Posts by Nagasarete

    in the dwarven race, most weapon skins disappear into the floor textures . on screen 1h weapon -.-


    will someone fix it? because currently weapon skins don't calculate (on dwarves)

    and only now am I paying attention to it. not doing missions for level 40 elite skills this skill has a better intelligence damage multiplier . +0,15 x int is propably bettrer

    I'd like to make this combo playable again, or I'd like a voucher to reset elite skills. I'd like to do them again for this combo, only up to lvl 35


    Jeśli ktoś chce grać magiem-druidem polecam wykonać misję na umiejętności elitarne tylko do maksymalnie 35 poziomu . po wykonaniu misji na 40 poziom umiejetnosci elitarnych wyżej wymieniona umiejętność zostaje ograniczona . Pierwszy raz widzę by elitarna umiejętność osłabiała inną . dostajemy ograniczenie do 6 celów w zamian za 10% większą szanse na cios krytyczny (czyli prawie niezauważalnie) . Aktualnie ta kombinacja jest prawie niegrywalna .

    If someone wants to play a mage-druid, I recommend completing the quest for elite skills only up to level 35. after completing the mission to the 40th level of elite skills, the above-mentioned skill is limited. This is the first time I've seen an elite skill weaken another. we get a limit to 6 targets in exchange for a 10% increased chance of a critical hit (that is, almost imperceptibly) . Currently, this combination is almost unplayable

    proposes that a meteor shower works in the same way as a thunderstorm. so that it could be placed on the ground.CD 8 sec . and x0.2 int from x0.41

    currently it's not a combo that encourages a second set of items. changing potions before using the swap, 2nd set of equipment, and it is comparable and even worse than other mages . especially when the tank attracts 10-15-20 monsters at once

    Oprócz poprzednich sugestii dodam jeszcze dwie do rozważenia:

    - feniks żywiołów w tej kombinacji postaci to umiejętność natychmiastowa

    - oczyszczony ogień zadaje obrażenia wszystkim celom na wprost co sekunde (zasięg 150-180)

    In addition to the previous suggestions, I add two more to consider:

    - Elemental Phoenix on this character combo is an instant ability

    - purified fire deals damage to all targets in front of it every 1 second (range 150-180 , permanent buff , reduce mana consumption )

    currently this combination is unnecessary. in our guild no one takes her to instances. It's better to take an additional character with a strong aoe . with all other defense reductions available, this combination is unnecessary .

    Proponuje możliwość zakupu kamieni poziomu 14 u handlarza księżycowego Cienia po cenie ich wytworzenie w obecnej formie ich pozyskiwania . mozna by bylo kupic kilka kamieni dziennie w cenie 9841 doładowań + 65kk złota . benefitem wynikajacym z odnalezienia handlarza bylby zaoszczędzony czas na wytworzenie kamienia oraz możliwe , że ktos by sobie o tym handlarzu przypomniał i może chciał go znaleść


    I suggest the option to buy level 14 gems from the moonshadow merchant at crafting price in their current mining form. you could buy a few stones a day for 9841 recharges + 65kk gold. the benefit of finding a buyer would be to save time to make the stone and there is a chance that someone will remember this buyer and might want to find him

    Nie jest to ani postać lecząca ani DPS . moje propozycje :

    - Przypływ (490256) zadaje 1800 pkt obrazen od wody + 1800 pkt obrazen od światła . jego bazowy cast zwiększyc do 3 sekund .

    - regeneracja (490269) na bieżąco zwiększa ilość stackow "anielskiego psalmu" (491365)

    - święta pustka (490276) zmniejsza obrone fizyczną celu , ale niestety znosi się z umiejetnosciami druida . proponuję by zwiększała obrażenia od światła zadawane celowi zamiast zmniejszać jego obrone

    - przemarznięcie (491165) by zadawalo 3000x 0.2 int obrazen od wody . co 1 sekunde

    - klinga lodowego wiatru (493043) by była umiejętnościa natychmiastową i zadawala 1600 obrazen od wody + 1600 obrazen od swiatla wielu celą


    He is not a healer or DPS character. my propositions :

    - Tide (490256) deals 1800 water damage + 1800 light damage. its base cast time increases to 3 seconds.

    - regeneration (490269) increases heaps of "angelic psalm" (491365) on a regular basis

    - Sacred void (490276) currently reduces the target's physical defense, but unfortunately cancels the druid's skills. I suggest increasing the target's light damage instead of reducing its defense

    - freeze (491165) deals 3000x 0.2 int water damage. every 1 second

    - Ice Wind Blade (493043) is an instant skill and deals 1600 water damage + 1600 light damage many opponents

    with the above-mentioned skill turned on, the experience points for exp weapons are shared. as a result, if someone goes AFK it is unprofitable to use it.

    leveling up is just as fast as without this skill. without it, the automatic shot gives you several times more experience .

    exp is split, but weapons destroy faster. proposes to change this. it's not the only character class combination that could gain experience faster than others. for example, warden mage or classes with the Rogue subclass and there the exp is not split


    This is called damage decrement for each additional target, like nearly every AoE spell have

    a static field has something like this. I know . only the static field has it described .

    in the case of e.g. a bard / druid, the difference between the 1 and the last hit is some 15% . on m/k 85%


    see how much this skill is weaker than any other skill. where the light stars had an additional 5x3% extra light damage


    Wg opisu umiejetnosci Gwiazdy Światłości (499613) "każda eksplozja zadaje 1611,2 x 0.1 int obrazen od swiatla maksymalnie 5 cela "

    na ss widac 1 razowe uzycie umiejetnosci na tarczach treningowych z juz wczesniej nastakowanym "nagroda blyskotliwosci" .

    Odbite obrazenia sa nizsze pomimo , ze KAZDE odbicie zadaje 1611,2 x 0.1 . Wynika ss jak i praktyki , ze ostatnie odbicie jest o +/-85% nizsze .(kazdy hit na ss to krytyk i przy kazdym postac miala dokladnie te same buffki )

    wszystkie eksplozje wg opisu powiny miec taka sama wartosc( w tym przypadku poniewaz kazdy hit to krytyk z takimi samymi buffkami) dlatego ta postać nie bije stosunkowo mocno


    According to the description of the Light Star skill (499613) "each explosion deals 1611.2 x 0.1 int light damage up to 5 cells"

    on ss you can see 1 use of skills on training discs with "flash reward" already set.

    Reflected damage is less, and each bounce should deal 1611.2 x 0.1. It follows that the latest rebound is +/- 85% lower. (Each critical hit and character had exactly the same buffs)

    as described All explosions for this skill should be of the same value. the skill at the moment is weak

    after removing about 30% of his intelligence, he became of little use . proposes that the "scepter of earth"(499618) should also increase wind damage .

    proposes to introduce more low level instruments, which will be faster . they are the only one-handed weapons that are not faster than 2.0 . There are two-handed weapons with better speed than current instruments . it would be useful for increasing the level of weapons

    my proposition ...

    1. when a character has magic equipment, pvp damage is reduced by 50%-70%

    2. when a character has magic equipment: 490359,490178,490241,490148,490151 will be magical skills

    3.490159 does not reduce armor value. only increases 4x5% attack speed

    raz na kilka godzin pojawia sie okno dialogowe z wlasnym zwierzakiem . proponuje zmiane benefitow jakie wowczas otrzymujemy poniewaz są słabe i takie same jak u konkurencji .

    niemam niestety pomyslu jakiego typu i w jakich wartosciach mogly by to byc benefity

    once every few hours a dialogue box with your pet appears. proposes to change the benefits that we receive then because they are weak and the same as the competition. Unfortunately, I have no idea of what type and in what values these benefits could be

    proponuje zeby kamienie w umiejetnosci "skalna lawina" zadawaly obrazenia po 3 sekundach zamiast 5 . Jeśli kamienie trafią w cel obrazenia magiczne zostaną zwiększone o 100% natomiast obrazenia obszarowe zmniejszone o 90% . efekt trwa 30 sekund . odnowa 1 minute 30 sekund

    Google translate :

    Proposes that stones in the skill "Rock Avalanche" will deal damage after 3 seconds instead of 5. If the stones hit the target, magic damage will be increased by 100% and AoE damage reduced by 90%. the effect lasts 30 seconds. recovery 1 minute 30 seconds

    "Klątwa Osłabienie" na tym połączeniu postaci mogłaby zadawac obrazenia od żywiołów +/- 3000pkt+0.1x int (troche slabsze od burzy z piorunami) . ta umiejetnosc ma 4 sekundy cd

    "Fala nikczemności" rowniez mogla by zadawać obrażenia od żywiołów

    "Curse of Weakening" on this character combination could deal elemental damage +/- 3000pt + 0.1x int (a bit weaker than a thunderstorm) . this skill has 4sec CD

    The "wave of wickedness" could also deal elemental damage

    Proponuje by umiejętność "harmonia" zwiekszała aggro o 150% zamiast 50% , oraz by zwiekszala obrone fizyczna o 5x5% . Ewentualnie zwiększyc przelicznik aggro od umiejetnosci obszarowych tej postaci . Umiejetnosc "przesuwanie oktawy" by działała jak "burza z piorunami" pozbawiając ją castowania , działała poprostu położona na ziemi

    Google tr:

    I suggest that the skill "harmony" increase aggro by 150% instead of 50%, and that it increase physical defense by 5x5%. Or, increase the aggro factor of this character's AoE skill. The ability to "shift the octave" to act like a "thunderstorm" depriving it of casting, would work just on the ground


    has some intelligent thought it well? ..... this will give people a much greater advantage ... "overzealousness worse than fascism" . suggests changing these bonuses, and certainly their value

    jego umiejętności obszarowe są przyzwoite ( o ile ma sie komplet punktow natury ). natomiast jego główny skill "na bossa" jest strasznie słaby i nadaje sie tylko do pozyskiwania punktow natury . widac to dobrze na ROFL-u na bosie z organami wewnetrznymi . te połączenie bije 2-3 razy mniej w środku w stosunku do reszty . pomimo , ze druid ma kombinacje postaci ukierunkowanych jako DPS , niema zadnych set-skili ktore mogly by mu w tym pomoc

    His AoE abilities are decent (as long as you have full nature points). while his main boss skill is terribly weak and only good for gaining nature points. you can see it well on the ROFL boss with internal organs. this connection beats 2-3 times less in the middle than the rest.
    although the druid has combinations of characters targeted as DPS, there are no set-skills that could help him with this