Display MoreI checked it again, with certain attributes, Priest fairy has even lower physical attack / physical damage than any damage dealer cenedril. Could you provide more information? Can you confirm other players in your raid witnessing high amount of damage either? Can you check race of fire fairy by hovering mouse on it? Asking these questions to know if you are missing a patch that was including race change of fairies.
Can confirm this too . Saw fairy hit for 54kk and that was yesterday
Display MoreI checked it again, with certain attributes, Priest fairy has even lower physical attack / physical damage than any damage dealer cenedril. Could you provide more information? Can you confirm other players in your raid witnessing high amount of damage either? Can you check race of fire fairy by hovering mouse on it? Asking these questions to know if you are missing a patch that was including race change of fairies.
When I hover over the fairy it says that the race is "Humanoid".
Thank you for confirming it, I found the reason why it is still behaving different sometimes, will be fixed with next patch.