Posts by Visenya

    But priest is a good healer, and there is no need to have d/wd always in your party.
    p/s, p/wrl, p/k <- awesome healers, and each one is able to heal a group of 12 people all by himself, just sayin' ;)

    That's what I'm saying here and what i said to gm in a game. With no description we dont know what exactly we did that we got the title and what we are doing wrong that we dont get it.
    My guess is there is 4th title from the rune chessboard and I probably will have to reset the game another 50 times and may or may not get the title...

    I would love to share how I got three titles from Rune Chessboard game but the truth is I have no idea. I was doing it today and yesterday like crazy with the same person in party. First title we got at the same time, second one I got and he doesn't, and the third one I got and he doesn't. After we repeated the game few times he also got the third one. Then we kept repeating but still no second title for him.

    In my opinion there definitely should be some description about each title. Cuz the truth is that yes, our playerbase is big but only very few players are interested in doing titles and even if you want to help other players you don't know how cuz you dont know how you obtained it...
    Each title in the list of festive titles have a description and i dont see a reason why those shouldn't have.

    We would really appreciate some hints where to look for those titles ;) Cuz right now we are walking blindly :(
    Some small clues like "in this event there is one title, in other event there are two titles" something like that.
    Give us a helping hand ^^

    I haven't thought that goblin mines is a place where people farm TP/EXP. I thought that there are other (simpler) ways to do that, like quests for example(EXP increased) and killing mobs on instances (TP increased).
    Also there is a Phirius Shell package with 255 Shells which costs 260 dias. So it's kinda silly to buy goblin reset ticket to get 50 shells when you can buy 255 shells for similar price ^^
    I'm interested in repeating goblin mines only because of the titles that we get for goblin badges.
    So if the price cannot be changed may I suggest that you could put goblin badges in promo? With reasonable price of course, not too exaggerated ;)

    Sorry for another thread...

    I would like to thank to the team for adding goblin reset ticket so fast after I suggested it to Thor that You could create such an item :)
    But the price of it is totally exaggerated. 249 diamonds is too much for the possibility to do the goblins one more time.
    I think no one in his right mind will buy it so could You please lower the price?
    I suggest that it should cost around 15-20 dias, like Malatina repeat ticket which costs 27 diamonds.
    Vis :)

    It adds strength and wisdom. The description of this potion is wrong, it says that it adds inteligence.
    I'm looking for a GM in world chat since yesterday so I could report him/her that, but they all vanished ;)

    I dont see the reason why priest couldnt switch for mage to do malatina :)

    not everyone :) Not those who started playing just recently ;)
    If it's up to players I chose to buy them too. *going to make a post in IS Promo suggestions right now*

    The number of Artillery is not infinite, so sometimes if you will make a mistake and shot in a wrong direction you have to use your own skills to destroy baricades if you want to move further :) I remember how long it took to do my first malatina when I had to cast flame to destroy one baricade :) It was over 4 years ago on another publishers server

    What about those who, like you said, did not spend time on things and got all the titles before the change? Why I have to spend months on something they got in just one month?
    Cards drop randomly. I do know a person who got one single card in 10 runs. And not everyone resets malatina (because they cannot afford to buy dozens of reset scrolls) so it's not that easy for them to get a 150-card-title.
    And what about those who bought ghost cards from IS? They did not spend time on this.

    Right now I'm voting for ghost-cards for next promo. In this package in which you could get a random number of cards. I could not afford that while it was in promo last time but right now I will definitely buy it.

    I also dont like the change in this malatina. I dont want to waste my time to do the tactics (it takes like... 8minutes? for some more for some less) and at the end I won't get the ghost card that is needed for titles. Sometimes i like to reset this malatina few times. Cards drop so randomly that it happens that for 10 runes you get only one card.
    With this change i will spend hours to get one card, and for titles you need like 150 and 200(? I am not sure) cards. How many months you want us to spend on this? (Yes, months, cause wasting so much time in this malatina and getting nothing is really discouraging)

    I dont care about the phirius shells, i dont need them, with current stats from hos hm and tikal, stats from phirius shells merchants are usless for most of the players.
    IMO this change will also make the game harder for newbies who use those stats to get some beginners eq or to sell them to get a small amount of diamonds.

    Big big "No" from me.

    Hello ^^
    I was wondering if You could please increase the number of spaces in our houses? I love decorations and I find 100spaces too little :(

    Exchanging cenedril hearts for materials would be really good. Unlocking your pet to max rank is easy, and after getting max rank hearts are not useful anymore.

    I also wouldn't mind exchanging mementos for cenedril upgrade parts. Another source of those upgrade parts would be nice ^^

    770736 Schwarzschlangen-General Mafrur/Black Snake General Mafrur - is obtainable
    771051 Verzauberter Zombie/Enchanted Zombie - is obtainable
    771501 Wilde Klippenechse/Wild Crag Lizard - is obtainable

    IMO it's not anyone's business whether ppl use matt or mdmg food. They use what they prefer so Hot Stew giving matt and patt would not be useless cuz ppl would use them.

    I know few players who prefer magical attack food. hot stew giving both physical and magical attack would be awesome for them :)

    If You want to do the main quest You need to go back to Dalanis.
    But if You just want to get the level cap You can do this without Morrok and his band, You can do zone quests and You will get there :)

    I'm not sure about that but I also think that Morrok storyline is not needed to get to the new zone. I think that the storyline from Splitwater Coast is needed

    I have a simple question. When will You release some new content for us? Like for example when will You open Tasuq or open new instance where something valuable is dropping (because farming Tikal 3 times a day became reaaaaaly boring). Or for example You could do some events from time to time like... I dont know.. double drop weekend for Tikal stats and for mirror instances?

    On Insomnia server you opened hos then zs/dl, You updated AH for them, here on Paradise nothing is going on for months, like you are totally not interested and ignoring us.

    Can you please stop crying about k/m already? It's simple: you dont like it - dont play it, no one forces you to play k/m. Make your guildmates to not play k/m. Surround yourself with everyclass except k/m. Truth is that you are either bored or b*tthurted that many ppl can farm hos and your guild cant rule the prices of hos stats.
    Stop trying to ruin the game for others.

    As Kahtoo said not so long ago:


    "Packages from the guild castle honor shop (206773) are dropping different items now than before.

    This will be fixed with the next patch so you can store your packages from now but do NOT open them yet."

    This was not fixed. You added some useless t6 items with two green stats.
    Please fix it once again and give us back clear t6