Posts by Vectorim


    After spraying, should card or other item so treated disappear? If so, does it go somewhere, change appearance, act differently? I have not seen any unexpected currency arising.

    Does failure of disenchanting to do anything useful mean that I simply do not have enough Skill at level 21?

    I hoped that I would figure out Monster Cards by now, not so. I have accumulated a number of them already but can't figure out how to get them displayed in the Compendium. Also, while the WIKI and other information sources are very helpful, they do not directly address my questions. For example, Disenchanting of Monster Cards.

    Why do this? This appears to be necessary to prepare for dismantling the attributes of the cards and other purposes. Some examples might be helpful.

    How? To try to disenchant a Card I right-click on the Disenchant Skill. Disenchant box appears, with faint target background and button labeled "Disenchant". If I left-click a Card in my pack or other storage, the card appears in the box, but nothing else happens. When I push the warning, I get a warning about "separating the objects". If I give permission to proceed, my card disappears from the box.

    I'm hoping that Disenchanting is more than a difficult way to discard a card. Thanks for your help.

    I think that I might simply get a secondary class like Rogue, which is compatible with my primary of Knight or even Priest (both in humans). So what are the mechanics that I need to perform to get that secondary class? (This is probably easier than I think, but right now I don't see anything in the UI saying "For Class Redistribution, Press HERE".

    1. Yes, you can have all 11 classes on a single character. To do this, you need to use the Race Change Item/Class Maximum Expansion Ticket (available in the Item Shop) to switch your race to Elf or Dwarf. This will allow you to select classes like Druid, for example.

    So, is my path to a dual class character always going to run thru the Race Change Item/Class Maximum Expansion Ticket (available in the Item Shop), which I probably can't afford?

    I have accumulated all sorts of quest derived items and they take lots of storage space. Can I safely dispose of these? Things like random gifts, leftover kobold food, and spider vemom are stinking up the joint.

    Can anyone provide a guild to the rationale, The Use, and Abuse of Monster Cards. I imagine someone has done this, but I can't find out WHY I should pursue them. I have 3 of them and they don't show up on "P".


    My left mouse click does not function correctly. On occasion it will not serve a "go to" Function, will not select a distant NPC or item, will not execute combat or pick up functions.At one time I encountered the menu controlling left-click, but don't know where it is anymore or the default selections.

    What is "experience modifier", how do I change it?


    I received a storage chest with supposedly 20 slots of storage space. I put it into my abode, but do not see it in the room, and have now way of accessing that storage.

    Please help

    I think that the "vegetation" is actually my character's hair -- green, leafy crap. I'll try to figure out how to change that. Suggestions on where to get grooming?

    I am continuing to run around Howling Mountains and Varania. As luck would have it, I blundered into my house, which was a good thing because it allowed me to start setting up the house. Fortunately, I was able to get out of the house thanks to clues from the Forum. Unfortunately, I am unable to figure out how to get back IN my house -- HELP #!

    Even more unfortunate was that I came out into the World with no weapons or armor. I have no idea where or when I lost them -- HELP #2 . Did I somehow change into street clothes while at home? It sucked to find tons of Goblins right outside my house exit. Did I fumble the trade when I was trying to buy more better armor?

    Finally, does anyone show me a good diagram explaining the various fields on the "Character" page? -- HELP #3

    I have just started and am still rolling through the Howling Mountains...killing bears and such.

    However, during on reincarnation, my main character came back, seemingly embedded in my backpack. Sometimes, when I changed my position, I would find myself embedded in foliage. This mostly affects by vision, as I can still see animals through gaps in the scenery and can attack them. I need some way to shift out of this corrupted view. I have experimented with screen resolution. Could that be a problem?

    1) Installer and resolution.

    You are correct that it should only affect the application, Please ignore the resolution/installer "issue". This may still be an issue with the application and resolution.

    "Can you confirm whether you are able to open the launcher after installation?"

    No, because I am not sure of the nomenclature and the results I should expect. But when I run the shortcut labeled with a big "A", I get access to several pages with links to setup, wiki, forum, plus a big green button labeled "PLAY".

    "- Is it in game client when you're trying to click "Enter World", or does it occur at another stage?"
    My big problem is before the "World" (which I did enter twice, but can no longer access). Right now, when I press the play button, I am placed in a full page purple valley, with purple mountains (I call it "purple mountain majesty, or "PMM" for short"), PMM also features swirling orange clouds. Once there, I cannot find any exit and no key combination I have tried does anything. The only way out is to crash my system and reboot.

    I have been able to get the installer to work intermittently by cutting down the video resolution. However, I am still having persistent problems with moving into the world -- process freezes.

    The Downloads page has a link to "Latest Launcher", which I ignored, and "Download Client"", which I followed. I ran the download I received (which was not an .exe"'). I have what I perceive to be most or all of the intro pages expected for a game such as this.

    Should I be downloading and running the launcher and then run the client (or updated version thereof)?


    To get started, first, you need to open the game launcher you downloaded. From there, launch the client, and you'll be prompted to create a new character. After that, you're ready to enter the game world!""

    I opened the file I received but was not prompted to form a character.


    I have downloaded the client, read the wiki and other stuff, but I don't know what to do next. How do I enter the game area?

    Also, I haven't been able to find a description of the combat system.

    Thanks in advance for the help.