k/m is not better than w/m, in fact beside HoS ,k/m is worse than w/m in every activity as a magic damage dealer so if you like w/m you can play it here without worry that you can be best by other mdd class with the same gear
Posts by arthuria
There is 1h magic sword and 2 h magic hammer in Dreamland that no class use out side of k/m, in the past i was using those thing for k/m before switch to the mems weapon , in Grafu Castle HM there is Talisman for healer too, K/m need shield that give magic damage to use skill and improve DPS and they dont have another option for that. Healer can use those thing too but there is already many better option for healer at the same level i dont see the reason they need to use that.
A blank statement like that is not helping, you should explain what you want to say, we are here to discuss so pls be clear about your opinion about the matter.
I dont understand your question MDNCITAJ, Runwaker always make weapon for K/m DPS from the early of the game, 1h magical sword and hammer come from Dreamland and shield that give bonus to magic damage at Grafu Castle HM, and after is the 2h magical sword and hammer that rival the best weapon ins can drop that can be bought by mems whenever new zone open. And by those item i was surely the K/m was mean to be a DPS by the Developer since none of those thing bear any stats for tank as well as 2h magical sword and hammer only need for k/m DPS when w/m use wand and talisman and k/m tank need shield that give bonus for tank.
MDNCITAJ, i have told you to talk with GM about the weapon problem since they already have answer for what you ask but ok i will help you understand the hybrid weapon
-First it is Runewaker that have creat the rule that whenever a new zone open there will be hybrid weapon in the mems shop and Arcadia team only make the first in tikal ,there is no hybrid weapon from HoS ,CL or DN, the hybrid weapon always have the same att spd and number of stats but much better type damage that they aiming for compare to normal version when other type will be lower. So you cant compare a 2h HoS sword to a tikal hybrid weapon since one is a full physical damage type with all stats for it and one is for magic damage type with the stats for it as well, and if you follow the rule set by the main game then the hybrid weapon in tikal will be buff since their att spd is lower than the normal version in tikal as well as the number of stats, they only have 2 stats at max.
-Second if you compare the weapon in the normal ins with the tikal weapon then you need to do the same with other weapon and if you do so you will see the hybrid weapon in TIkal actually dont have much improve compare to other type of weapon there especially the bow.
I ask again since i see you guys throw the term "OP" for k/m here , at what activity k/m show that he is OP out side of HoS ? If there is only one ins that you guys have problem with then isnt it reasonable to just fix that ins instead of doing thing that wll affect other ? -
Once again Nadana i ask you to bring proof from other ins or boss than HoS since what you suggestion affect thing way other than that one instance, and by suggest that cut over 50% of one class TOTAL damage then you need to show the proof that class out damage many dps class with the same power of gear and with that said margin in many activity than just HOS and match with the activity that your suggestion will affect .
I think there is so many thing here that you guys have contradict your self, you said that k/m do too much damage that need their damage skill to be neft yet claim that the class is just a tank, and when i ask about source you said that look at my skill.
And what is wrong with a class that CAN be DPS OR TANK ? Is it ironic when you talking about "variety" when suggest thing that reduce the option to play one class ? DO you want champion to be only tank next too ? Or warlock remain as support only ?
And ryjii, you play w/m so if you want to do damage there is all of ins for you, or if you play mage there is still TIkal which you can actually out damage the k/m as well as thing like mirror world, and you can try normal ins you can see that in burst you can be comparable to most mdps in the server, i said that because i have try Raven Hearts with mage/warrior and k/m. -
You tell me that the class only use one button but i disagree so there is only one way to find out is to test in ingame with both of us do what we claim, how can that be nosense ?
You tell me dont compare to other class ? Then what do you base on to justified for neft for k/m ? Isnt you claim it is for "balance" ? Balance with what if you dont compare to other class ?
And all i see your proof base only for 1 instance, HOS and nothing more. Have you ever using k/m at other thing in the game like Madro Troll Nest, hunting World Boss ? I have do them all and k/m is only a normal DPS in those thing, now with your suggest we lost more than 50% TOTAL damage, and i said TOTAL because you only said the highest number each hit got while k/m is a burst damage type DPS.
I was once said that if you want to suggest change some thing then limited it to the custom feature of this server only because there is already a balance build by the main team in all other aspect of the game but you guys always want to mess with thing that will affect every part of the game.
SO you said that i can stilll "play" the class after your neft ? at what activity ? K/m now is just a normal DPS even with the best DPS gear for it at other ins than HOS then after you cut over 50% of it damage what do you think they can do ? -
You keep calling that a "one class button" but i disagree, then how about settle it ? you come with me in an ins, you can only push one button then go afk when i play how ever i want then compare the result.
And the same apply to k/m we have to use many buff WHILE in fight to make better damage not just pre buff and we need to timing HLD as well to have better survivability as well as damage while not cut in our full attack patern.
And the Big hard hit of k/m is a double edge sword since it make quite of aggro , combine with the combo of Mana shield and Holy Power of Explosion we have to constant watch out for the aggro meter and ready to act when boss or mobs target us .
YOu call 3 DPS and then said their damage only come close to you as tank as a proof oO ,should i do the same just replce k/m with w/m or r/m ? They can do it if they want but that is what they get for dps that cant even do the same as a tank. -
It is auto attack and holy light domain with tons of buff and other skill to support .
Ofc i dont want to change like this. You make the game worst for us that play k/m than other server so why should we have to stay here to play the neft version while all other server offer us the normal version ?
You talk about "powerful" , then i ask you at what aspect you call k/m "powerful" , have you ever see what they do in any other thing than HOS ? Are they more "powerful" than any other class you guys use there ?
WHat you want is not "change" ,what you want is just simply neft the class and ruins the game for everyone that play it. -
Because there is a chance that your suggestion become true if we dont oppose it then it will ruin the game for all of us who play the class here when offer nothing in return, combine with the reason behind your suggestion is not for any good at all. I oppose it because i love the class and i see what you do is nothing more than destroy it and we dont like being sacrifice pawn.
As for straum, play k/m and never using anything other than the attack button then go afk with me in any ins, both using k/m and then lets compare our DPS, you insult me and many ppls play the class like that, we using many skill and buff as well and we dont go afk in any instance.
My skill can be use for both Tank AND DPS, that is the whole reason you want to neft two of the most important k/m damage skill here.
And you still dont answer me, why do you think there is no neft for the class in the history of the game as well as anyone call them to be OP ? Or do you think you are better than any ppls playing ROM in the history of the game include all of the Dev and GM in every server too ? -
So now it is the "amount of effort" you want to balance around ? Then when you take way the power in the skill you call "easy" why you dont give that back to other skill that require more "effort" ? And how can you gauge that in the first place ? Do you want to make APM count for each class combo and balance around that now ?
For no reason you guys want to neft k/m ? OK,then let me ask some question :
- Why is only here k/m being call "OP" or "bug" ,why there is no talk about them in other server, or even before the HoS release ? Mind you that there is already at least one guys insist of using them in all highest ins at that time. And k/m damage dont even that good compare to w/m or scout/warden on everything that is not HOS, so if you talking about OP DPS then i think there is much more class combo you need to neft before k/m. If there is only at one ins then isnt the better solution is fix for just that ins rather than entire class ?Oh and the highest ins now is tikal, not HOS
- Many said that the class is not "mean" to be DPS, then let me ask about your source ? And why limited one for just one role ? Can i ask for champion/rogue only "Tank" ? And k/m cant even Tank and DPS at the same time,you need to build different gear for each jobs. Oh and the 2h hybrid magical sword and hammer is meant only for K/m dps since the tank build and need shield to do the jobs and w/m use wand , with every time new zone open these two weapon always have update so i dont think the class is only "mean" to be Tank. Combine with the skill build for DPS that Nadana have to ask for neft here it is unreasonable to call it just "mean" to be tank.
- And finally, the 2h hybrid sword and hammer in tikal is already a neft for them since they got less stats than any other weapon as well as the high att speed compare to normal version. So the question is, what kind of thing you want to get here ? SInce if your suggestion got accepted is there any reason to play k/m here than go to any other server and play the normal type that dont got neft ? -
It is true that i dont have much experience with scout/mage so maybe it can be another option for mdps in tikal and in my view ,it is good since more variety is better . But unless everyone go as scout/mage or other mdps class combo and forgot mage again then we can say mage need to be buff not right now when mage still a viable mdps in tikal while the other 2 popular mdps is not. It is quite unfortunate that mage only shine in one instance but at least it provide variety, if now we buff mage to be good in all other instance then what will prevent everyone to build only mage as mdps ?
And Gjiara ,i dont think you should say that term here since it is a term use as definition of illness that maybe taken as insulting other especially when you are talking about the whole community, not just a single person .
And ofc we need to compare mage with other class or class combo with the same role, that is the whole reason why it need to be buff or not.
And in term of buff by changing skill then we must consider this :
Arcadia is not the only ROM server have ever exits nor we have the most player in ROM history, we have some custom item and instance so any change should be limited for only our custom features, any changing to other aspect of the game should be taken as extreme careful and we already have some experience with scout. And the first question we need to answer while we change those thing is :" Why there is no change for the thing in the direction we want in the game history at all other server ?" -
If you want to buff mage especially changing their skill then you need to be very careful since the scout have give us an example of changing skill may have some unexpected impact on the game . Oh and pls i said in my previous post "since k/m and w/m not as good as mage " it is to compare mage to other popular mdps in tikal so pls dont cherry pick and quote the whole sentence. As the weapon matter i had already explained so many time in game so pls ask Sapp or other GM about it.
As i said i run tikal and many party on call mage to be mdps so if other class combo is better then why everyone still only call mage or warlock for mdps in tikal only? i have yet to see the call for scout/mage
My points is: in the past mage dont have a place in party to run any instance and got overshadow by k/m in HOS and w/m in other ins. Now they have a place in tikal party and maybe some other mdd class combo too when those other two popular mdps not so if you want to buff mage to be better all around you need to be careful to not make other mdd class being neglect in other ins than tikal like the situation happen to scout
Finally i think it is better if you focus only to discuss matter in game, it is not nice to insult other player like that.
I only see mage/ or warlock/ or only 1 time scout/mage in tikal so i really curious,what class combo can out damage all of mage and warlock in both AOE and single target ?
Since as i said,the mage/warrior can dish out 5m each flame in 0.5 sec combine with superb magic AOE damage skill to clear mobs so we always have to call mage/ as the best magic dps to do tikal , it will be good to know if there is other way -
I have run many tikal run and the only Mdps we need is mage/warrior or mage/warden , k/m or w/m is not good as mage since they are melee and need to land a physical normal hit to trigger magic damage ,mage have both range and pure high magic damage so they are must have to kill the immune boss or mobs in tikal.
And mage/warrior can do 5 m damage each flame to tikal boss at 0.5 sec full buff while k/m dont even get to 12 m to boss 5 tikal at full buff at 3.3 sec with the same gear so their damage is not weak at all ,combine with the need to stay range to finish the mobs like tikal warrior that weak to magic and have melee AOE skill, i see mage have a clear advantage when compare to other mdps in tikal.
In the past i will agree and have suggest the increase 2h staff damage and speed already to help mage perform better in all ins, but now with TIkal release mage and warlock have change , they become the must in the party with none can replace them there and they do good damage too. So to go tikal you must build them, it will even "force" people to build mage and warlock if they want the highest gear and stats so their number wont become less than any other mdps.
Do you think if we buff them now they may become too good and make the situation revert from the past when everyone will build them and neglect all other mdps ? If no then why and is there another way to make them better in other ins but the same in the highest ins ? -
Mage is weak but it have change with Tikal release since mage now is a must in the highest ins so you see many building them now. The Dev have already limited w/m and k/m at least in 3 first boss of tikal for mage to shine as mdps there so you can see that they want the mage better and will have change for them later.
[-off topic snip by Thor-]
So after all can we agree to let Survival rune fragment trade for gold ? about 100 for 1 mil is good enough.
Sorry but i dont see champ/knight can be OP even with that, like you said they lack elite and the knight common skill is about defense but champ already got priest as secondary class. But not only champ/knight, what about warden/knight ? druid/knight ? or even warlock/knight ?
THe purpose of letting player experience the combo class that dont exits in other server is variety and beside from /knight, there is no class combo that cant use the common skill of secondary class, and the fix is actually very easy,the dev can just put the skill allow to use shield in the knight common skill board.
The reason they remove the way to buy cores for gold is that arcadia stats being too easy to get so we cant make that mats being trade for stats easy again, the best solution is using those thing for other thing, maybe make it like phiruis token when you can buy something from NPC using it as currency
Yes i agree if we can have it as some sort of currency to exchange for other thing then the ratio is good enough, but for that,what do you prefer : gold, badge of trial, phirius shell, honor points, memento or other thing ?
And MDNCITAJ we know that arcadia stats is easy to get now, but the mats still is an unique item of the server, so it better have some place, or else we need to ask for them to remove that since we cant tell to a new player that we have something other server dont have but it is just trash -
You can only have 4.5 core each run if you can take all the runes in run, and there is more than 1 player in run so in reality the amount of run to get 1 stats is much more than that, beside as you said the stats is already easy to get so the mats dont matter much any more . My ideal is not just focus on the stats but let it use as some currency to ensure both the viable of the ins and the mats in the future too as well as make it more attractive for even ppls that dont need stats there anymore.