Posts by Byte


    Changed Poisonous Widow Embrace to return 1 Nature’s Power for each critical hit skill inflict, added 1 second of cast time, removed global cooldown trigger

    Only the last hit counts in regards of gaining Point of Nature's Power. So if you hit 10 times (because you got 10 Points) and the last hit is critical you get 1 Point. If its not critical you have 0 Points afterwards.


    This is due to each extra hit is consuming 1 Nature's Power

    Therefore you can trigger 10 extra hits even with 1 Nature's Power as long as all of your hits are critical

    1 Nature's Power -> Consume it -> Deal Critical with extra damage portion -> return 1 Nature's Power
    repeat for next extra hit

    Can you send your addon list in PM please?


    The reason of reset was these skills were being maxed when you max another skill on a different Scout combination, so you are supposed to not lose any TP in class overall. Knight/Champion and Scout/Warlock are affected by this reset.


    Fixed Chain of Life damage transfer was triggering combat and damage transfer was avoidable via immune effects.

    Would you please allow the use of instruments while taking dmg by the Chain? Changing the taken dmg to the type of Blood Arrow and Holy Candle should solve this issue. As it is now, not being able to play instruments during fights is an unnecessary drawback to this skill.


    This change is supposed to do that already.



    Warden/Champ skill Master of Aggro does not work. It should be a passive skill?

    This skill is a passive but might not change visible aggro percentage in character frame sometimes, it is a known issue, yet your skills will generate more aggro no matter what value you see in character frame.


    Quote from Patchnotes

    increase damage dealt by XYZ% instead of physical and magical damage

    So this means only the type of damage that is calculated differently will change, or does it mean that those skills only increase the damage dealt by oneself, no more any others anymore?

    That means possible change may increase your damage output directly now, instead of increasing physical/magical damage, like Ironblood Will effect.


    Wisdom loss will not affect magical accuracy in noticeable amounts for this buff.


    Error is probably occuring because awsmDropdown and ZZTitles aren't working together properly due to version mismatch which may be solved by using version those are released at close dates. However, you can use the version from attachment, but be sure any other addon doesn't include awsmDropdown as their library.

    ( CenedrilHelper in CoA CurseForge is using it for example, so you need to delete awsmDropdown folder from there in order to make this version be applied. )


    Thank you for confirming it, I found the reason why it is still behaving different sometimes, will be fixed with next patch.

    Question to Byte. Priest have some mdps ISS. Is there any plan to create a mdps priest?


    Not certainly planned, but we can see such rework in future.


    Is it possible that the changes for the Firefary got reversed somehow? Because the Firefairy deals (again) much more than she should, unless she is supposed to hit with 50-70kk hits, then nothing is wrong.


    I checked it again, with certain attributes, Priest fairy has even lower physical attack / physical damage than any damage dealer cenedril. Could you provide more information? Can you confirm other players in your raid witnessing high amount of damage either? Can you check race of fire fairy by hovering mouse on it? Asking these questions to know if you are missing a patch that was including race change of fairies.


    Sometimes Warrior (only warrior/champion?) have bug with rage, when have 50pts or more rage ,cant using all skills rage needed required . I would be happy if this bug been fixed.

    Do you know any way to reproduce this issue? On which class combinations you are experiencing this issue?

    There was such issue for Warrior/Champion and Champion/Warrior but it is fixed and I couldn't reproduce such error currently, so more information would be helpful. Most important thing to know is what is the resource you are using to gain rage?


    It is a fix for an issue that was reducing your damage when your cast speed hits to 0.5 cap. When this happens you were experiencing 2x damage multiplier instead of 6x.


    What % cast speed do we need to reach that "0.5s cap"?

    You can check it with any spell that has 3 seconds of casting time. Since cast speed effects aren't stacking linearly, I couldn't tell exact value for each cast speed effects, but in total you need around 83% total cast speed to reach this limit. (This value isn't the same value as in character frame as long as you do not get 83% cast speed from single effect.)



    Fixed too high cast speed was causing issues with cast per second damage formula.

    Is that fix the fact that there is now a cap at 0.5?


    It is a fix for an issue that was reducing your damage when your cast speed hits to 0.5 cap. When this happens you were experiencing 2x damage multiplier instead of 6x.


    Thank you very much for your help! I have one more question regarding elite abilities. Just buy them in IS or do you have to do all the quests that allow you to get them?

    Elite skills for level 15 - 50 are obtainable via Old Bag which is obtainable from item shop, old elite skill quests (the hardest way) or from public quest in Coast of Opportunity - Heffner Camp. For level 60 and 70, it is same, you can obtain them from item shop or from their specific quests.

    Just a reminder, if you finish level 60 and 70 elite quests instead of buying from item shop, you can obtain all elite skills for any class combination from level 15 to 70 with just talking with quest givers.
