Posts by Snickers0815

    Dear Devs,

    Death Heart: Although this is a great support skill, in my opinion, this should be changed to a self-buff (like you did with Earth Pulse od Mage/druid) and (maybe) increase the damage by 10% or so.

    It would be nice if changes were also mentioned in the patch notes and this was not discovered by chance in the instance. The skill is now a self buff (at least in rofl). Have you also thought about the proposed increase in damage?

    Slash : Remove gcd from slash but increase it's cooldown and push it's damage slightly. Right now, you only use this skill because of the Hearts Death debuff. This would give the class a useable spammable.

    You have 100 rage on the class almost permanently and the only rage skill is slash. Was this proposal also discussed?

    Or do we have to assume that this is the only change for the class?

    Kind regards


    Some suggestions for rogue/priest:

    The class lacks damage compared to other good dps classes.

    Blessed Spring Water: Add 50% Water Damage increment

    Magic Barrier: Change that you get mana when you make a physical attack and not when you take damage

    Slowing Poison: Personally I would rather get 15% patk instead of attack speed

    Kind regards

    I also tested the combination.

    Slash : Remove gcd from slash but increase it's cooldown and push it's damage slightly. Right now, you only use this skill because of the Hearts Death debuff. This would give the class a useable spammable.

    Psychic Warrior (499868): Reduce the cooldown to 2min, remove aggro increase and damage taken decrease and let the skill increase your magical damage and dark damage by 40%. Reason behind that is, that skill as a skill with 5min cd is useless. Knight/Warlock e.g. has a skill with 1,5min cd that increases dark,light and pdmg by 40%. Even the elemental catalysis of the Mage increases mdmg and area damage and you can use that skill 2 times (with ISS).

    I completely agree. The combination only has Slash as an rage attack and it would be helpful if it were pushed. The suggestion for Psychic Warrior is good.

    Death Heart: Although this is a great support skill, in my opinion, this should be changed to a self-buff (like you did with Earth Pulse od Mage/druid) and (maybe) increase the damage by 10% or so. This skill supports not only other Warlocks atm but a lot of other pdps. Since the physical damage formula works differently than the magical damage formula the 30% dark damage increase at least doubles the physical damage hits. (from what our pdps told me).

    Unfortunately I have to agree here too even if it breaks my rogue/warlock heart :D

    Of course that´s just my opinion.

    Kind regards

    A request is made for a simple buff bug in your clan and changed instantly.

    This statement is simply wrong. "Our clan" makes a lot of suggestions, not all of which are implemented.

    Respect or not talk to those who play this game free to play.

    Most of us spent some money at first and never again afterwards. Some are completely free to play players. So please dont say something you dont know.


    • Changed Joint Blow to inflict ranged weapon DPS damage instead, reduced base range to 0, added ranged weapon range scaling.

    I can only speak from a rogue/scout perspective. Perhaps a main scout player can also comment on it.

    Thanks for changing the damage scale :)

    However, the damage is relatively low. For the rogue/scout, the change currently makes no real difference or improvement. Therefor I propose one of the following suggestions:

    Remove the global cooldown from "Joint Blow".


    Increase the damage to the level of "Shadow Stab" (+- 580%)

    Kind regards

    I think that means that if you are hit by an attack, the cast will not be interrupted and not that you can walk while casting.

    Suggestion for rogue/warlock:

    Ghostly Strike and Soul Stab: Please remove the damage from up to three targets and increase the damage to 600% for Ghostly Strike and Soul Stab without Psychic Weakness and to 750% for Soul Stab with Psychic Weakness. The "area damage" on the skills doesnt do the class that much in trash groups. Therefore I would personally make the class single target and burst class. There are enough other classes to play if you want to do area damage.

    Kind regards

    Some thoughts on Rogue/Scout:

    First of all, I still suggest:

    Changing these skills to percentage damage would make "Joint Bow" and "Throat Attack" useful focus skills.

    If you dont want to change these skills, I would suggest the following in order to have a meaningful focus skill:

    Change the energy consumption to focus consumption from "Wound Attack".

    I also suggest the following to make the two ranged combat skills more useful:

    Shot: Remove global cooldown.

    Vampire Arrows: Reduce cooldown to 8 seconds and increase damage to 600%.

    Kind regards


    Champion / Scout

    The pulsing shot catapults you through half the room every now and then. This does not always happen but I was catapulted by the dummy in the Itnal camp at 200-250 range every now and then. Can anyone confirm this ?


    I can confirm that the range that someone is thrown back is sometimes very high. Personally, I fell that the bounced back effect should be removed. This effect destroys the flow of the class. You run to the mob and try to get a rune pulse proc, get thrown back (often without a rune pulse proc), have to run back to the mob, while you cannot use any castable skills and focus regeneration is reduced because you have moved. What I have observed is that the combination produces 30-40% fewer rune pulses compared to other champion classes. So please consider removing the effect.

    Kind regards

    Agree. Also, the cooldown of "vampire arrows" can be changed as this is the only skill affected by the change and 10 second cooldown is a little too high to make a difference.


    but then want to play without real money. Again, there are also those who do not want to invest any real money at all.

    You dont have to invest any money. It just takes longer to get gear.

    I just mean that it would be much easier for these people to try out these classes to find out what they are really good at. It doesn't even have to be a scouting class that does a lot of damage, it would be enough if they could just see through the class

    You dont need high end gear to test a class and see if you like it or not. Just get some cheap stuff and run low inis. The mechanics of a class remain the same, whether low or high ini.

    (BTW why r/wd have elits too equip chain then maybe give on s/ch because scout have 1 subclaas with set skill too equip chain then more ppl will be play scout/chempion because this class is funy and have normal dps and no need next gear if you will do this will be soo nice to player.)

    I have also thought that a scout suit that can wear chain gearing would be very interesting. Scout/Champion would be my first choice. With the champion/scouts you have now the possibility to do ranged damage but in my opinion the combi has not enough range. In Tikal with the first boss the range of the ranged skills is already very limited, also with the 1st boss in Inferno you would be too close to the boss in certain event phases.

    Are you all kidding me? There are main classes that wear one type of armor and thats good. There are already THREE main classes that have chain as the best choice and now you also want every other class to get a combination, which should wear chain as the best choice? This only devalues the other types of armor. Making such demands just so that you dont have to build a second gear and can play everything with one gear is just ridiculous and lazy.

    Why should a class that wears chain be a ranged damage dealer when the type of armor speaks for close combat because of the increased defense?

    Personally, I am completely against these changes. There should be a variety of classes with different types of armor. In addition, such changes only lead to a simplification of the game, since you can simply change a class with no effort, for example if a new ini comes out and you need other classes.


    Thanks for the change to Poisonous Explosion.

    One more suggestion:

    Poisonous Infection: Should apply poison to all targets around. Because especially in larger mob groups, the mob with the buff on it often dies before you can use "Poisonous Explosion" and thus you cannot do any AOE damage and again have to target the target with "Poisonous Infection".

    And the class still lacks burst damage.

    Short answer. In our runs, the knight/warlock was always in first place with a large lead and we had many different class combinations for comparison (all comparable gear). The burst damage is abnormal and by adapting the skill it can now burst every 90 seconds. In one run, the knight/warlock burst two organs in 20-30 seconds, which in my opinion is simply too strong. In addition, the AOE damaga is also good and life or defense problems are far from the class. So the class has no real weak points (except maybe the focus problems).

    I dont know how you play the class I only saw that you were walking around with a two-handed sword and the best weapon for the combintaion is the two-handed hammer. There should be a clear difference in damage.

    But thats only of course just my opinion :)


    Master of Darkness and Light: With the adjustment you have overshot the mark a little. A 52% increase with a duration of 30 seconds and cooldown of only 90 seconds is a bit too strong. I would suggest one of the following

    Increase the cooldown to 3 minutes or decrease the percentage to 30%.

    Since the class still has a big focus problem, I still suggest the following:


    Holy Power Explosion: Also, increase focus by 5-10 Points every 2 seconds as focus managment/regeneration is pretty bad.


    Pulsing Shot: Please remove the effect of pushing the target. It is very annonying when the target is constantly being shed off. The target is often pushed to a place where it can no longer be attacked.

    Since this is also a class that has extreme focus problems, i suggest the following:

    Pulsing Shot: Restores 50 focus instead of rage

    Focused Conversion: No focus cost. Reduce or remove the 100 instant rage you get.

    If adjusted it would be a fun class to play :)

    A general suggestion for rogue:

    Informer: Please adjust the critical points or cooldown or change the skill in any way. Because just under 600 critical points for 60 seconds with a cooldown of 5 minutes are pretty low compared to other buffs with a cooldown of 5 minutes.

    Kind regards

    Don't touch the healers :) The healers have already gone through the stress of class balancing, now everything is in order. For those who are bored, there are many different class options for every taste, experiment, have fun, to reduce healing, I can advise you not to use potions, food and buffs ^^

    So what you mean by that is that you should be able to run the highest ini with the worst (healing) combinations, no bufffood and buffs? And you think that´s right?

    you no need reducing something if you reduce low player cannot play this game , just put reduce to golden gear who is wear complete golden gear at rofl reduce heal %40 or reduce %30 atk power. this game is not turning around you are golden gear ppl, we are here want play only for your enjoy we are playing bad games, if you want to challenge change your gear and wear gorge gear go rofl with them and you can get your challenge.t14 gold gear already you will heal too much or you will dps too much this game is not only for you are... thanks

    I don't usually reply to such comments, but eventually enough. Keeping this stupid argument of golden gear here golden gear there. We are talking about endcontend here and you should only be allowed to play it with a certain gear and skill. Currently you can run rofl with gorge, if not worse gear, without problems. If this does not apply to others, I have to say plain and simple, then learn your classes to play, because the gear is definitely not the problem.

    I don't see putting on worse gear to be challenged again. The gear that you can earn and the available classes should be adapted to the contend or the other way around. To say now that nothing must be changed so that everyone can run the endcontend, I just find it wrong.

    "We" are constantly portrayed as if we want to make the game worse for others, but that is not correct. We just want it to be challenging. And this also includes a challenging end contend, which is not so easy to reached by everyone.

    Also "we" (here I am referring to the Sâcrêd Guild) have worked on our skills and teamwork for years. You just have to start with small inis, improve your gear, get to know your class and develop yourself continuously. You can't expect to play a game for a few months and to be able to do everything perfectly and to run the end contend without problems.

    And this is exactly what many are currently expecting. This creates an end contend that can really be run by any idiot with eyes closed and no brain. More players will lose interest in the long run.

    I don't think that if something changes in the healing, many will no longer be able to play the game. Then you have to adapt.

    A little suggestion for rogue/scout:

    Coerce: In addition, change the consumption of energy to focus, as this combination does not have usefull focus skills and energy problems when dwarf beer and energy thief have cd

    Edit: the consumption of low blow. In case it was unclear :D

    Some suggestions for Rogue/Warrior:

    The combination lacks damage to compete with other good dps classes, in particular the burst damage is pretty low compared to other rogue classes. And the AOE dmg is not good either.

    Death´s Touch: Instead of Elemental Accuracy, increase Posion Damage

    Poisonous Explosion: Decrease cd to 2 seconds

    Throwing Mastery: Instead of slowing the target down, increase the posion damage the target takes (would be a nice support as more classes deal poison damage)

    In general, this combination could use a posion damage buff like rogues/mages or rogues/warlocks have for their elemental damage.