Posts by Shivion

    As I play very rarely recently, I do not know how recent changes have affected the 2 boss, but after earlier experience instance, Melodic is a lot right. Instance is made for 12 ppl so 10-12 ppl should go to do it in a smaller amount will be hard with DPS though i do not say that it is not possible :) But here too, I agree with Madox and Heddin. The truth is that there are some guilds also "strong" but not 12 ppl playing a few hours a day at the same time and it is hard to spend a few hours together to work out tactics (work, school, other time zone, own matters). The biggest problem is that, let's be honest, RoM is already years old and players will definitely not be arrivin at a super fast pace. IMO you need to think about whether it will not be better to opt out of the 12-person model for 6 people, where smaller guilds will also be able to go to the end game instance and do it.
    About balance... I can only say about Kalypso statement that we wrote about it more than once and we have not senn the balance so maybe now something will change?

    Congratulations for doing good instances, interesting bosses, mobs a little less ;p As a whole it is ok, maybe the trash is annoying by constant stun/fear/black screen etc. Drop later...
    1 Boss- everything is fine but it is not necessary artificially extended like 4 boss on inferno (before). Tactics at 80-60-40-20 I think it would be enough.
    2 Boss- In my opinion the coolest boss is good that mammoths are not stunnable anymore. When it comes to random... I think it is pretty cool and does not need to be changed.
    3 Boss- n/c,
    I will not say an event too much, but an interesting escape from the beating of the boss.4 Boss- according to me, random here does not bother tactics so it is ok.
    Event once again interesting escape from the boss but... mobs lose agrro I do not know if it is intentional?
    5 Boss- I think interesting boss. I do not have anything to cling to.
    Now the biggest problem... drop 1 stat? a complete mistake. 1 stone for rafine where 7 items are needed for rafine. Boss should give the item rafined with the second stat. In my opinion, there should be 2 states, the first in weapons, the second in rafined item, 1(maybe 2) stone for rafine and 1 stone for stat maybe for 20k AC? (as in inferno). Why? The instance is long, interesting but long gathering items will be almost impossible, with the currect drop system. It must be changed.Have a look at the inferno items. Until now i get whispers "Do you have inferno earring ..." because he is not on ah and the instances is already a year.With inferno there are now 5 stats (aldo 2 good stats), now you just have to look at ah the prices are very big and there are few stats and sometimes there is no, again the instance has a year... Similar problems were at Tikal where there were few stats and they were expensive until AC was added. These 2 instances were quick compared to the new one where we get 1 stat from item 1 from rafine. Again there will be huge problems with the stats, not to mention the rafined items which are 7 and on inferno there were only 2 (and there is still a problem with earring).
    Drop absolutely must be change because it completely spoils the wonderful impression of a well-made instance.Balance... which does not exist.
    The situation in the new instance is that magical classes are doing DPS and physical "bother" them in doing the DPS.
    In my opinion, the classes like the roque, scout will never catch up with magical classes because they do not have enough patt and what can I say They do not do DPS in comparison to magical classes. Maybe it would be nice to think about reducing physcial defense but also cautiously. I personally did not have the opportunity to check how it falls for example w/wd but does not change the fact that such a roque or scout lose their usefulness at the instance and I hope that this is not the point of creating this instance.
    A strange situation also follows from this that if you want to make an instance quicker, change the class after X boss, a bit strange situation ;/

    Trash, Champion has always been my favorite class so I do not have too much problems with mobs but I already see that the knight or warden will have a much bigger problems with it.
    I checked w/wd and it also does not stands out from magic classes. I do not undestand the situation where in some places physical classes are able to do "decent" DPS and in some places there is no chance because they simply beat weakly, and magical classes do not have such a problem.

    It is normal that in the case of such solution you have to raise the limit to 100k/150k then everyone could choose upgrade item or take stats. The price of 100k with the 50k limit would be pointless. You really thought that I would like to upgrade item 1x and never again because the 50k limit would not be able to up anymore.
    It does not matter. It seems to me that further discussion does not make sense because, as you can see, the change is being prepared and the rather further discussion will not change anything.

    Stats from inferno for AC when u can farm AC on tikal better than on inferno? I do not know if that's a good idea. We will see.

    I would like to spend my AC only i do not have anythng to buy... I am sure you will ask why... Because the stats you can buy for AC are available for almost 2 years, and some people do instances instead of running around the fountains in varanas. Until now, AC was treated as a collector's item and now unfortunately when it is the limit it has been end for collectors. When doing instances, I would also like to issue a "reward" in the form of AC for something useful. Writing "If you do not want to spend your AC, then do not do it." shows me that you do not belong to the end game players, so you will not understand it. Perhaps it seems to everyone that we should spend our AC on "old" stats. You do not realize how huge amount of stats could be taken out for these AC and how quickly prices would ruin the market, then nobody would earn on these stats and nobody would do it instance because it would not be worth it. We do not care that in exchange for limit destroy completely the stats price and closing the people's way to earn on them and unfortunately it would end like it.
    We only want an alternative AC solution for the end game players to be able to do something because introducing stats from inferno will not solve the case because after almost a year, people have 2-3 sets an some maybe 4 and there will be no more to do. Is it so weird that when we make instances, we want spend AC on something useful...

    Coin limit will hit the other players earning on stats on tikal. Why? Because a lot of people (me too), collected coins only as part of fun and "collectible". We preferred to spend the diamonds to buy tikal stats, which at least fueled the market a little bit, rather than buying this stats for AC, and holding more tons of diamonds on the characters. Now this path has been eliminated and a lot of diamonds will remain on the character.
    If you could try a little bit and give the opportunity to get something different for coins, there would be no problem. You can add cards from time to time, you can give tiers with the limit of buying (for exapmle in 1 week you can buy 1xt14 / 3x13 / 9x12 / 27x11) And maybe think about new titles for AC? they do not have to be any OP just turn up old titles from wars by a few % and already a huge amount of coins will be spent.
    Little? Can you create a new item?
    for example, bracelet. This could consist in buying a bracelet+0 for 10k AC, then improving it through quests. 1 quest: collect 100k AC + stone from the last boss GCH(here you can think of old instances) reward: bracelet +1 adds + 1% to all attributes, 2 quest: to collect 100k AC + stone from the last boss TSH reward: bracelet+2 adds + 2% to all attributes etc. Maybe a few % of the attributes will not give much, but it's always a specific reward
    Regarding the event, what can I say ...
    As always, the person dealing with the event spoils the fun of card collectors. Events that have always been an escape from the instances / wars, have become mindless (run for 200 talon event reset, stay on mini game for a few hour a day, click alt+1 and praying for the card. Unfortunately, after so many events, they are still being introduced with many mistakes, I have long lost hope that it will
    be better, I just hope that there will be no more cards in this form.
    about "change size of pet for 1 player"
    There are a lot more significant bugs in this game and It is not necessary change (but if it has already been done and the people like it, I'm happy though I do not use it)

    It is amazing that you do not want to communicate between guilds. Now you should think about why this patch was introduced... My guild met Pulse only once on Aldo and We decided to leave him because we have beat him more times but now when I see posts in this topic I see that it was a big mistake...

    I am happy that Improved was the second guild that farmed Aldo because there was never a problem to find out who beats on what channel or leave more Aldo for 1 of guilds (I love whisp "Warning on X channel bugged :D)

    After reading the patch notes i had mixed feelings, but after reading the posts in this topic I see that this is a great change I can only say that Sandstorm supports this change, although We also liked farm this boss but I see that such a change was necessary...

    I hope you don't accuse the Sandstorm for this change.

    I'm surprised that it has not been changed a long time ago. Guilds that have not tried Aldo have lose a lot but it is only their fault because the boss is not difficult at all. I think that after this change, they will not turn off this buff because this boss was a good arcadia coin farm. Of course, I understand that some ppl are upset by such a change but unfortunately the boss was available to everyone and every guild could try to kill him. Guild that started killing him recently had bad luck and hit such a change.

    Sorry for my bad English :)

    Ja wolałbym mieć taką funkcję dostępna w grze bez dodawania kolejnego addona. Twoje rozumowanie Nadana jest bez sensu, bo również można było nie dodawać opcji ukrycia skilli czy eliksirów przemiany w grze (wszyscy znali wcześniejszy sposób jak się tego pozbyć) a jednak zostało to dodane co bardzo mnie cieszy.

    Addon nie jest dobrym rozwiązaniem bo zjada FPSy z którymi w przypadku roma i tak sa problemy.
    Również popieram jeśli jest to możliwe do zrealizowania.

    Unfortunately, the forced change has hit very much in players who normally farm realtionship/silk but unfortunately we don't have much influence on the changes/bans :)

    The biggest problem was that some people decide to be clever and farm relationship while afk. Now it is no wonder that eden has been changed, from me a big plus for this change.

    I farm inferno everyday and I would like to add my opinion.
    - at the beginning I also stated that the teleports should be added but it would be a big mistake and I am glad that it was not added. Teleports give too fast back and would end up being a ridiculously fast farm like tikal about 20min / run (tiakl is shorter and easier to come back) now 1 run on inferno take about 50-60min and i think its very good (we focus on what you do because you don't want die because the return road is long and that is a good thing).
    -I tank the instance from the beginning and never happened to get the hit who kill me (if ever i knew i did wrong)
    -Phirius Special water also I think should be able to use them
    -Mementos? I'm not sure if this is needed since there are arcadia coins but with the idea I can agree if there were only a few (so that it does not end up in a farm only custom instance)

    It is true that 1 heal is enough to do inferno and in my opinion the best to do it is d/wd.

    Also it is true that we run on 2 heals because our ladies like to play this character but it does not change the fact that noone in our party use d/s ... But how many guilds so many different tactics :)

    Important information is that Boss 1-4 can drop 3x Lava Shard.
    I think it was made for the weakers guilds that may not be able to do full instance. They can farm earlier bosses and selling it.

    I also think that it is great idea. I see that many people farm cards. Adding cards from earlier instances can be an interesting option.
    I also would gladly visit the old instances if there will be new cards.

    Hi, I would like to ask if it is possible to add a new ranking on Paradise. I saw that a ranking of Ancient Mementos was added on Insomnia. I would like to see new ranking of Arcadia Coins. I am very curious if someone collects this currency :)

    I would like to ask if there is a possibility to remove the -movement speed in the Transformation Potion - Giant Guardian? If it is not possible maybe new skin with str/stam.
    No others transformation has such a strange feature, and it has the same 2 important stats like str/dex, str/int.
    So I would like to ask what you think about this :)