Posts by Serenadae

    I wholeheartedly agree. Moreover, I'd suggest increasing the movementspeed of warden pets, except for nature crystal. With fast lanes and several other movementspeedbuffs, such as the pet's passive, the majority of poor warden pets can't keep up with the player.

    Rogue/Warlock's skill "Dark Soul Smelt" scales with magical critrate instead of physical.

    Since the skill has been changed to benefit from physical attack instead of magical attack it should use physical critrating as well.

    Furthermore, I suggest making the skill skillable and thus make it scale with level. Currently it is useless, because the damage at level zero is far to low. This change would make rogue/warlock an interesting and viable class combination.

    Maybe it would be possible to include those changes during the upcoming class rebalancing ?

    Both frantic briar and cross chop do have a aggro multiplier as long as spirit of the oak is summoned. The issues with wd/w tank is, that frantic has a rather high cd and the class lacks any form of group support.

    Furthermore, having to rely on your pet to survive in order to retain the additional defense and parry rate sucks. Especially considering that a phoenix trigger will instantly unsummon your pet and you will be likely to die.

    Well, it comes down to a matter of taste. Of course 50k hp are not much, but the little bit more healing you get from tiering your weapon isn't either.

    I myself like to tier my weapons on any class, but saying either way is the absolute way to go is bs.

    Anyway, a high tier curse rune and of course the right timing is far more important to be a good healer. Pick whatever you like better.


    No, using only dexstats on any class, especially rogue who has even less patk than a scout, is utterly useless. The dex multipliers equal a minimal amount of damage and are negligible . Let's say your skill has a 0.3 dex modifier and you have 150k dex. That's a mere 45k damage increase. Literally nothing. There is no playerdex vs bossdex calculation like back in the raksha temple times anymore. The only thing that your stats have to provide in order to maximize your dps is patk and you get the most of it by using dex AND strenght stats.

    Gorge bosses have a very high defense and especially leather classes thirst for every point of patk that they can get.

    Please don't take this as a offense. Everybody can customize their gear to their liking. But stating that you should not use strenght as a leather class is outright wrong and I don't want new players to get confused.

    Patch - Juice Festival update :

    Mechanical Gamble ( lvl 95 champion iss) has only one second cd instead of 5min.

    Berserk of Nature (lvl 99 warden iss) shares a cd again with savage power.

    Shetamb's Think Tank (lvl 75 mage iss) has now 2min cd instead of 1min.

    Runic Formation (lvl 95 mage iss) has been rerolled to it's old version (that summons pillars instead of giving the caster a buff) .


    Phirius potions and itemshop bufffood are no longer itemshop items.


    Hello everyone, I'm Sere.

    Forum & Ingame: Serenadae

    I'm from the south of Germany and I'm a long-time RoM player. I first came into contact with the game back in 2012 after the servers of the game I played beforehand, Sacred 2 (what a fitting guildname I have :D), were shut down for good.

    Soon I was captivated by the complex itemization and customization possibilities of the game and over the years I got to know many nice people and guilds on my server Draiochta, such as Fairplay, Shadowoflight, Blackknights and finally my current guild: Sâcrêd.

    Over time, we grew together as a community and thus we were shocked to witness the apex of the publisher's greed when they announced the diamond restock changes. This was the final straw for me and my guild and we decided to quit RoM, even though we really liked the game itself.

    But then one of our members, Allissya, who played on Arcadia some time ago suggested trying out this server. First we were unsure how to think of it, because non-mainstream servers had kind of a stigma to them (which is not justified at all), moreover starting anew was not a very tempting thought. But we looked into it regardless and soon fell in love with all the things changed or did different than greedfor... uhm I mean the other publisher, such as proper instance design, long-time motivation through item refinement and the purple stats (which by the way achieved what the red stats failed to be - something special to fine tune your gear) and an AWESOME support and GM team that really cares for the players and listens to them. While it's pretty difficult to pick a favorite among all these features of Arcadia, I think it's the (working) communication between players and developers that amazes me the most.

    I like spending my time ingame mostly by running Gorge of the Ice Giants with my guild (kudos to the developers, pretty fun instance) and trying to solo the non-custom instances for fun and item set skills.

    Sorry for the wall of text, but I figured this to be the perfect opportunity for feedback regarding Chronicles of Arcadia :)