Dear devs,
once again you discriminated the noobs. You lowered the XP rate from 10x to 5x and your main excuse for doing it was that the noobs leveled up way too fast without getting any in-instance XP. If that was really the case then what was the point of introducing the 105 level pill? Isn't that even worse? Here you might answer that the noobs are way too poor to afford that item - let me prove you wrong in advance - I got my Flying Rune Disk as a gift (for free) from a total noob (no offense) called Cyrus and he intended to spend more diamonds on other crap stuff so the noobs aren't as poor as you might think. Also, what was the whole point of the thread(s) about changing the XP modifier and the newcomers rework since you ignored the majority of the players.
Dear devs, when was the last time you had an active chat with a noob? For me that was today (also 3 days ago with another one). Why do you think you know more about the problems of the noobs than the players that play your game?
Another super simple question - what's the most Annoying (with capital 'A') part of the leveling for the noobs? That's the Morrok quest chain of course. Most of the noobs get extremely discouraged when they find out that they have to do a 55 level super long quest line at level 80+. The easy way to either skip or postpone that boring path was to rush to level 91 and start doing the quest line starting in Varanas Class Hall. And here comes the problem - you lowered the XP rate and thus crippled that process. Of course, the new XP rate will have little to no effect on the old players as most of them have maxed their classes long ago - that's pretty discriminating don't you think.
Another simple question - do you know that the majority of the new players don't want to take a 3rd class even though it's free? Of course you don't because you neither discuss this with noobs nor care about their opinions anyway. Do you know that the noobs don't even bother leveling their secondary class to max because it's too boring? And how lowering the XP rate is going to change that?
Another more money-related problem:
What about the players that bought DQ reset tickets (and pots) prior the change and waited for a free time to use them to get their class(es) to 105? Do you think that they/we are very happy that the new XP rate is going to reduce the progress by about 50%? Are you going to offer them/us a refund?
Here are a few more suggestions that you definitely find "helpful" for the noobs *SARCASM*:
1) Lower the shells from the minigames from 30/40 to 3/4.
2) The noobs get rich way too fast - add a fee (in rubies if possible) in order to enter any instance especially the low level ones (80- level).
3) Cedric's diamonds are way too cheap and that way the noobs can make fortune in no time - increase the price by at least 10x.
4) Disable the obtaining of mirrorshards from the instances and make them available in the item shop.
5) The noobs obtain good titles too easily - Tina must die.
6) The XP rate is finally correctly adjusted and NPC's in Atlas for TP/XP buff and removing debt are no longer needed - kill them for good.
Now, the sarcasm aside, dear players, if you feel the same way and you want the XP modifier to be set back to 10x then please do
this post, thank you.