Posts by Cosmo

    No cooldown would mean the same drama we had when this WB normal was released. 1 Guild farm, whole server is looking into nothing.

    I would recommend the post Leszix mentioned. Since on old WB we also had atleast 2 stats dropping. - Worldboss hard should drop 2 HM stats. Worldboss normal should drop 2 normal. You have to decide which boss you gonna do.

    ~ just my opinion

    Then, i do not understand how you can say we are not watching all views. You missing one HUGE part of giving Gold as a highend. You have to look this point aswell as each other point we pointed out. Having no coasts for Castle buffs change that you are not lose instand 18kk each day or each 3h. Since holding the buff (when laying dead somewhere) makes no sense, regarding wb debuff.
    Idk you dont do smth what you dont like. So you buying gold in AH aswell. Dont farm tiers, cards... seems like you have no clue about what really is needed to do, to get stuff which is necessary for high-ends and how annoying this all can be. As mentioned it is necessary to still farm Gold becouse this 30kk is a kinda joke, for all of these what you need to do daily.

    ~ just my opinion



    Okay you talking im looking from wrong view. But did you look from all views aswell? Do you know how and what you have to farm? Seems like you just go and buy tier stones in AH, Gold in AH, Cards in AH, Coins in AH, etc etc.
    YOU have to watch all aspects which you have to farm. And here we are talking about everything. And not just farm also craft. You come and say you need 50kk a day average? - What you doing staying unbuffed just with GuildBuffs in ini or what? Dont you use any Pdmg, HeroPotion, ... ? Dont forget all of this is a huge amount of Gold you using each day. Even you dont realise.

    In the past days i run about 7-10h ini a day. Which means for me atleast 3x Castle buffs which is already over 50kk. But this is my own bad. And now i dont wanna even calculate the buff-food money i used. In anyway. This is not the topic.

    I dont know, why you talking about changing Agnes. Actually Agnes is dont mind for now. Im talking about ways to obtain Gold, beside farming ACTUALLY Gold. Farming pur Gold is the worst thing in this game. - Its unrewarding. Spending your time that you actually can do something!
    Im patient and im waiting for what Dev's will bring in the game to give more ways to obtain Gold. But still we wanna give all some advice that Devs can think about.

    - Also smth what came to my mind. Let mobs drop pure Gold. So you can farm stones cards, whatever and still can obtain Gold. What do you think about ? So many MMO's have this mechanic actually.

    And aswell.. pls. pls. stop believing that after you hit level 105 as newbie you are able to farm 90kk Gold in 1h.. This is so much nonsense. Nobody of you tried. I have a friend who even couldnt kill multiply trashmobs in IBP, since they come as group and 1 shot him. This is worst nonsense. And remember F2P player dont have Prestige or Travel Merchent to sell instand stuff (even not 360 bagback space).. All fact you guys never watch... A newbie has rn a bit higher chance to get diamonds early for free. But actually just becouse Questing .. Not becouse he can "farm" Gold. :)

    ~ just my opinion



    Indeed we can still buy from AH Gold. And many ppl of us doing so.
    It doesnt change any what mentioned in upper posts. We have to grind already so much. For doing End-Game. Im okay with effort time to farm gold. But the current state is so unpleasent. We have to grind Hours to get atleast a amount of Gold we need. - Buffs, Tier-Stones, Artefact upgrade, Buff-Food. I dont wanna know how much Gold i burned already just for Card System aswell or "Testing" Necro/Worldboss. Thanks to feature leave instance not that much as in the past.
    Still we missing good reward to the time we offer for farming Gold.

    - Some advice you give.

    Multiple T13 runes are a possibility yes. But neccesary? No. 1xT13 rune = 12.5k Dias which is in current State like 1.2-1.3kkk Gold which means afford of 8-9h farming (nonstop while gain ~ 150kk/h). And this is just 1 rune.
    Atlas minigame, i hope you joke about it. We all doing each weekend. And some ppl just gain 50k-100k a weekend from it, since they lowered the Gold amount you can get.
    Lets choose a Guild-Tower you actually need. Yes in each case you need atleast 12kk no matter what you play. For Necro for example i would recommend each point of stat you can get, same as for Worldboss. - So this argument is just nothing.
    Crafting Bufffood bymyself might be cheaper yes, but still its tons of invest you need to do. (recraft materials, craft the actually food you need). - And yes even with Prestige+ it can be painfull when you create a huge amount of buff-food.
    So actually non of your advices are usefull at all. And was already mentioned by devs. Which in my opinion dont feel as own player (when they play) that this Gold-Rework is pain.

    Just some brainstorming:
    - make the price of items higher.
    - increase the value of item we can loot. (max. rn is i guess 4 per mob)

    - give us variable options to farm gold. - Do some more kind of Atlas. One idea ppl had in our Guild. (DC normal-mode run it you get 200kk as and reward instead of core or stat/metal)

    And as we already mentioned in different posts.
    This Goldtopic is still annoying and it seems like nobody put really a complete eye on it.. I dont believe that ppl still have same amount of gold like in patch before. Since i know i already boughted around 1-2kkk from 1 player which is highend and currently farms really less.

    ~ just my opinion


    I would like to give my personal feedback about this Dungeon. It will just represent my opinion about it, not including any of my Guild or other ppl. ~ Just as information I played this ini as DPS and as Tank (dps = Almost all Warrior, some Champs, some Warden. Tank = K/druid)

    So first of all. This ini in all shapes is really fun to play. The Events are new and interesting. Even after almost 25 runs, I can still learn smth how to play better/faster.

    Lets begin with the Trash. Actually trash has really nice things what he is doing. Fear, shields, robbing your buffs or and Mana. But in just my opinion this one is a bit to easy. I cant compare well since after this much runs my brain is a bit lost but I dont think its just becouse of the new things you get from there(Equip). Anyway its okay and funny to play. I dont wanna leave the point that even it is easy in some groups heal, tank, dps need still to pay some attention to what is happening. :)

    Now come to Boss1... oh wait this was a boss? - Sadly its free loot. ~ But here also, nice change that there drops way less Void's!

    Boss 2 - in my case the crystal one. At first clear, it was really painfull. But now we have a 6 second cast, which in my opinion is way to much. Maybe 4 or 5 seconds would be enough. Becouse rn i can still bake some cookies until smth happens. Nice punishment when not played correctly.

    Boss 3 - Shadow. Nice Event simple playstile. Requires much attention by dps and almost all pt. Sometimes annoying that it can fail or lights going into the wall instand the floor so you cant klick them.

    Boss 4 - Headless. Maybe the most annoying Boss becouse you dont see any progress here. Requires special classes and well teamplay to play him really fast. Which is actually pretty nice! But to dont see any progress its really annoying. Some things which could be changed:

    - Lets priest seeds work there aswell, since rn only Druids one's work!

    - let the debuff decrease the dmg which is needed to do
    - maybe increase the HP back to 1.5kkk instand of 1kkk - We was able to kill the boss in 20sec, maybe ppl can do it even faster?

    - i dont know yet if since today the amor event works correctly. Not always was the person who got called got the buff when he was in the circle.

    ~ on this Boss im even not sure if we fixed out the correct tactic. So just some thoughes i had here.

    Boss 5. For me almost a gear check boss. Not really an event. Pretty much dmg incoming so some good work of pt has to be done to kill without getting killed by Boss.

    Boss 6. As already mentioned to Ikaria, fix that when we click the cube, music gets aborted. Sometimes this mistake can happen, even when we know this bug is existing.
    Nice to see Annelia back. Nice to see Teddys back. Annoying fire. Annoying fear (also endless fear?! Maybe smth to fix, happens sometime).
    But overall nice Event. Afterplayed well, bet on your party who will get a dc becouse 99,9% someone will get. - Hope it get fixed as mention in dc asap.
    Also smth here on heals. Some healers arent able to heal boss after they got "red" is this intended? I hope not.

    Overall this ini requires sometimes sadly a class change. Which through Prestige we can do fast.. But doenst allow you to play your favorit class always there becouse sometimes this class will be completly useless.

    At the end, i still wanna give big probs to Ikaria, who was almost always there listened to feedback and tryed to fix stuffs as soon as he was able to. Sorry for you, that you cant restart ini when we almost 24/7 farming it. :D

    ~ just my opinion

    Enjoy Necro <3

    Dear Arcadians and Dev's,

    as the post mentions.
    I would like to change my ingame font's to opitmize or make my Game even more unique as i can do this currently.

    I already changed the Ingame font, with an existing one, i got an issue there, which i luckly could fix. Thanks to Ikaria.

    So i would like to have for example in the font file, another file, which has some (lets start with like 5-10) different font art's which we can choose for our Client?

    How you think this idea? It makes you game even more unique!

    ~ just my opinion



    i got a question. Since AoD is mostly about some special Titles and the Robot you will soon finish the Progress (thanks to the p2w mechanic for Robots).
    Maybe we can add smth like Gold or Arcadia Coins or let us do smth with Nero Coins, like a trade NPC for a amount of diverse stuff like Arcadia Coins or Charges or Purify Stones....
    Becouse its meaningless after you finished your title and your Robot to run in my eyes becouse you dont get anything. Beside coins and more Materials which are still blocking my bag (Steel in improved versions).
    Maybe we can think about to add smth to it, to make it still "attractive" to play this content. Since its after Cenedril kinda the only one you have to do alone. :)

    ~ just my opinion


    Of course, it is important to look at the economy of the server. I am also sure that you do. However, I am not entirely clear about this. 100kk currently cost between 1 - 1.3k diamonds in the AH. Now let's just look at how much gold you need alone per day. As a "semi-endcontent player". That's 18kk for the guild castle buffs alone. Furthermore, we might also create various buff food over the day, which we have to use to run instances. For this, I roughly calculate 10kk. That brings us to 28kk. Just to run Ini. I can get 30kk per day for 300 diamonds. But how am I supposed to get them? I have started again and am amazed at all the new things that are available. But EVERYTHING, be it AoD, artifacts, new titles, whatever costs me so much gold. Creating a perfect map. Can cost several 100 million by luck. But well, you can farm gold too, right? - To do that efficiently I need, okay'ish gear, the Travelling Merchant, Magic Perfume, preferably an Ostrich and a completely empty backpack. (I'll just leave out the pets for now). This, in turn, costs me quite a few diamonds. Sure, it's possible. But not really good. Give us ways to farm gold efficiently. If we have to farm it. But currently it's just P2W and no longer F2P friendly.

    In my opinion, you should not only look at how much gold is on the server in general. But also how much gold new, re-entering players have. Please don't compare everything with high-end players. Because new players should also have the chance to progress without investing thousands of €. And I don't see this possibility at the moment. And if it is, then only with a lot of time and the support of "friends" in the game.
    Last time I looked there was a wisdom stat from the world boss, which of course can be expensive no question, 8000 diamonds. This corresponds to about 8-900kk gold. This in turn means for people who can't farm that fast because they can't afford various QoL items. 1-2 days of work. We're not even talking about getting the gear, running AoD for the robot, IdK, FA, Kalin, Sakthur...

    ~ just my opinion

    Hey, since i cant find any Thread to comment about the latests patch ill write here.
    For me it makes no sense why we need for Robot and for Artefact a new "Golden Repair-Hammer". Which is unbelievable expensive. Also i checked. When i use my traveling trader, for repair my Artefact and my Robot. I just need to pay Gold to make it full dura (for example my artefact is 103, with repairing at him it get 103.) Dont know about robot yet, since i dont have any high dura robot at all. - Is it intended that it works like that? - And is it really necessary to sell more hammers?
    I even dont wanna start about tanks have to use way more then dps this becouse they lose so much dura in just 1 run...

    ~ just my opinion


    Hey, since so many new stuff got released which coasts a tons of Gold. Would you kindly look into this topic again?

    Obv. i dont wanna old Agnes back, cuz i agree with you it was to much Gold already. But now, we have so much stuff which is actually pretty expensive (goldwise).

    Especially as a restarter or even new player.. This less gold doesnt give you progress at all in my opinion.

    ~ just my opinion


    Ok, let's get one thing straight. Playing tank is boring because you only press 2 buttons as a tank.
    Point 1. If you only press 2 buttons as a tank (or skills) then you are definitely doing something wrong and then it's no wonder that you don't hold aggro.
    Point 2. What do rouges, scouts, champions, mages do. Do you feel the presses more? If you think that you are hopelessly lost and you should see how many skills really change and that usually only a few elite skills are added (depends on the class) - I'll fade out that almost every DD with Kitty, Lua or anyway similar plays.
    Point 3. If we compare. Players with gold gear and end-game stats, then we shouldn't compare that to a new tank player who might not even have all set skills, etc.

    Yes, tank classes have been the same for a long time. But as your guild member wrote, you can also refuel with other classes. (If you like that, gladly, not me - but that's just my opinion)
    Why weren't they changed? Quite simply because it is simply not necessary. You can easily keep the aggro, apart from the fact that the mobs fall over within seconds anyway and you don't actually need a tank.

    On the topic of the new player leaving the game because they can't keep up or can't get into the game. I wouldn't say that it's because of balancing. I think it's more because of the toxic community that screams at every little mistake someone makes. For example in Rofl. (I definitely count myself among them)

    Nevertheless, you can stand up and if these players are in a guild or just have questions - after all, it is an MMORPG where the basic framework should be communication - then you can help these players and explain what they are doing wrong. Many players come and just adapt first. Play leech classes (I don't think need to enumerate). How should new players who mostly have nothing yet, find connection to players who are already finished and just wait for something new to come.

    I can understand that you would like to have variations in the tank class and maybe not just play with the same rota all the time or sub class. But then, make suggestions and don't argue the class is boring because xxx.

    But I would like to change skill x, y so that he maybe does that (for example, disarming).
    Because in the end, only a few buttons are pressed on each class.

    ~ just my opinion!


    If you play d/wl, take a k/p with you. then you are on aggro cap ;) this could help xD

    Oh im not that brave to use 3% dmg 12h potion as d/wl, I'm always on aggro cap ^^

    Then explain your tanks how to tank. As a K/M i nearly never have any aggro issues. (Doesnt matter if i play with tank gear or chain off-tank gear)
    Your experiences you did in the past or even till now, seems to be very unlucky. And if you got Aggro, it's not always an issue of a Tank tbh. Even when you say you have Aggro cap.

    And i dunno why you wanna remove a buff from a class which works well and give you smth to do as a tank. If you play other tank combis you dont need to pay attention at all for anything. Its kinda weird what you gonna say.

    Taking a W/Pr always into Party is also just a Random-Run thing. In my Guildruns, atleast in the past, we never sayed we need a W/Pr. Today, you cant go rofl random without supporter classes which is kinda ...



    • Reduced Frenzy cooldown to 3 minutes from 5, reduced attack speed gain to 12% from 16%, increased duration to 30 seconds from 25.

    - Explain this. Pls explain. Sorry but, you think the recent buffs for warrior was not enough? :D


    • Reduced Wraith Attack damage to 450% from 530%.

    - Same here explain. Is there anything i didnt saw or smth? Explain these changes, and where you got it from. Becouse no one does such a feedback. Its just look like random buffs/nerfs? Teach me smth elsse


    Actually i guess we dont need to talk about that some classes are completly broken. But just keep in mind. As R/Wd you are allowed to do dmg, while other ppl still are running and try to get position well. You cant beat a good R/Wd with same gear/support when he know what he do in trashes or trash pulls or its alteast hard. In MY opinion.

    Sadly, you just compare with strong Pdps classes.. Pls compare it with some xxxx Magical classes. Like M/Kn or S/M (magical one)..

    As i remember, m/ch was still viable and we got some players in our guild who played this class pretty well, and perform really good in overall dmg. And Always look what Support your pdps had.. I mean if it is like S/Pr, full sw titles its really hard to keep up with as an non meta class. Cuz you do not benefit that much from those buffs as mage.

    S/dr, Ch/wl - Still to OP ofc. R/Wd, R/Ch is ok and there are mage classes who can beat him easy. I dont know about Warrior classes, but they looked ok. Atleast the one you called.


    I completly disagree with this.

    Acutally from them Aldo - Talisman just few ppl benefits from the Bonus at all.
    Now there are much more classes which can benefit from this. - And this is more fair tbh. And its more needed rn. When Aldo was released there was not much classes which could use this Talisman. And if you think like that we also need to think about the Talisman of Grafu (Annelias Toy - i guess).

    Sry this would just push mages more, without new Talisman. It would not be a big improve like it should be.

    Gold is special and it should be like that.


    Well, thank you for that changes. - NOT.
    I actually can understand the first point, but there should be an other way to solve this problem. For me there is no problem at all. Ppl can try worldboss as often they want, until 1 guild is closing again. (Wasnt it the same when just 1 pt was allowed to play this boss?) Anyway, stupid punishment to guilds and players who can farm this boss. After they did YOUR work. (As tester for WB)

    Second change, since we are able to farm this WB, this situation never happend to us (afaik). So i think this change makes it just more easy to do tactis for ppl with less movement which is quit annoying for me here. This boss at all is really nice. You cant play just meta-classes you need to adapt, need some movement etc. But ye you take it away if you gonna change more in this way.


    Even when i hate Champs but, without Champ/Scout, there is no champ who can beat me even with better runes and a T16 Weapon. (Atleast in the runs i did).

    interesting and funny. Why you wanna compare one class with all others? You know rogue has more than 1 secondary class. if you say ch/s is strong as r/wrd, then compare second strongest class of rogue and champ and not only 1 combination with every other class.

    At this point i just compared my r/wd with champions at all. To show that this class combi is just overperforming. I guess i didnt sayed it clear there. My bad.
    But as you wish i can still continue here. But i dont know, if we really wanna do this, becouse this will be a never ending story sadly.

    Dear Players, Dear Dev's,

    i wanna share my opinion about the current "Patch". At first i wanna say, i really miss the pre Patchnotes, which you did nearly always, but since a couple of time, we didnt get it anymore? Can you maybe explain us why? I know, ppl was instandly crying here or in Worldchat or Guildchat becouse, "ah my class get nerfed so hard, and class x get a huge buff, didnt you watch the gameplay etc.". But right now, you guys probably lost your mind with this patch, atleast on 4 class combos. I dont know how you guys wanna balance, but give an "okaish" class like R/Wd a 4% DMG buff, is just a way to huge at all. (I mean iam at 500k pdmg with 1H-Dagger(T15)). Before this patch this class was nearly fine, maybe a little buff in burst would be nice. (So buff "Phantom-Schneide" maybe for burst) But you guys decide to buff him overall with 4% base dmg. And as Luciaa sayed. Ofc its nice to play Rouge again, or atleast leather these days. But its not fair against other classes. Even when i hate Champs but, without Champ/Scout, there is no champ who can beat me even with better runes and a T16 Weapon. (Atleast in the runs i did).

    A other example is, ppl started to play M/Kn (also before the Patch), and it was really overperforming. Now we check the Current Patch and see a buff on this class? I mean? What? What was the plan here? This buff makes no sense, its just you cant reach his DPS. I mean sure mages have quit well AoE and its good. But doing "Holylight" with 22kk dmg each, are you kidding? You cant make a class full of OP dmg in AoE AND Singletarget. - If we compare to R/Ch for examle, he is good in Bursting - imo one of the strongest burst class (With good support), but he slacks in Trash if it is down to fast. And this is absolute fine. Singletarget Strong (Maybe a bit OP) and Trash dmg available. So pls, watch smth here and do smth.

    Next one. Champion/Warlock. Its just as always... Or atleast i see we should not forget Champions i guess. We had a really long time Champ meta, just remember yourself to Gorge times or Champ/Wl times when Rofl was released. This Class is still hidden OP in normal Partys. Why you buff this class. And why ppl say pls buff this class more. This makes no sense. (Atleast for me) Champion is for me (Beside WL which is quit useless in Rofl) the hardest class to play. But if you can play it well like Serenadae or Ryzek does. You will see, this Class AT ALL, dont need any buff. Just try it and improve your play as Champ. Ty.

    There we go, Scout/Mage. I mean i didnt played yet this class after this patch, becouse i was not able to test with good gear. But this 25%/150% nerf can just be a Joke. This class is so overperforming in trash you can't believe. I hope there will come some new adjusts for this class. Becouse like that its just an annoying "Balance".

    When we look on Scout, we need to be real. Scout should be one of the best burst class in this game (i guess, becouse it always was) but what did you think with this Scout/Druid Buff? I mean, this was really a way to much. Maybe take a look on this either.

    So, i dont wanna give to each class my opinion, becouse i dont play all. And dont performe on each class well. But this classes i saw and played some and can say yep it is for sure like that.

    As conclusion, please give us the "Pre-Balances" back, and we can give you some good Feedback for how to buffs or nerfs will change gameplay and/or meta of classes and game.



    Sustained dmg is the main reason of this class (and many mages) if you nerf that then you might need to push its burst and balance would need to start again.

    You really think, the balance is over like it is right now? If so you are completly lost. Or didnt played much at all.
    For sure its not only mdps who is still OP. If we take a look into Chain of Arcadia we still see, Champ/Wl still overperforming or a Wr/Rouge or a Wr/Druid... i can continue so long. But also many mdps classes disgusting. Sure you need try compare in same runs with same supp etc. Which is actually pretty hard. But still it is.
    And we got so long now no balance patches, which makes me kinda sad tbh.(i dont count last one, cuz it was more or less bugfix) Couse, like Merkur said. So less Leather Dps who perfome atleast well or even with some broken, chain or mage classes. (actually just r/ch, when he play nearly perfect)

    For my opinion her is still much work needed to make it fair for each "dps" class. And then we didnt started to talk about tank classes or heal... x)



    I remember the days playing rom when bugs were not fixed for months..

    It's nice that bugs here get fixed rather quickly. Maybe not as quick as some would like though..

    This is not RoM it's CoA..


    I mean its ok to wait for responses. But not if its new content. And even GM's/Dev's should know that everyone, who are able to, wanna clear it. - And u can't when its not clear if there any bugs in or not. And pls dont say there are no bugs. Atleast my guild reported 3 and they got marked as these. ~ Just my opinion.