Transmutor charges !!
Posts by Heinrich
Hello, I have a good suggestion for anyone here. The badges are lying around pointlessly and you can't really do anything with them. Of course, as a newbie, the titles are important, but even these are quickly achieved. My suggestion is that you can draw stats for a set of 200 badges. The same stats as for Phirius Shells. Exactly with the same Qoute. Thus, players can also draw stats. As a result, the Siege War may also be considered more or more in general PvP. I think this is a good option. I think this helps especially for small players. You can still farm Grotto of Horror and trade your Mentos for the badges and try to draw stats with them. I would appreciate positive feedback. Greetings Rat
About Warrior/Scout
In last Patch :
- Reduced Blood Arrow damage gains to 62.7% from 73%.
that is to much nerf, bcs you changed too:
- Changed Waiting Game to increase physical attack by 15% instead of physical damage.
overall you miss so much pdmg%.
the change with the watitng game that it gives now again attack is fine.
But please raise the blood arrow again. From 62.7% to 70% should be enough. Thank you
greetings ratte
About Warrior/Warden
the skill "Wild Whirlwind" ID: 494324 get nerfed. The damage buff you got from this has been lost. Hence my suggestion that you reduce the channeling time for this skill.
about warrior/rouge
the skills "Moon Cleave" ID: 490121 get nerfed. Now its a 1.5sec channeling cast. And here we are back to the topic. Warrior Rogue is a fast class and can therefore no longer be played too smoothly in the AOE. My suggestion. instead of 1.5 sec to 1sec
about warrior/scout
the skill: "Aim for the Wound" ID: 491451 has at the moment a cooldown timer from 10 sec. overall i think its maybe a bit to long. maybe reduce the cooldown from 10 sec to 7 sec. thanks :3
greetings aka (ratte)
About Warrior/Warden
in last Patch : the skill "Wild Whirlwind" ID: 494324 get nerfed. The damage buff you got from this has been lost. Hence my suggestion that you reduce the channeling time from 1sec to 0.5sec instead.
about warrior/rouge
in last patch : the skills "Moon Cleave" ID: 490121 get nerfed. Now its a 1.5sec channeling cast. And here we are back to the topic. Warrior Rogue is a fast class and can therefore no longer be played too smoothly in the AOE. My suggestion. instead of 1.5 sec to 1sec
greetings aka (ratte)
Cao.. I would suggest to add -agro on katana gloves since with katana is rly hard to have max agro!
tyBuild higher recon runes XD
Hello would like to say something about the warrior/rogue.
The patch where the Rage Crisis Channel Time was increased to 1,5sec from 0.8 sec.
And Blood Dance Channel Time was increased to 1sec from 0.5 sec, I find a bit too much. the warrior/rogue has always been a class that performs fast attacks. the changes make it feel less fluid. the change with the frenzied attack from 320% to 300% is perfectly fine. but since you now have to channel both attacks for longer, this combo loses what makes it special. fast and many and not too strong attacks.
here is my suggestion:
Set the Rage Crisis Channel to 1sec from 0.8sec instead of 1.5sec.
Set the Blood Dance Channel to 0.8sec of 0.5 sec instead of 1sec.
I think that would give the class the desired spice again. thank you and have a nice evening. greetings Akatzuki (Ratte)
PS: nerf warrior warlock
Hello my friendly friends.
Since my suggestion to change the name of the Xemen Endboss title will probably not be changed, I have a suggestion for you. Since the title is a better Worldboss title, I would love it if this title could have the same effect as the Zhargos title. Namely the burning of the hands. Gladly in a different color. I would be open to anything. But that would be a great idea. Greetings Akatzuki
Hello, I would like to see a change to the name of the Orkham final boss title.
The current title is: Once Ascended, now no more.
And I'll be honest, that doesn't sound so great. I have a few suggestions here as to what the title could be called instead:
1. Destroyer of Orkham City.
2. Butcher of the Xemen.
3. Superior of the Xemen.
4. Mighty King of the City.
5. Glorious Fighter of Orkham.
6. Conqueror of the Dark City.
greetings Akatzuki
I want to say something about all this warrior fuss. I'm very nerfed by the fact that the warrior with the katana is completely useless. On all warrior combos, other weapons are better than the katana. In addition, the DMG overall is also very weak compared to other classes. I mean, I'm standing there fullbuffed in on the boss or in trash and my bleeding makes 5kk hits? While other classes make 20 million hits there.
I think that's just unfair and takes the fun out of the game. On top of that, the people who built a katana to Orkham now sit on it and can't really play actively with it. I can only speak for myself, but sitting on a T17 Katana rum with over 700 rolls to max roll is just very stressful and just robs the fun. I'm kind to all of you and can't suggest any specific changes, but maybe you can come up with something.
greetings Aka
Hello, I have a suggestion about the Warrior/Rogue. therefore he is very good in the single target but unfortunately totally stinks in the AOE, he is missing something there. I therefore recommend the skill: furious attack( ID: 492962) to trigger on the AOE ́s
. Sincerely, King Rat - Akatzuki^^
Transmutor charges please
thats what whe need^^
greetings aka
- Reduced Blood Arrow damage gain to 73.2% from 94%(-10.5%)
- stand in the patchnotes but its 20% ingame
- pls fix it
- warrior scout is so low in dmg now
You can also adjust the card drop rate. Thus, players have no problem always waiting for 6 people and the cards drop exactly the same.
I think it would be better to reduce the number of players for the Windrunner race. Often it is the case that 6 people sign up you come in and the rounds still do not start because the people then do not accept. It's so annoying. My suggestion would be that you can do this already 4 players at the beginning and but 6 players start it directly. I think that's how more people would play it. Thank you greetings aka
Wow I thought when I saw you for the first time. Your sparkling eyes glittered like precious stones. Your hair was beautiful and soft like silk. and your body had the stature of a goddess. There is a magical aura surrounding you that literally attracts me. You attract me with your looks, I can't keep my hands off you. You are a wonderful person, with a great character. I could lie in your arms for hours and just enjoy the time you caress my face. Everything feels so warm in your presence. I don't want to miss this feeling anymore. You give me the strength and support that I have been missing in my life for so long. Your romantic nature seduces me every time. Do you remember our honeymoon? We had such a great time together. I am grateful for every second I get to spend with you. you are always there when I need you. Whenever I have problems or just don't know what to do, you give me advice and support. I want to say thank you for that. Thank you that you exist. thank you for being by my side. Thank you for being you. I love you Ikaria!!
in love Akatzuki !!
hey honeys and bears
pls next HH purfiet stones !! ty all
greetings ratte
Hello my fluffy marsupials.
The Warrior/Warden skill Combat Confidence(ID: 494624) has been reduced from 30% to 22.8%. That was unfortunately too much. The class is still strong, but unfortunately stinks in comparison to other classes by the nerf. I would wish if
you make the skill to 27%. that would be enough to keep up against other classes again.
greetings ratte
Hello Guys its me Aka
The changes made in recent patches regarding movement speed have not been wrong. It justifies all this a bit. But as a result, in my eyes, the Golden Wings are now a little rusty. Of course, the speed of movement is still there, but that's why you can hardly mekrt it after the change I think it's a pity. Golden wings have always been the crown of any gear and should be something special. That's why I think that you put another nonstat on the Gold Wings. I'd be in favor of All Attributes. that with each degree of the wings you get 100 more attributes per degree. So it is also worthwhile for high-end players to grade these Gold wings higher again. Because whether I walk around with t10 wings with 11.4% movement speed or on t12 which costs me significantly more with 12.6% movement speed makes no difference, these few 0.%. Therefore, I would be happy to see the change. So it is also worthwhile to grade Gold Wings high again. Thank you and best regards from the rat
fuck google translate XD
So. You definitely have enough costs to be a high-end player. The cost of expanding the T13 runes, the card system eats up an abnormal amount of gold. and also the daily guild castle buffs. You can spend around 50-60kk a day there. And as a player who doesn't have that much time, should I spend 2 hours of the few hours I have farming gold?
No thanks. I would simply like for the general public to think about something when it comes to gold. I liked Cosmo's idea that the mobs could drop gold. This means that high-end players have a good source of gold when farming T-stones, for example. Nevertheless, new players have enough chances to sell their gold because the gold is simply needed. that is a fact.
thank you .PS: Aka best player EU WEST A(FRI)KA
Helllo Sere
i think you are right. but maybe not 22% , better 25%
What about increase to 90-100%? Should be fine imho with the Frenzied Attack buff to 1200% + aoes
yes you are right with this , buff chain !!! XDDD
Regarding Warrior/Warden.
This class is currently overperforming. I suggest reducing the damage increment provided by Battle Faith from 30% to 22%.
Helllo Sere
i think you are right. but maybe not 22% , better 25%
Hello, I have a suggestion for the warrior/rogue and the druid/warrior. For warriors/rogues you should make the skill: Furious Attack (ID: 492962) a permanent skill and increase the damage from 900% to 1200%. and the skill should also work again with the aoe skills. the class is way too weak compared to other classes.
the druid/warrior is missing a spamable aoe skill. my suggestion would be to change the skill earth wave (ID: 493540) in a similar way to rogues/druids. with a 1 second cooldown. and that he no longer scales over int but over strength. thank you
love you all greetings AKA !!
nerf rouge scout with new robot its op again XD