Posts by Zyrex

    Few things about Knight/Champion...

    First of all, this class is awesome! It has great utility, perfect CC for rofl, a huge hammering aggro/s and also some decent support. :thumbup:

    There is only one bug/issue I found: "Electrocution Chain", this is not always pulling all mobs to you. Sometimes it only stuns them, sometimes they kinda drift to you few seconds later. Feels like they are only pulled if the skill hits on any mob and does not pull if you miss on one, but haven't tested this particularly.

    Other thing: I think the aoe taunt "Heroic Roar" isn't pretty useful, since it doesn't increase your current aggro, just places you on number 1 of the list, but mobs instantly turn away if someone else deals more aggro :/ I mean, with that combo it's pretty impossible to lose aggro or not to deal enough at once, but in terms of having a second taunt, a small aggro increase would be cool :) Also if I use it as aggro leading, it has no effect as against other taunts.

    Just use the kitty from ArcadiaUtilities, its much easier to use and configure. Even efficiency is equal imo.

    Regarding Scout/Warlock...

    What about changing the concentration skill (for any scout) which currently lowers focus cost by 50% for 62 seconds with a cd of 5 min.

    New effect could be like 2 min cd, lowers focus cost by 50% for 30 seconds. This should be a good filler after dwarven beer ran out and could also be used in trash due to the lower cd.

    I don't think other scouts are currently really using this effectively, at least I haven't heard of sustain issues of physical scouts - so this change wouldn't change anything for them :)

    I've had done some balancing changes in this thread regarding scout/knight. Right now the class can regenerate 100 fokus every 60 seconds for players around 90 range.

    Yeah but maybe as a new warlock since those combinations are still in implementation and might lack of ideas. 100 focus every 60s might be okay in bossfight offburst, but in trash I don't think it's useful, even if many sustaining classes are participating on the same raid with different timings etc.

    Warlock has some selfish focus regeneration buffs, which could be transformed into support buffs. Then you could run with 2 warlocks instead, which enables some more tactics in raid setup and outsources some essential utility.

    But yea, maybe this could be put on a scout to make scout great again, since lether type is kind of underrated atm, I only see chains and paper in endcontent and only few lederhosen.

    Just a hint regarding scout/warlock...

    What about implementing some sustain support class as warlock/scout that could grant the raid some sustain buffs or instant ressources?

    I also tested the class itself for a while now. If I do not use any focus costing buffs in trash, the class has only few sustain issues in rofl. BUT I always had to use uni potion on cooldown, which isn't very useful in the long run. So I appreciate the suggestion of some phirius sustain potions wich few cd as 20s or such.

    However the class is very funny to play, only aoe sometimes lacks somehow if you don't have anything ready to use, but thats just a timing thingy I guess.


    The Elemental Discipline is not procced on every single target hit. Seems this has an internal 1.2s cooldown with crossbow or something.

    See my screenshot, 18 hits and only 12 triggers.


    Another test with more skills resulted in 32 hits and only 27 triggers. The higher procc rate might be related to the increased attackspeed/castspeed within my selfbuffs (no idea why).

    So finally I tested this with all of my attackspeed cooldowns, which resulted in 20 hits and 14 proccs.

    Even if it's not intended to proc on autoshot or spells, the amount of proccs is still strange.

    Regarding Scout/Warlock...

    The 200 focus are really awesome, but the Universal Potion isn't working between 101 and 199 focus points. Also the dwarven beer potion is buggy on this class since it always "sets" focus to 100, no matter how much focus you had before. So if you use it with more than 100 focus, your focus is reduced to 100 :D

    Also, as the previous posts already told, please add a focus regeneration mechanic or decrease/remove the focus cost on Wind Arrows, Autoshot and Vampire Arrows (which currently has 2 separate focus costs, which might be another bug).

    However, the concept of this class (and most others ofc) is awesome, I'm looking forward to play them in future <3

    Are you sure, regarding the Exp from Quests? My ppl started questing and ended up without any bonus (at least they told me so). That was the original reason why I was writing this thread. The real question is: Are the x10 EXP already displayed in the quest text boxes, since I get the same amount of EXP as displayed in the quest text.

    Regarding the other points: I didn't tested all the stuff, I was just told that there were like nothing of that existing. If so, my information might be wrong I guess.

    So this could be closed then, thanks for the information and sry about the misunderstanding, I completely trusted in the info I was told by the ppl I brought into game :rolleyes:

    Hi folks,

    I was recently returning since I paused for about 3 years and noticed some issues which could turn off new players from starting on this server - both again and from scratch.

    Short backgroundstory: Me and some players were switching from another server and wanted to start here again. I noticed that most of my ppl were averse to start as a new player, because there is less newbie-support than on like any other server. I also was participarting in the organisation of another project which is finished and closed now and I noticed that newbie-support makes a server more attractive by far, even in the long run.

    So here I gonna present some suggestions for fixing this issue to make the server gre.... more attractive ;)

    • min. x2 EXP Rate on Quests, even more would be better
    • Better starter gear (if it's still the old one I remember)
    • starting diamonds or other currency like rubies which can't be traded to prevent exploitation
    • starter mount, megaphones, potions, transportation stuff (things you can't use on an alt char for your main)

    I'm sure there are possibilities to implement stuff like that. From my point of view, a stable support of new players is needed to avoid new players jump off since there are other servers that already have these features.

    I also know, starting currencies isn't a good plan for many cases, since ppl can exploit it, creating new accounts and becoming rich by exploit. But I'm sure, you guys know ways to ensure avoidance of these matters.

    As a returning player (what I actually am) it's not an issue. I already have all classes maxed out and all the stuff I need so far. But to be serious, as an entirely new player I wouldn't be motivated to start from scratch on CoA as it is atm and would rather choose another game/project. (no offense, but I was told by my dudes with exactly this argument)



    Nice idea that memento stuff! :love:

    Aditionally i would suggest:

    • The whole phirius shop (NPCs can be removed for better performance in Atlas)
    • Those crafting materials you buy for Mementos at the Weeping Coast
    • Repair-Hammers you buy for Mementos at the Weeping Coast (bcz our guild now has HD gear :D )
    • The Phirius Shell NPCs' stuff, stuff for coins, proofs, mementos, dreamland stuff...
    • ... and maybe add a donkey to the merchant which offers some backpacks as additional inventory storage :rolleyes:

    Thanks and best regards

    PS: regardless of my ironic suggestions, that NPC is a very must-have! I always missed something like that on other servers. Please keep up making Runes great again! :love::love::love:


    for our Lv 55-70 project some older stuff would be awesome for the weekend or somewhen else.

    Some tier 5 Runes:

    others would be nice as well.

    In addition to that we would appreciate some Lv 62 Varanas Nightmare items, especially the blue crystals (ID: 205718 ).

    Maybe it's possible to insert that into a phirius coin promo for the phirius shop or for rubys?



    the last few days me and my guild farmed the new instance on hardmode. Now I want to share our impressions with you and our noticed bugs/improvements.

    The trash
    The trash was like farming dreamlands: Our tank wasn't needed, so our dds just pulled for themselves and killed the mobs nearly solo (no heal needed here).

    Harpys despawning instance mobs & bosses
    We found a bug that makes all mobs and bosses of the instance disappeared. We fixed that bug by killing harpys onehit or not pulling any.
    But this happens as well by any other reason, very randomly but most by pulling harpys. If it happens, all the left bosses will disappear and the party will not get any loot.

    The HP of the single bosses is too less. We tried the whole instance with only 3 scouts and that was enough!
    Everyone bursted one single boss and that's it. If you have not enough damage in pt or one boss will survive for longer, you can break the try or do real tactics... :love: imo the bosses need at least 200kk HP as minimum.

    Our 3 scouts farmed sigils in trash by themselves (tank & heal wasn't needed... :whistling: ) and didn't burst at boss, bcz of the tactics which triggered very randomly. The tactics are very nice here (I like movement events) but they triggered only 3-4 times.

    Here you don't need any tactics. Burst is enough. 3 Scouts was enough. More HP of the boss will not solve the easiness, but reducing the amount of "blue objects" which dissolve the red debuffs that ppl have to run / move for more than 1 cm ^^

    This boss is pretty nice as well. Resp. it is the only "real hardmode" boss. Sometimes we got the "bug" that the boss despawned and only the crystals stayed existing. Here the pt needs a good movement to manage the events and not to die.
    Btw if you burst the boss too much, it might trigger his event 4-times in 1. Then you have to kill more than only 1 crystal and the event breaks.

    We tried burst and that it was. Don't know if there are some tactics here, but they won't matter.

    To summarize the instance is too easy for earning an arcadia stat. With only 3 good scouts you can farm the instance in a 5 ppl party in less than 15 minutes.
    The idea of including arcadia-stats is nice, but the implementation needs an improvement. :love:

    A party of 2-3 Champs can clear the whole instance in a 4 player party and that would be not realistic enough for a Lv 98 Hardmode Instance... :S

    There is 1h magic sword and 2 h magic hammer in Dreamland that no class use out side of k/m, in the past i was using those thing for k/m before switch to the mems weapon , in Grafu Castle HM there is Talisman for healer too, K/m need shield that give magic damage to use skill and improve DPS and they dont have another option for that. Healer can use those thing too but there is already many better option for healer at the same level i dont see the reason they need to use that.

    You know that k/m did not even exist like it does atm, when grafu came out? That time it just has been a failed tanking class you had to play with half mage gear which dealt the weakest aggro in game (no whitehit buff).

    The grafu healer shield has been implemented for druids who can't take talis btw.
    To do such conclusions you could also say that RW implemented weapons for warmage at Chapter2/3 (?) with the kibensty crafting dagger bcz it has a strong magical dmg xD

    Only warmage could equip that grafu shield but those have not been strong enough to overtake rogue/scout, mage and such (no 60/70 elite aso.). :rolleyes:
    I'm currently considering which patch buffed the warmage before 60/70 elite came out. Has this been still in chapter4 or was it immediatly before chapter5 patches? I remember a warmage in chapter4 who dealt nice dmg in tosh but couldn't reach other dps at least by part. :whistling:

    But now it's the same problem like the wd/w on off server has: People play a tank class with dps gear and find out that this matters a lot.

    I'm feeling some ppl didn't understand this phrase in context as it was meant. :rolleyes:

    Knight/Mage was basically meant as a magical tank class by Runewaker.

    After the great knight-patch at ~Lv80 cap, ppl tried to deal damage with those and it mattered a lot. Those classes have a high aggro output but do a lot of damage as well.
    Now they are not only tanking classes, but can be played as dps or tank as well.

    Hope, that was clear enough now :love:

    Well I did, but increasing elemental resistance will not solve the problem ^^
    We need a %-value change (dmg calculation, mdeff, aso.), not an absolute value change (resist, critres, aso.).

    And as far as I know the elemental resists are not even included in dmg-calculation anymore since chapter 2... but here I could be wrong, don't know what the Arcadia-team did there ^^

    Nadana.. i just checked this and I can't find any data about elemental resistance on bosses in instances after chapter1 (CL norm & Kalin).
    The only thing you can find elemental resistance in todays content is in pvp, resp. in the player stats. But those will never grow over 500.

    Then it could be that the dev team integrated some in HOS HM, but I don't believe in that.
    Elemental resistance is only a fix value. Bosses must have resistances of over 10kk that players would notice that xD

    But also accept that some ppl want to keep their gear they optimized on k/m for HOS.
    I think we even can't nerf k/m only, but could rebalance the whole mdps classes. ;)

    I also agree to this.
    But imho this is not a bugged class or is not "OP". The K/M has always been a magical tank basically - resp. it was the idea of that.
    But now it's the same problem like the wd/w on off server has: People play a tank class with dps gear and find out that this matters a lot.

    The problem we also always had in the past was that there is always a class that is stronger then others. For we have a two-class-system there is no possibility to balance everything on the ideal way.

    On Off Server about 70% of all highs played R/M, Warmage or M/W. And on Arcadia these classes have been replaced by K/M, S/Wd and such (excluded Warmage; this one always deals a strong dmg).

    However I agree that K/M maybe is a bit too strong. But I also analyzed that other classes like druid/rogue or even warlock/champ "CAN" make up their leeways with a great gear.
    For K/M you need nothing but about 80k Matt, the tikal sword and maybe a setbounty for more crit-dmg.
    The reason why this is enough is that HOS HM has a Mdeff cap at ~80k. That means you don't need more than 80k Matt to deal your Max-DMG. (Same dmg you deal on Lv 1 mobs).
    And K/M has the highest base dmg ingame so once you reach the cap you'll be the dmg-god.

    But in other instances like CL or even non-custom Inis like CoE the K/M is unusable. He has no chance of increasing his Matt but only dmg. With a more or less "good" gear, the average K/M stands with about 400k Matt in burst. GoH e.g. has a mdeff cap of 480k Matt. So you see even in this old easy istance the K/M is useless.

    To come back to topic I would suggest not to crash the K/M by nerfing some skills/buffs but to increase some bosses Mdeff.
    The result of that "fix" would be that some guilds need much more time to finish one single HOS run but to play more tactics. Maybe afterwards the 6th boss has to be nerfed because there is much dmg left to kill the horse on time, but this is another story.

    To summarize: Yes, the balancing has to change to some classes. ;)