I rly dont undrstand why you hate scouts that much, even when you give litle buff you do whit restrictions ...
Posts by Himen
Ok lets try like this, 2-3 scouts on full server says that scouts are fine and that they dont need buff .If thats ok that only 2-3 scouts can keep up whit other dps classes then ok .
I think that devs just dont like Leather users ... Or they just listen to Lutine who says that scouts are just fine ....
It seems if you ask Lutine , Scouts are just fine not need anything to change, only s/k to be tank ,all others is just great ....... maybe even nerf right Lutine ?
I think if you will rework s/k dont make it to be tank, make him pure dps(bcs scouts alredy have less options on dps bcs s/wl is magical,s/p,s/b are support) or support , or if you make tank make it to use leather dps gear . Also you can try to make s/wl to be also phy dps . In my opinion all scouts need boost , some more some less but all need boost .
I want to thank to mdps players ,now when i see how they cant decide wich mdps is best i feel rly good bcs leather users dont have that problem ,all leather sucks ,some more and some less ,but all sucks compare to mdps and chain
Increased Archer’s Agility attack speed to 15% from 8%.
Reduced Boiling Blood damage gain to 18% from 26.5%.
Can you explain to me where this change came from? Currently, this is the only connection on which I am able to compete with the best connections of other classes, despite the advantage in the eq tier and card values. After taking the damage, he will start to stand out a lot on maximum fire - by taking damage, you also take away the physical attack on this connection. Currently, there is a problem when you go to measure e.g. wl/s or m/s, I think that there are many other connections with which it is impossible to compete in general. When it comes to why this connection is most often chosen by players - the answer is simple, because it compares very well to other scout connections. The weakening of leather connections currently does not make sense because they are average compared to other cash registers. You have to catch up with the tier of weapons and eq. You want to encourage the game with other scout combinations, then finally rebuild s/k, s/p, buff the already forgotten s/wd, and s/ch. Tweak the s/r buff mechanics a bit and there will be different scout combos right away. (I won't mention the rogues because it's generally bad there, b / s also needs a change.
This was literaly my toughts when i saw changes to s/d..... Leather have by far weakeast combinations ,and you want to nerf the only Scout which can be close or atleast nearly close to other dps classes . I mean why ,rly why ?
If you die in boss room and you ress out you cant enter back,but if you exit while you are alive you can came back , is that works like you make it or its bug ?
please keep in mind that the Arcane Chamber of Sathkur (hard) is supposed to be a catch up instance, designed to reduce the grind for new or returning players to get back into the game over time. The instance is meant to supplement nostalgia content, not replace it.
Smaller parties will get significantly lower amounts of loot. While you can't take one of your own characters to boost your parties haul, it is highly recommended to try and fill the empty spaces with other players, as additional players aren't taking away any of your loot (except for cards, which are decently common).
We've not added RNG to the loot per se, we simply moved the RNG portion of what is gotten to a seperate step, instead of direct drops. While these drops aren't guaranteed, a player can expect to see at least one specialty material per 250 coins thrown into the well.
It is relatively rare that none of these materials are obtained, more commonly players will gain one or more materials.
Ok if LL got 249 coins whit 14 ppl , that should mean that whit 15 ppl raid will get over 250 coins and that should mean that all 15 ppl whill get atleast one rare drop bcs 250+ coins droped in wishing well , is that case ?
I rly dont see why even changed anything ,it wasnt perfect how it was, but it was good comparing to all other solutions...
I aggree whit Karito also you should put that all gets same reward , why random, rly dont see point on that and thats the words from someone who got rly good drop ,3x splinter of form (thing whcih you need 30 to make rune,drop on last boss idk) . I suggest you give sun essence,splinter of form,and hoto dust thingy + greens to everyone who was in run ,its more fair , and that only one per week so its not that much .
Two things i noticed after last patch :1. On recipe for rune it still says 50 Timeless Magacitie .
2.More important, didnt saw in patch notes so not sure if its a bug or it should work like that, but one mob somehting Destroyer now does instant skill magic hamer or something like that on person who stands farest from him and its i think at the most of the time one hit to that person. I had 900k hp and died like 10+ times from that skill which you cant interupt bcs mob not casting anything he just do instant
Only Artefact recipes were changed, the rune is still costing the same amount amount of materials.
The skill range of Hammer Attack was accidently altered and has already been hotfixed as of ~2 hours ago.
Ohhh oki Thx for fast fix :)))
Two things i noticed after last patch :1. On recipe for rune it still says 50 Timeless Magacitie .
2.More important, didnt saw in patch notes so not sure if its a bug or it should work like that, but one mob somehting Destroyer now does instant skill magic hamer or something like that on person who stands farest from him and its i think at the most of the time one hit to that person. I had 900k hp and died like 10+ times from that skill which you cant interupt bcs mob not casting anything he just do instant
Ofc you say taht when you rised price to 30k , my point is that even if i go every day guild run for wb and even if it drops every day dex/dex and lets say guild will pass all of them to me , i need 16 days for every piece of gear,and thats scenario which will never happen , so its more like 2 months to get all and probably if i have luck , so if thats normal to you then great ...
Any chance you can put Titan stats in some more places and ways to get , bcs its rly hard to get them, and bcs of that prices are rly high ,dont want to say overpriced by 2-3 times ,all other stats you can get much easyer and much faster.
Badge of worldwide fame in happy hour ,it wasnt on for weeks now ,thx
Any chance you put lever on 2nd boss to resetart boss , bcs if you fail on scout at start you lose a lot of time
Also can you maybe add option where we pick card we want rise to 5* and it shows like quest where we can see how many kills we have and how many more times we need to disechent that card , that would be rly good
Any chance you maybe put some kinde of quest or something like that to make perma amulet from dreamland , i mean you colleclt, kill , upgrade, and then exchange for one perma amulet.For example Atollops Fang which will have unlimited uses . Think that all would like that idea,bcs to be honest runing Ancient Dreamland is rly , rly , rly boring
and few more times rly ,rly,rly
You can put that we need to collect some things from nostalgia instances or somethigng like that
Also you can make more amulet slots ,if some ppl will use more diffrent amulets,so they just put the one they will use in action bar
I think you should make that you need less kills ,and incrase drop rate for cards ,bcs its rly huge work to make all cards to 5* . For example i started to make 5* from logar ,there is some mobs which are only 4 on map ,or even less
So you need a lot of time just to kill for number you need for 5*. Also farming Elemental Soul Stone is kinde rly hard to do , maybe you can put that some end bosses from lower instance can give orange cards instead purple .
Can you add scroll which will resset all siege war titles ,bcs some ppl took wrong path and cant get good skills from it . Scroll will reset badge points to number we used.
Maybe solution can be that different role need diffrent GS score, for example :
Dps will need highest 2k,
Tanks/Healers 1.7k
Support 1.5 k.
Or something like that
Good job Jockels rly good guide !!!
We dont know what will be that future implements but if they make them also to be able to pay then i think it will be still fair for all.
If i undrstood this corectly if you have diamonds and not time , buy card for 2nd deck and upgrade it whit diamond upgrade , i mean thats the way of pay to win or no time to farm,but can pay