Posts by Visenya

    I support this idea. Stating healer with wisom kinda makes no sense cuz there is cap on regens. I also think You guys should do sth about that ^^

    As a full-time healer I really like D/Wd, D/W, P/S, P/Wrl, P/R (cause it's fast ;)) and if You need a litlle bit of survivability P/K is also a good choice.
    In my opinion D/S is kinda useless in party. I like this combination a lot but the 36k regens are too low for me when tank has 1kk hp and dps usually have 300-500k hp.

    S/Wrd it's not the only choice scouts have. S/R is also very good

    M/Wrl - party can run without it but it's nice to have its debuff
    Wrl/M - buffer and a good dps if you are not lazy and know how to play it. I honestly don't get ppl who only think that their job is to spam Warp Charge and keep up the Soul Brandx4 debuff
    Wrl/Ch, M/W, D/R, K/M, W/M - good magical dps

    I know nothing about physical melee classes :>

    If I'm not wrong there is only one leather set from craft for both classes. RW combined scout set and rogue set into one set. It's the same with the Cibel set that drops in 99lvl ini, it's for both rogue and scout :)

    Hello, I know You will ignore me but I would like to repeat myself: cards from new instance are not dropping. Since the instance came out we are doing Inferno at least once a day and so far NOT A SINGLE CARD from any boss dropped. It is an Instance for 12ppl, with this rate, in a year, maybe one person in our guild will have all of the cards.

    Please increase the drop rate.

    Your alts need to be in party and also give them at least one potion for drop rate(the one from housemaid or get the free buff from varanas bridge) and everything will be fine with their drop

    The Cocoon is in Silverspring at 65.6/74.7 there is this small island with pink cocoons.
    And You should be able to learn recipe for Ash Timber in East Varanas or in Logar.

    Big help with quests is addon Quest Helper ;)

    I would like to know what is the point of this new 225 stat?
    Why waiting with all the "the devs were so kind that they allowed you to farm this new currency" since 14th of Feb.? You could have give this useless(I'm sorry but IT IS useless) merchant 1,5month ago.
    Will You add something useful to this merchant?
    If not, then You had 1,5month to think this through and all You gave us is trash.

    I would like to remind again that Arcadia Coins drop only in Tikal. Tikal is an endgame instance. Even if you wanted to help new players, and give them some new stats you could give them some new stats for mementos. Not for a currency that drop in endgame instance which they can't farm.

    I'm suggesting again, give us tikal pink stat for 5k coins.
    If you'll check, there are not many tikal stats on AH and if they are, they are super expensive. The prices will not go down because those stats are rare and when the new instance will come out they'll probably become even more expensive bc most of the players will farm new instance.

    I see that You care about Insomnia very much, you change many things for them to make their game more enjoyable like You changed drop rate of stats in WA for them.
    I'm asking You to start caring about us too and stop with the attitude "meh, let's give them nothing, they'll enjoy it anyway..."

    I would like to point out that running Tikal 5 times to roll a 225 stat was not thought over by You Devs considering that while running those 5 Tikals you''ll get 5 or even more 220 yellow stats that you wanted.
    This is not worth at all.

    My suggestion is that we could roll tikal pink stat for 5k coins.
    Tikal is on the server for over a year and after that year there are not many tikal stats on the auction house. "soon" ;) there will be new instance with new pink stats and many many players dont have tikal stats. So this possibility to roll tikal stat every 5 runes would kinda fulfill this lack of tikal pink stats.
    I would also highlight the fact that the drop rate of tikal pink stats is very weird. lots and lots of sta/dex, wis/wis, sta/wis and very few useful stats. This doesnt happen on hos hard. I have the feeling that each stat on hos have same drop rate and on tikal drop rate is broken :/

    I would also suggest to change the coins=mementos trade to 1:1
    Before there were 1200 mems from tikal, with current exchange its only 800mems

    Vis :)

    Also You can do malatinas and gobes and sell stats You get from Phirius Shell merchants. I think they will give You nice amount of diamonds when You sell them on AH :)
    When You'll have better gear You can farm tiers too. selling tiers is also a nice source of diamonds.

    We would really appreciate if You(GMs) could give us some information. We got the "soon" info over two weeks ago. Third week just started and still nothing. on March 1st, there will be 1 year since Tikal came out...
    And what about Arcadia Coins merchant? How many of them do we have to collect untill we'll see what we can buy with them?

    I know, I have your version of charplan. No bow, and no rings in it ;)
    Edit: at least in polish version of it :)

    I think the lower set was intended like this and was not supposed to be with setbonus, it is just a filler or something like that(so there are not only three things that drop from the whole instance but six).
    I think lower sets with setbonus will be on 2nd or 3rd instance.

    But I'm just guessing ^^

    Edit: My charplan doesn't even show lvl104 bow :D