez agrro "dzikie ciernie" odnowa 12sec i "wir" od wojownika odnowa 30sec...

    Skill Name: Cień Mgły

    ISS Level: 80

    Suggested changes: Zamienić zmniejszenie agrro na zwiększenie i to tak minimum 150% tak jak ma rycerz 148,1% i czempion 186,6%.
    Można zrobić z niego skill który się nakłada jak u wyżej wymienionych klas.

    Reasoning for these changes: Strażnik który gra jako dps może wybrać buffka słabszej wersji i jest to wystarczające. Tank natomiast potrzebuje zwiększenia agrro jest najbardziej poszkodowaną klasą tankującą. Tu nawet nie chodzi o bossy bo na bossach jeszcze jakoś daje rade ale użyć takiego buffka przydałoby się na mobkach ze względu na brak aoe które zrobią wystarczające agrro.

    Skill Name: Nieokiełznana Wola

    ISS Level: 90

    Suggested changes: Powoduje, że po stracie feniksa duch dębu nie pada.

    Reasoning for these changes: Skill w obecnej formie jest bezużyteczny i nie używany proponuje by w końcu naprawić ten dziwny błąd bo inaczej tego się nie da nazwać, że po stracie feniksa pet pada i tank traci główny buff do deffa w trakcie bicia bossa jest to bardzo ryzykowne zwłaszcza, że pojaiwają się bossy przy których ciężko jeszcze raz przywołać go. (Patrz Loki).

    Other: Reszta skilli wydaje się w porządku w mojej opinii.

    Good topic. I agrre with it of course and want add that if u lost your phoenix on warden your pet dead and u lost your main deff because pet give u a lot of. When u tank boss and lost phoenix u must very fast up him again sometimes it is harder if boss give u fear for example Loki. (You need remember too that u need 15% mana on each summon)

    Hey, new summon NPC is very good for players but i have suggestion add possibility buy food for pet.
    ID 204510 Dessert of Happiness
    ID 204925 Nutritious Cheese
    ID 204791 Miller's Special Cake

    I can't agree scout was overpowered, it wasn't. Compared to other mele classes is really weak now after 15s burst. The problem in Inferno is how they did the mobs/bosses skills, we need distance dps to kill them. A mele can't go near a pull of bears/wolfs or will get destroyed. About last boss.... Just no coments, dont know what they were thinking. They force us to play scouts and then they nerf them... I dont see the point, if you want more kind of classes, dont nerf the scout, change the bosses so mele classes can be usefull and not a piece of cr.ap like they are now.

    I agree with you scout wasn't op. Probably more people have not tried all classes on inferno. Some melee classes are op on inferno
    also on last boss. I think at the moment we can do inferno without scouts.

    The new worldboss and bosses in Inferno do a lot more damage compared to bosses in Tikal and older instances. While I like the challenge this makes it really hard for smaller guilds or weaker groups.

    Bosses on inferno don't do big damage tank need 2-2.5kk deff and 1.2kk hp if ini don't bugged. New wb maybe is op because we don't know tactics maybe when we will be know it it will be easier.

    if you check the total damage done in tikal/inferno runs, wl/champs or warrior/mage do the same damage as scouts. I don't see why we would be OP if we only got like a very good 20-30s burst.

    i agree totaly

    Inferno is a huge instance, now it takes even longer to clear it.... nobody has time for this.

    i think it is very good that we need more time on ini. Now 1 run it is about 1h we can't forgot that it is new ini and must be hard ( like new wb)

    On inferno melee and ranged dps are good. Of course ranged dps are comfortable and easier is kill mobs and boss but melee dps too can do it only must be careful. I can tell u that now some melee dps are better than scout...

    It´s like in the past you dont need to use every new items, just check whats the best for you.

    It is new end game ini so items should be the best or the same on like other on this lvl ( now this rings is useless ) If they up this rings you don't have to do it. You can stay on this same lvl all time.

    You have to understand that ring with new ini must be like from dn. Rings from dn will be all time the best because end game players will need all set from dn and second set from new ini (1 ring from dn and second from ini). with this statistic new ring is usless. Who will wear it?

    Sorry for my bad English.

    Please reapir drop cards from new ini. It is the same problem what on tikal and cl. You less drop rate on sigil and cards. Now we need about 100 runs on 1 card. U can off drop sigils but cards should drop normal.

    Sorry for my bad English.

    it isn't about only endgamers, i am happy with the 225 stats and have no issue with them. Helps people gear up and be able to eventually get into the newer instances. How many coins do you get from one run please??

    No no no, if they wanted give it for new players they should give it for mems not for coins from tikal endgame ini.
    New players have enough stats for start.

    For players who can't get a guild or group and don't know instances, cheap stats are great to at least have a chance and try get the better stats later in game. I hear a lot of complaints for stats that are beyond me, and I think although there are some great players here, perhaps many forget about the little people who try hard like me, and need a little lift, even if it's just to be involved and learn. It would be nice for cheap stats to continue so newcomers have a change to find a guild/group and be accepted, whether they've played rom before or not. It's lonely at the bottom of the pile.

    ok for new players it is good but they can add items for 8k coins with pink stat. It will be good for new and old players because if will be more stats on server it will be this one cheaper.