Already mentioned this in one of my further posts.. Sadly never get a response of a Dev or GM meanwhile many other players supported this ideas.
RE: Nostalgia instances Buff
Posts by Cosmo
I wanna give a feedback to the overall situation and development of the game. Not exactly only Orkham. But its all patch.
So we get overall many QoL-Changes in various situations which is pretty nice and good for the game and the playerbase. But with all these good changes there come many things which are not anymore related just about beeing lucky. Its more likely only gamble. And we was fine with this, but it start to get more and more. Becouse player do not realise it or dont think that way. We have many gashas, gashas are supposed to be good dependend on your luck. But lets start count what neccesary gashas we currently get. Just for Gold there are 3. 2 for Atlas Coins, which you can gather while playing PvP which is no sense since it is full bugged. We play many times SiegeWar, but the reward is quit low. Atleast the Atlas coins. So you have to farm multiple hours to obtain a Gold Gasha. This Gasha can have up to 2kkk Gold. After various pulls my highest was 500k. Weekly you can do Atlas where the Gold amount is 100 Gold - 100kk Gold. Atleast from what i saw and my guildmates obtained. never saw more then this tbh. Lets do not talk about Gold-Wings. After opening more then 200 Gashas i never saw one.
Lets keep going with Robots or the new Corruption System. On release we had terrible rates. Even with stats which was neccesary not even included in the Weapons. during orkham we can obtain crystals to reroll. Yeah our Gamble Addiction get higher. Cuz we can run smth and gamble after to realise all this stones was completly useless. Since after 500 - 1k stones we dont get the roll we need. Dont talking about the high difference between max roll and non max roll, even dont include the negative stat which can destroy your maxroll aswell. - Beside all of this, you can aswell pay for stones to roll you best in slot roll. Same as for Robot.
Festival. Lets start with Events. Its nice that there comming new events. Pretty good and refreshing for all. But now, we have to scan full Candara (which includes 12 Zones), to find the space where the egg is. To obtain all title you have to find in 2 min, which is pure luck (gamble?). Same as the Old Rabbit Atlas event. Im not saying impossible but without porting and using ostrich impossible to get 40. For the Title. New Event in Varans. Completly gamble if you get instand 1 shot, when the npcs are still running to the rabbit, while event isnt still active. And on top, it destroy your gear. (yeah i can put out i know).
New Festival Gashas, i knew they are new and have to be observed and improved. But there is a gasha, which you can buy for 250 ribbons to obtain a title or nothing, what kind of luck you seeking there? After getting over 200 new festival gashas i got overall 250 ribbons, pulled this gasha and yes nothing. Congrats. Thats not fun that makes myself just more and more annoyed.
Seasonal.. Seasonal is pure luck, pure gamble. Its almost saver to take r2 since you can obtain there more cards then on r1, which you need to get titles aswell. Also i do not understand why you wanna have now more diamonds from us to reset events. You want us to play seasonal, but aswell increase from 99 to 249 diamonds the costs to reset. If you wanna avoid reset meta, just disable to reset Events?!
Overall I wanna say, think about how much new "luck" based stuff you gonna implement. Becouse each more will formyself just come into a higher gamble section. Since its not anymore just luck. When you wanna do stuff you have almost to gamble to get it. Increase rates or observe stuff what you implement. Some rates are disgusting low.
This is just my opinion. Feel free to flame me for but current state and patches just show me in this topic, that it goes well worse then it should be.
~ GreetingsHello,
Thank you for your appreciation of Quality of Life changes.
About gold gashas you are not required to use them, you can obtain gold in more old fashioned ways such as selling items, purchasing it from other players or exchanging. We are welcome for more ideas on ways for obtaining it or reducing spendings, such as new Prestige benefits. Please put your ideas if you have any.
PvP was never meant to be designed as gold farm, we are cheerless seeing it is considered only in such way by you. Is there anything that is making you not consider it as actual content alone? Low rewards, not being fan of fighting between players or something else?
Can you please refer what do you see as bugs in PvP? The only one we are aware of is that not always all sub class general skills are maxed, and it's already fixed waiting for next patch.
Siege War rewards are based on activity during entire game, not just winning it. Maybe you are going on shortest possible road causing to get quick win with low activity and therefore get low rewards. Try to get more interactions with zone in various ways.
Gold gashas are never providing 2kkk gold. Description says that you can't carry more than 2kkk gold in backpack at once. It means that if you are 1.950.000.000 and pull 100.000.000, you will end up at 1.999.999.999. Appears description wasn't fully clear in this, it has been updated for next patch already.
Golden wings were pulled this year already total 6 times from gasha, currently I can not check previous years due logs error. They are rare and are meant to be. According to logs in this year you opened 9 item gashas, so this is about to not be easy get them with such rare openings. They were also often possible to be obtained in forum contests, where some of them had low interest and therefore being easy to be won with low effort.
Roll stat pulls weren't perfect on begin indeed, nowadays are most likely quite properly designed. It is not so easy to adjust these correctly with such large various of possible class combos on Arcadia.
You are not required to get max stat roll in order to play. You can get good roll close to max and still get good enough benefit for playing. It is system known from other games where you are also getting one good and one bad stat, and there even it's unknown what is considered max roll. Like name of system says it's "corruption", so unexpected, it is not meant to be "easy good bonuses" system. If you feel uncomfortable with rolling, you can use your weapon without corruption bonus or buy already rolled item from someone else. It is not required for defeating monsters in dungeons, it is just about comfort of speed in killing those.
Paid option for rolls is for people who have limited time and want to reduce required effort to try their luck. They are not mandatory for playing.
Obtaining title from festival is not required in order to continue playing, it is not locking anything behind it like not allowing to enter next zone. You can wait until someone one day most likely share possible locations.
You can suggest changes to festival activities in adequate way, such as designed threads or new suggestion threads. Putting in between large post is not making it easy to track interest and opinions to analyse current results to consider need of changes.
We have already on to-do list durability-loss protection Prestige benefits. It can be also achieved along with addons.
According to logs you have opened only 67x Spring Rain Package, not 200 mentioned.
You are not forced to have every possible title, and having all might require some effort.
Seasonal Windrunner is not only about luck, but also good planning in order to use obtained skills in most optimal moment. Rewards are based on many factors of activity during game, not just reaching certain place. First place has slightly better chance to obtain card than second.
Reset ticket prices are based on amount of total gain obtainable from them, which is different for every festival due various amount of activities. You are not forced to purchase them. You can obtain everything without reset tickets. If not this year, then another one.
While "luck based" elements are often publicly mentioned as hated, interest in them is extremally high, which speaks over words. Regardless, in future we will put an eye to introduce also a bit more of streamlined features.
Thanks for the big feedback.
Then go lets talk about PvP. Its more likly not balanced instead of bugged. But bugs are still exist, for example you cant click doors to leave your castle. Doesnt matter which one. This is quit annoying af. Balance. The few sw I did, always Bard/x or x/Bard was almost broken af. No counterplay nothing todo. SW Gear was equal thats not great feeling.
SW get played in this game? Idk I even dont believe that low Guilds does it properly. Atleast i can speak from myself there was just 1 SW 1 Person (AHAHHA BARD/X) played and was able to keep 5 ppl away from everything almost. How nice to play. You have to put any eye on there actually. I do my 1500 Points(I believe it was) for max rewards. Congrats you come out and you get nothing. Beside some trash you will never need. Why shall you do SW tho. Atleast from my point of view! (I know TP spare, or guild mats can be good for other guilds).
If so ok. But its still a hard gamble. becouse you can get from 10k Gold - X Gold. Its just gamble as it is. Buy a package you can farm min 4 a week. If lucky of loot you can obtain more. In anyway i know its not interesting and wont change. Its okay as it is.
Release of Orkham was the worst. Beside we all was happy and we got many stuff todo, you bring in this corruption System, which was completly trash. The one designed the effects shall play this game and know what each class needs. I doesnt felt like this was done by this. Beside ppl spend more then 1k Stones for 1 wished roll, it was as feeling just a scam and a pure gamble what you get. +MaxDmg Physically -MaxDmg Physically. Wow what a great roll. Just an example. So you saying we was never meant to do max-rolls on weapons. Are you kidding? Why shouldnt we? It was not that hard to get a max-roll. And currently its almost more easy, then it was at release. Why shall i play with a non max-roll, or even non stat? This game lives from competition, and if you dont have you will just suck. Maybe even replaced in instances, becouse you are to weak. Yes this can happen. So you punish player with non paying or not nonstop grinding for a maxroll. This is how I understand your explenation. Currently weapons with maxroll, not anymore that expensive. But still not that cheap aswell. But ofc will drop. If we would do this discuss 1 month ago, then idk what you think ppl have as Diamonds. (Weapons with max roll 100k dia+, and why he got max roll? Ah true. Gamble.).
Why should a player with no time, need a Robo with good roll, or a orkham weapon with good roll, when he/she can just buy it in AH? Nonsense argument. In my opinion.
Did you ever played Windrunner? I dont believe like that play it and tell me its strategy or smth. Its full luck, get stunned, get shield, get feared. Doesnt matter full luck.
Regarding Cards, I already got told why my feeling is like R2 is getting cards before R1 sometimes. Just a hint adjust the R1 pool. We dont need shitty 7/30 Day mounts nobody needs.
Regarding VIP, its completly different topic, which I dont wanna go inside here deep. Since in my opinion VIP is smth you should defently overthink in all terms of it exist.
About Events. Yes some Titles are not able by playing normal. But while spending Diamonds or VIP for reset Tickets, i should be atleast able to get the most of them. But some pure luck ones I cant get, does matter how often I try. Ah beside i spend 250k diamonds maybe. To reach smth next year ja. Idk Even for the new cards i will need ages to obtain them. Since I have 1 time in the Year the chance to obtain them. And guess what. I got 7 Day mount. Nice Gamble. This quest will result in multiaccounting and do with 100 Chars this event to get the card. 80k dia for a Card ggwp. Ah Sathkurcard is btw same Gamble. And after 1 Year you realised its not able to obtain them and put the card in. (Same with atleast 1 Orkham title currently. :)) Annoying.
This all might sound pretty hard, and you may ask yourself why do I still play this game, if I dont like it. I like it pretty much. And I aswell like some of the changes you do. But some stuff is atleast in my opinion, just greedy and I dont wanna the game develop in a bad way.
In any way this is just my opinion. Nobody has to agree or disagree.
Still ty for hearing the Community, full .PlayerNet-Team!
~Greetings. -
I wanna give a feedback to the overall situation and development of the game. Not exactly only Orkham. But its all patch.
So we get overall many QoL-Changes in various situations which is pretty nice and good for the game and the playerbase. But with all these good changes there come many things which are not anymore related just about beeing lucky. Its more likely only gamble. And we was fine with this, but it start to get more and more. Becouse player do not realise it or dont think that way. We have many gashas, gashas are supposed to be good dependend on your luck. But lets start count what neccesary gashas we currently get. Just for Gold there are 3. 2 for Atlas Coins, which you can gather while playing PvP which is no sense since it is full bugged. We play many times SiegeWar, but the reward is quit low. Atleast the Atlas coins. So you have to farm multiple hours to obtain a Gold Gasha. This Gasha can have up to 2kkk Gold. After various pulls my highest was 500k. Weekly you can do Atlas where the Gold amount is 100 Gold - 100kk Gold. Atleast from what i saw and my guildmates obtained. never saw more then this tbh. Lets do not talk about Gold-Wings. After opening more then 200 Gashas i never saw one.
Lets keep going with Robots or the new Corruption System. On release we had terrible rates. Even with stats which was neccesary not even included in the Weapons. during orkham we can obtain crystals to reroll. Yeah our Gamble Addiction get higher. Cuz we can run smth and gamble after to realise all this stones was completly useless. Since after 500 - 1k stones we dont get the roll we need. Dont talking about the high difference between max roll and non max roll, even dont include the negative stat which can destroy your maxroll aswell. - Beside all of this, you can aswell pay for stones to roll you best in slot roll. Same as for Robot.
Festival. Lets start with Events. Its nice that there comming new events. Pretty good and refreshing for all. But now, we have to scan full Candara (which includes 12 Zones), to find the space where the egg is. To obtain all title you have to find in 2 min, which is pure luck (gamble?). Same as the Old Rabbit Atlas event. Im not saying impossible but without porting and using ostrich impossible to get 40. For the Title. New Event in Varans. Completly gamble if you get instand 1 shot, when the npcs are still running to the rabbit, while event isnt still active. And on top, it destroy your gear. (yeah i can put out i know).
New Festival Gashas, i knew they are new and have to be observed and improved. But there is a gasha, which you can buy for 250 ribbons to obtain a title or nothing, what kind of luck you seeking there? After getting over 200 new festival gashas i got overall 250 ribbons, pulled this gasha and yes nothing. Congrats. Thats not fun that makes myself just more and more annoyed.
Seasonal.. Seasonal is pure luck, pure gamble. Its almost saver to take r2 since you can obtain there more cards then on r1, which you need to get titles aswell. Also i do not understand why you wanna have now more diamonds from us to reset events. You want us to play seasonal, but aswell increase from 99 to 249 diamonds the costs to reset. If you wanna avoid reset meta, just disable to reset Events?!
Overall I wanna say, think about how much new "luck" based stuff you gonna implement. Becouse each more will formyself just come into a higher gamble section. Since its not anymore just luck. When you wanna do stuff you have almost to gamble to get it. Increase rates or observe stuff what you implement. Some rates are disgusting low.
This is just my opinion. Feel free to flame me for but current state and patches just show me in this topic, that it goes well worse then it should be.
~ Greetings -
what is the feedback here of Developer side? Can we maybe get in touch with you what you would think? Its also nice in terms of balancing classes more properly and see how the changes actually impact the game. Since each trash pack is down within 5s or less currently doesnt matter which instance you running.
~ Greetings -
Scruts are mostly useless unfortunately, until Orkham is ran randomly. Even if I post scrut you can say that the other dps died alot or suck. Also devs said in the past, that their action is not based on few people, but the majority of players. This also explains why mdps are strong, because 80% of mdps are newbs (no offense, just low level guilds tend to play mage because support is bad)
The worst i ever read. Currently i dont see any way to balance anything.
As a mage, i have to be lucky to be in a slow party to be top DPS, since i need some until myself get really strong. If i get a party with much chain dps or scouts, its almost impossible to deal quite decent dmg, becouse everything is down when i enter my real dmg skills rota. Ye, i can fix this. But then i miss support buffs i need or increase my dmg alot.
Overall Orkham or any other Instance right now are just burst and be happy to finish orkham (highest ini) within 20-30min.
You run, aswell as me, enough random to know what will happen there. Everyone will scrut push without thinking about what happen to pt. Thats how random works, like it is always.
Anyway its impossible to balance properly. If you are first on mob, you are first in scruti with almost each class. We need some kind of harder, really harder stuff to see which classes are not balanced or balanced.
And pls stop Mage flaming. After latest Patch mage is not that strong as it was like in the past.
Just a little example for Orkham, a Knight/Wd or any other chain classes, uses 2 skills and get almost 1kkk dmg on 2nd event while me as mage or wl need to do full rotation to keep up. But guess what? Mobs already down until i can catch up.
~ Greetings -
Rest in Piece Johnny
regarding my initial Post. I wanted to get some feedback out of the community.
The changes i suggested are for all and should get discussed. Which is not happening at all.
To make ppl understand more, for what this changes could be. I dont really care about loot or anything else. But i care about difficulty, about playing your character properly and dont just burst everything down. Yes this sounce like an "myself" Problem. Which it is maybe.
Neverless, this suggestion is meant to avoid tediousness of orkham or different nostalgia instances. Currently it does not matter at all. Orkham is cleared in 25-30 min, nostalgias in 15 min. The powercreep we recived is imense, and since we dont know what happen yet for next content or when it get released. We could do smth to make ppl dont feel bored. Ofc there are many stuff to do but, to be fair, instances are the most reason why endgameplayers play. And to make it a bit varied i suggested the changed above. And I wanna one more time force you, dont just read this thread. Give your opinion. Help us together improve. What does other Guild saying, for example, which are on a equal level? Fallen, Akme, Pulse?
Dont get me wrong, I understand that a change like this with more rewards will inflluence the economy of Server. Im aware of this. And this change is not meant at all to boost highend players even more! Since months we are asking for example, various ways to obtain Gold by not farming only VoR or Ibp. Loot can be modified in the instances and bring in a good balance for server economy, while also rewarding ppl for doing instance in a higher difficulty.
~ Greetings -
What dailies are you talking about, Talaghan ones? I'm talking about the Bottles one in Balu Vilage in Kashaylan which now needs the pointless heavily annoying Morrok quest line to even complete and you only get 48k from it.
Even if that daily was bought back and the stupid quest requirement removed for it, you could get 480k per 1 Daily Quest and if you have unlimited free time you could use up to 100 Daily tickets and earn a total of 48M per ONE account. Even if someone has like 2-4h or 3-6h to spend on completing a single Daily quest on 5 different accounts you would end up with 240M Gold a day, cause unless there is a faster Daily Quest in Talaghan that I don't know that takes seconds to complete it's still takes a lot of time...
Why do you assume that everyone is like you and has unlocked all endgame quests there are or has 6-12h a day to farm daily quests, monster cards for soul stones from Forsaken Abby or Vale of Rites all day long...
It's funny how you talk about inflation when a Whale who just starts the game can just buy 1-2 Million Dias from the site on his first day playing the game and get everything he wants from AH in 3 to 7 days or quicker and just Sell Dias on AH cheap for Gold...
First of all i told you, i even didnt quested all. Just neccesary stuff which i had to do to unlock this Quest. I even dont do it, since i dont wanna spend my 7k TQ-Cards. (Which i dont buy just got from free over VIP).
240kk Gold is insane and almost 4k Diamonds and a huge impact to the Gold economy even you dont believe. You should start to understand Gold restrictions and why they was taken. There are reasons for. Even if I dont like. But I understand why Developers wanna that Gold get usefull for ppl, since casuals can do Diamonds which still is main currency for free with it.Without the overpriced Ostrich, magic perfumes and traveling merchant you can forget about farming Monster Cards, Vale of Rites or Forsaken Abby for Soul stones or even as you mentioned some 100 dias cards fast enough and you'll need much more time to farm for all of it...
I guess you think everyone playing the games is either a teen or in his 20s and has unlimited free time or health to sit for more than 6h or maybe even 8 to 10h a day to farm for daily items, gold from Vale of Rites or Soul Stones from Monster Cards, not too mention the 100 dias cards you mentioned...
Thats hard disappointing. Im a normal worker, yes I spend much on playing and yes maybe up to more then 6h per day. But why you compare yourself with me? Im just pointing out that it is also possible to do some diamonds even without spending soooo much time. If you still dont understand what i mean, start to study AH and check what is usefull to farm and to sell, there are many oppurtunites.
Funny how it's always the elite players from Top guilds parroting devs how this is a "MMO RPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)" and not meant to be played Solo, cause they get carried in end game instances by their top guilds players and get all the best items for FREE!
For Free? I have to hardly laugh. Do you ever played endgame? Even with all content was "tested" before release there exist uncountable bugs, or fails for "endgame players". In the first weeks Orkham, Worldboss, DC, Necro was costing each player of us consumables in worth of 100k Diamonds+ Dont talk we get anything for free.
If I wanted to play a year or more just to max out ONE class combination I would be playing the original Runes of Magic game...
What do you exactly mean with max out? Diamonds are supposed to make the way shorter to access endgame, without ofc you have to grind for. This Game is not a marathon its a long term acievment. Even you dont believe us, but even we dont get all title by paying 2kk diamonds.
We need wait events and put effort in them. Some get more success some less.
You should never need almost a YEAR or MORE on a PRIVATE SERVER no matter if you play SOLO or in groups all the time.
Where is your motivation when can finish everything in first day? There are already QoL changes for example on Mirrorworld, TP gain, Exp gain etc. I would not love to play when i login spend 2k cash and can obtain everything i wanna.
I used to play a Private Server of a different MMO 2 or 3 years ago and I could farm all END GAME instances after few DAYS of creating a new char SOLO, but it took a lot of time to kill mobs.
There was NO annoying quests to unlock any end game inis and game was flooded with players to the point devs made an option to hide players in towns. You got Item Shop items for every hour being logged in and leveling bags up to MAX lvl not to 30 lvl like in here. You could get the "basic" End Game items from a NPC in each big town for in game currency (was different than gold) arround 10 - 30 M Gold for all of them. You could even summon Bosses for ingame currencies from NPC and you didn't have to spend HUNDREDS of EUROS in Item Shop 10 to 25 was enough. It had a NPC that gave all classes BUFFS for 6h for FREE from the start of the game.I believe you can do Tikal/Inferno/Gorge or even Rofl with Shell Equipment, which you can get for free by daily activity in minigames.
Here in Chronicles of Arcadia you need MONTHS or even YEARS to max out ONE class combination, cause everything takes FOREVER to farm or earn, like for example the weapon skills which take 3 to 4 MONTHS with the Golden Dragon 500% Weapon Skill XP that comes with the PAID with REAL MONEY VIP Membership ONLY.
There is a similar pet in IS which can give you a bit weaker buff, you dont have to pay real money for it. Beside you can buy VIP also in PNC Shop, so you dont need to pay real money at all.
Crafting overal SUCKS except for some alchemy or cooking items and other 104 lvl items ones and engineering is for elites mostly anyway...
Just today i did cooking from 20 - 100 within 2h. There are also ways to make this easy for all. And im sure if you ask nobody refuse to help you :).
you only get TWO potions (instead of 5 at least)
If you talk about new Housemaid buff, you get 3 if you have leveled your Housemaid to a high level, which is also not that hard since you can reset or if i remember right can sometimes get a maxed out Housemaid.
There's a LOT of things that either need fixing or improving, buffing yet all you do is just cater to TOP Guilds and constantly spoil them
As many times in Forum or DC written, give your Feedbacks and Suggestions to Dev Team/GM's and they will look over it and decide if it is possible or even neccessary.
Nah they need to spend at least 50 minutes or over an hour (or more) in each Dark Core and Orkham, otherwise if they finish it in 30 minutes or less it won't be challenging enough for them, right?
This is a problem made by endgame player themself. We do not complain, we give suggestion to let us give a harder challenge, we aware of this state. But for example "When Orkham..?" was just a mean about 1 player who cryed all day about. Just yesterday i wrote a suggestion in Forum but need to wait the open, there you can aswell bring opinions about.
But when you refuse to play with ppl, or even ask them for help. Which is sometimes needed and good, since its an MMO RPG, you will just be lost and complain all day about its so hard, its so annyoing i need to pay so much whatever....
~ Greetings -
Dear Devs, dear Arcadians,
in the past days I runned multiple custom instances, Kalin till DC in Random runs. In my opinion with current Orkham gear these ones are really boring. Just today I finished Necro in 13min (ofc with a decent Party). I dont wanna complain only. I dont say its bad. But in my eyes, its a bit kinda boring. Ofc its realted to ourself, we push our gear as good as we can and make ourself boring. After Orkham release we almost finished our gears and just sell them or even look for alt gearing.
In any case I wanna do a suggestion which is nearly to the latest rofl change (awakend mode).
For readers who do not know what Realm of forgotten Legends Awakend is, its same tactics just trash and boss get a buff on HP, Def, Atk-Speed etc.
Anyway lets come to my suggestion.
I would like to see a 2 week rotation for nostalgia instances only (maybe also custom inis aswell?). This 2 week Rotation, add one or multiple buffs to the current ini.
Here are some examples which might can work, and not that hard to code, since they already exist inside the game:- Healing Reduction: Healing effects will be less effective, requiring better coordination and resource management from healers.
- Increased Incoming Damage: Players will face higher damage from enemies, requiring better defensive strategies and teamwork to survive encounters.
- Decreased Outgoing Damage: Players' damage output will be reduced, necessitating more precise timing and coordination to defeat enemies efficiently.
- Enhanced Status Effects: Increases the potency of negative status effects such as slow or poison, forcing players to manage and treat them more effectively.
- Restricted Resources: Decreases the availability of resources such as mana or stamina, forcing players to choose and utilize their abilities and spells more carefully.
This is just a few i gathered together. And in my eyes easy to do as Developer, if there is capacity for.
The reward of Dungeon should get randomized, but slightly increase. I dont wanna see diamonds, but for example gold-gashas, title-gashas, stats could be there.
I know this change isn't for whole playerbase, atleast not that easy doable. But it would be a nice "fresh air" (idk how to say in english xD) for ppl who get bored of Orkham, DC, rofl, Nostalgia's.
What do you think? I would like to see and discuss this topic with other highends aswell with casual/lower Guilds. And ofc what Developers think about.
~ Greetings
PS: Yes this is not completly my own idea, it comes from World of Warcraft Mytic dungeon System. But you can copy it and modify, like the corruption System which comes from a other game aswell. -
regarding your hard front to the side of engame players. I consider myself as one of them.
Starting with dailyquest. Dailyquest is just a point you can do and do not have to do! - It's ur own choice. Questing to open a quest is for all players the same. (I still do not have this quest open since iam to lazy to quest at all).
Your change about doing just 1 daily per day and obtain the reward is nice QoL but would end in - ppl with diamonds will do this each day with muliitple accounts and generate soooo much gold, since there are some Dailys you just need to click 5 times to finish and obtain 100k Gold (x10 would be 1kk).
Regarding your gold farm. Gold farm is annoying and believe me nobody I know do this for fun. Anyway, Vale of Rites can give you up to 120kk+ per h farming. ofc matters your gear, seems like you didn't fin out the perfect rotation for farming.
Yes Ostrich is expensive, even for high end. You have each month to decide if you buy or not, if it is necessary or not. But you have it for 30 days! which means its 100 dias per day. - Everything else you pointed out is also just QoL and nobody force you to buy it. And the prices are really low. Just study some the AH, if i farm cards i mostly find cards which are worth for example 100+ diamonds.
Anyway here, there are reasons why Gold get reduced on Server till agnes change you could obtain 200kk per DAY for free. Which made gold meaningless. The main currency was just diamonds, which was also inflated to many years of 300%+ promotions.
Nevertless. Dw, high ends already complain about Gold and do not recevie any change there.
And dw maybe ask sometimes a DEV or GM about gold influation. They always will say you, there is still way to much Gold, some ppl save it till prices increase even more. - which makes me ofc not happy. (as view of a endgame player)
This is just 1 example where devs dont do what highends are saying them to do.
But pls, do not complain about how to do Golden Gear or anything else. Devs did pretty decend with Sahtkur, where you can catchup materials for acc, artefact, runes or even skip full FA, IDK, SOK runs.
Aswell you can exchange unlimited Goldcores per day.
You play a MMO RPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) this game is not meant to play alone only. You will never be able to clear the newest ini on release as solo doesnt matter if it is easy or "hardmode".
~ Greetings -
You should run with proper WL, Rouges, Champions tbh.. If bosses take 3 sec to kill you are s... if they take longer then 30 sec you are s... And about trash. I wanna have a usefull aoe skill atleast. Rn my mooncleave fullburst hits 3kk on adds. Instead my singletarget does >15kk...
~ GreetingsRegardless of your experience, no need to call me or the people I run with s... Not a good look
Also yes Gloves more than compensate dmgloss from Frenzy. Gloves gives you more than 20% dmg.
Regarding AoE-comment:
An OP single targetclass imo does not need AoE-buffs. I also never see people asking for Rogues/Warlock AoE-Buff.
Well the only true answer lies in when Orkham is run with random party but I already know all the potential excuses. Atks before Tank and never uses SA
Mabye my wrong writing i dont mean ur person, i mean the class. Since in 3 sec each rouge will beat you almost.
Yes Rouge/Warlock nerver asked, but still recieved.
Random runs are never a compare to an intern run. Ppl who try to dmg check there classes in random runs are... yes...
~ Greetings. -
I would take a slightly different approthe then Cosmo and yould give about 750% damage to the Frenzied Attack BUT would also make it apply on all aoe hits as well.
Even we both know, that this would be amazing tho, its still way to OP. There are reasons why we dont wanna write this. Just do quick maths. Imagine all or mooncleave procs gonna proc a (full burst) 15kk offhand hit. Would be a bit OP... but just a bit ;).
Also with new Gloves 15 sec buff it is basicly stronger than ever in all situations.
Sadly not. My highest hit in Orkham before i build gloves was 21kk or smth in Orkham.
Yesterday my highest with T16 glove buff was 16kk.270% is way to much to nerf it.
Also why people ask for AoE buff when this class is prob the single Most OP class for single target fullburst?
You should run with proper WL, Rouges, Champions tbh.. If bosses take 3 sec to kill you are s... if they take longer then 30 sec you are s... And about trash. I wanna have a usefull aoe skill atleast. Rn my mooncleave fullburst hits 3kk on adds. Instead my singletarget does >15kk...
~ Greetings -
regarding Wr/R latest changes.
* Reduced Frenzied Attack damage to 630% from 900%.
Why do you think this is neccessary is there any explanation for? In my eyes this class wasnt over performing. I could compete with Rouges which are in both scenarios strong (Singletarget/Multitarget-Burst / - Sustain).
Right now, i need to be lucky that rouge isnt crit that much, so i can compete.
* Changed Attack Launch to reduce Moon Cleave cooldown to 5 seconds instead of 7.
Regarding this change, i dont know what you wanted to force. 2 sec less CD wont change that this skill is not doing any dmg since your main hand dmg (atleast for me) is more then 500k less then your offhand dmg. I already did a suggestion about how to change this skill to be a little usefull.
For me this change didnt changed any. Single target in any scenario gives you way more dmg output then using any kind of Aoe skill.
So in my point of view, bring back the 900% dmg multiplier and change mooncleave to use offhand dmg instead of mainhand.
~ Greetings -
regarding Wr/Rouge I wanna do an suggestion about.
Currently its almost unnecessary to use any kind of AoE - dmg skills, beside cyklon to mass stun mobs.I would like to suggest to change skillid: 1490425 to inflect offhand weapon DPS instead of main hand weapon dps.
There is already a skill which change this skill to be able to use with 1hand weapon only (ID: 499483), there it could be easy to add that it would inflict offhand instead of mainhand dmg.
This would be a slightly buff for the AoE for the Wr/Rouge.
~ Greetings -
Our team decided to disable it since lately it caused too much advantage of temporary power, making it unrealistic and creating too big gap between no-script users.
Change was declined when suggested years and months earlier, but nowadays it was decided it's the time.
It is like you are fighting boss and trying to change your socks to alter poison dmg in middle of getting hit.
Hey! Honestly, the example of changing socks and a hat over your head doesn't convince me as an argument for removing the ability to change it during combat. I don't understand these explanations. Many players have already written that without this function, several combinations cease to exist. What will you do next, ban changing weapons? Lack of food during combat or strengthening skills? The title in this whole game between scripts and non-script players is the least of the problems. And although I only use KittyCombo, I can manage to change titles during combat, etc. I never saw a problem with that. Don't take away from us the fun of solutions that actually make this game interesting because ultimately it will just turn into mindlessly pressing '1'."
Tbh i wish they would ban the change of weapons in fights. Since it makes a huge gap between players. I cant afford to do 3 weapons T17/T18. Or atleast i dont wanna. But all of this changes forces me to do this and tryhard even more. Atleast as Warrior if you wanna maximize your damage output. Same as tank, you need various weapons aleast myself forexample to surive the alarm event in Orkham... Which is not buggy at all *smile*.
Before the change atleast with some classes you could keep up overall with classes who switched weapons. Now almost impossible.
~ Greetings -
regarding this change so far, I played some runs Orkham and various dungeons.
First of all, why in hell, you punishing players, who used there time outside of the Game for the Game? Dont you want the players to think about CoA? I mean yes this sounds crazy but as publisher i would love if ppl writing scripts for my game to improve there selfe. Which some ppl do some ppl dont do. - Yes programmer have a bit more success on it instead of casuals. But do casuals tryhard aswell?No not at all.
Beside this, did you ever thinked about how this should work? Even your adding of the rofl combat thing, its not working to change the title at all, beside you using another "trick" which also not everyone knows about. For example im Warrior and i get after 1 buffklick instand combat entrance.... Really nice, i can do really much.
Lets go further, changing title is like swapping socks in a combat. In a real combat, i cant switch my weapon and do with this one weapon 1 slash and change back to old ones. Beside in the same moment im eating patk food, use anything i have to increase my patk. (Lucky we have global cooldowns on food). You talking about the gap is getting to huge.
Title are important we all wanna use them. But with you new corruption system + the changes on various classes you created a big canyon between tryhards, normal and casual players. Titles are here one of the lowest problems. I know classes where you need more then 3 weapons to do the most dmg. And meanwhile all in each combat you kinda need to change, which accourse a loss of your energie/rage/focus whatever.
For myself the point you saying is literally just a new player who cryed becouse he is not in the topic how to maximize his char properly.
Aswell as you say its unrealistic, yeah... I just pointed out what is unrealistic..
~ Greetings -
Thanks for recent Scout changes , they help alot.
Any chance Autoshot and Hurricane Downpour ISS (494970) can be changed to be used together ? as of now you need to disable Autoshot to use ISS.
Other idea would be to make Hurricane Downpour like Champ´s Imprisonment Pulse , that would also fix this.
you can already do that , if you enable Auto use area Skills without targeting (AU Setting)
You know the API for this? Since we dont use AU due different reasons.
i wanted to ask where the planned patch notes for rogues come from
The rogues are fine now
Why are they being weakened, no one had complained and compared to other classes Fine
i don't understand the upcoming patch notes, please explain to me why this should be done
and I also can't understand why the katana is always buffed and the daggers are rendered useless
Greetings Luciaa
Changes are to reduce the sustain while increasing burst. To reduce sustain, another step was taken by reducing DoTs by 45% in orkham.
Just to clarify, katana is not receiving any change except for Rogue/Mage and Rogue/Warlock. (Rogue/Warrior too but Katana is less likely used on Rogue/Warrior). It is slightly strengthened by this change so katana can be considered as an option for at least few of Rogues, as it initially was intended to, instead of being a pure warrior weapon.
you talking about smth, we cant agree with. This is a run we did rn in Orkham.
Our Teamplay is on a good spot. So the conditions for the dps is almost same there. As we can see the top 4 dps are cloth + chain. After this there is comming far behind a leather dps. Even in burst or offburst. It doesnt matter.
Leather nerf i dont know, why its necessary. Even there is no new gear build yet. Pls just dont compare smth in necro, rofl or whatever.
Gear is almost on an equal level. Weapon rolls everyone has almost BiS.
If you need me to provide more information hit me up.
~ Greetings
Edit: Katana on Rouge is compared to the Katana on Warriors pretty, pretty, PRETTY dogshit. beside trying to get perfect slice with having million of effects around you. You benefit is so less its insane. Warriors click 1 button get 10% heal and 25 rage. Maybe change the effect of Katana buff, or the way you can obtain it. ~ Since Katana in my eyes is useless
Edit1: M/Wl on first place was while run M/W -
I wanna do a suggestion to arcane forge. I do not know if it fits well here, so if not feel free to change my post to other thread.
Right now we got a huge QoL-Change as i mentioned in a post at the top and my suggestion might be a bit to much, but what shall we lose and can we lose if we dont ask.
For me im sick of farming gold. So I do exactly what devs kinda want. I buy my Gold from ppl from the AH. Which is okay. Aslong as you have enough diamonds. Now new content arrived with a ridiculuss improve of tier stone obtaining. And as a result, the gold economy got almost 50% higher. Before 1.2k-1.3k right now almost 1.8k and still going up. The demand of gold is right now, and im sure when ppl start building gear also, growing up. We need so much Gold the server or ppl cant give us. Alone a T17 weapon is 1.8kkk Gold.
My idea is to improve Goldfarming.
So what i gonna think. Easy, do a arcane forge where we can optain gold. As I already mentioned. Its not only the T7 items which arcane forge is doing well. Its also the 30min you can full focus farm, no sell, no stop, no reparty, no crash cuz of changing zone, no bleeding eyes since you are not watching 30 min straigt into the sun (ibp is to white tbh xd).
That is something im sure many ppl can agree with. There will come much Gold ofc. But Limit it as you did with arcane forge already. Make it only x-Times resetable. Think about the Gold outcome.. Like 50kk for 30min?
I would like to hear your ideas and opinions about this.
~ Just my opinion
Côsmô -
Since orkham isnt that long out and I do not have enough runs yet I can share just my mini opinion about the new content there.
First of all, I wanna mention the post of Chicki. In my point of view, new things always welcome. Since the game can get kinda boring. Aswell we already waited almost 2 Years for Orkham to release it would be pretty boring to just burst into loot chest and build gear with. The concept of Orkham with all mini events it has, makes it really unique and fun to play. Even access to gear/titles isnt, that easy as you might expect in first days. Its become a hard grind to finish. Which is kinda nice, since this ini will take sometime until it will get boring.
Aswell as the new gear System. Of course there can be contras aswell. But its smth new, its refreshing and it makes your character even more unique! Which is great in my eyes.
We have now the chance to do our gear more likely as we wish. And with Forge (even more easier to build multiple weapons/tiers).
A big negative issue i wanna still point out. Rolling corrupted stats. Thats just to much RNG. RNG and a loottable which should actually be fixed, according to Bytes post. Which is in fact not true. Im still able to roll on my physical weapons magical stats. Or Wisdom on my Katana.
In my opinion, we already need so much cristals to upgrade 7(gear) + x(weapons) items. Remove useless stats, i mean with this, that i really cant roll smth like mdmg, wisdom or smth like that on a physical weapon. Remove you can get +9% str/ and as negativ -10k str.... Its fun in first but after 100+ crystals its disgusting... (Even when it is sometimes funny to see what is comming out). But overall its hard gambling with a open loottable.
I dont like overall we can know buy 10 crystals for 3 PNC. I didnt liked it on Robot and also not here. I accept it and I also use it, but just to keep up.
Gear should show your effort. Like this it actually shows the same as always.. $, time, luck...
Overall. Even if not everything is working and many bugs still appear. Thanks for the content and for myself Im really exited about upcoming content.
~ just my opinion
Côsmô -
Hi, maybe you should increase gold price of corrupted tier stones and reduce gold price of random fusion stone from 10k to 1k. So, if you are a rich player you can make corrupted tier stones and save your time. If you are not a rich player you can just make dirty tier stones with cheap gold price and spend some time on it.
since im not sure how much you ever farmed in this game, I wanna give you atleast my point of view.
Arcane forge is, atleast for me, one of the biggest QoL-Change ever happend in CoA since I play. Beside you starting with Tier7 stones. You have a Loop out of 30 min, where you can farm as much mobs as you actually able to farm/want. You get an "Corrupted Stone"-which not only is T7 or easy to craft to higher stones, no its also able to Stack! You dont need to interrupt your farm for 1min, becouse you need to craft to higher stones, or sell crap to vendor. Its so much big value. I would not recommend, to compare Forge with normal Tier Stone farming, so im completly against your suggestion.
Big thumbs up to the Dev's or whoever had the idea to implement smth like this. Even when i dont like to hit dwarfs :(.
Still wanna mention cards dropping really rare. Even when kill over 10k of each mob im still 1 missing and not even 1 card is 2* yet.
~ Greetings
Côsmô -
Aswell possible while just using the editior.
Just copy pasta the code of Daleshy.
~ Greetings -
Dear Devs, dear Arcadians,
as the title is saying, i wanna talk about the current state of Spirit of Tempest Height.Just to make for everyone clear what was the meaning and usage of this mini event near to Obsidian. - There was a "loop" of 20 where you needed to kill Monsters which was dropping chests. You was able to loot them and to obtain different stuff. Mostly there first "loops" was useless - till loop 16 there it got intresting. Here you got, with luck, a certain amount of tier 10 runes. With this runes you was able to craft the runes we mostly use right now. - Also, i dont wanna let it drop out, you got a small amout of IS gimic's. Just as transportrunes, home-sweet-home, megafon etc.
Now to my suggestion. Right now we got something (from Arena of Darkness and ofc the Talagan Title) which is calles "Lootpicker". As understanding, this one give you more Drop-Rate, when you open chests. Important point here is it has to be a chest with a cast! (AFAIK, otherwise correct me dev's :D)
So since we dont run this anymore or ppl maybe dont do, atleast as i saw. How about to change it a bit and make it more attractiv. Since it is also a minigame, everyone can join and can make a little profit of it.
My idea and i would like to see the idea of other players aswell, maybe also to discuss about this.First of all, make this chests like the chests of malatina or gobline-mine. We have to cast to obtain them. - So we can use the usage of the lootpicker (droprate).
Also you have to, atleast, increase the Monsters scalings, for current state they are a joke, and there is no requirements to kill everything until last loop. It can maybe be smth like Sathkur? (like 36ppl inside have to fight an Boss? - maybe less to avoid performence issues).
Next point, change the loot table, connect it with "Lootpicker" Drop-Chance, like in AoD. (Like obtain Gold, nice goodies from IS, Tier X runes from beginning, etc. (ur opinion? :).)
So this was some of my ideas to increase the value for players to keep doing also mini events.
Let us discuss about this and think about if smth like is possible. I dont know from the view of the dev/designers if this is much work to do. But i would really appreciate this.
~ just my opinionGreetings
The Game allows you to change you race as much as you want (ofc for a little amount of diamonds). So you can have each class on each race you wanna. If you need explanation how, just write me in Forum or Ingame, ill link you the Items you need and how to do it.
But if you rn dont wanna give diamonds to this, i would recommend you, build a human, Priest/Scout.
~ just my opinion
Côsmô -
Hey and welcome back!
A common and strong healer is pr/s (Priest/Scout). Also classes like Druid/Scout is good.
There are variable heal classes, in my opinion overall all are playable. Everyone has a different feature to bring into the raid. Like Priest/Mage has decreased ressource consumption, or Druid/Mage has group vita.. So all class has smth good what makes them unique and can be played in different Situations.
When you wanna look for smth funny, look into Warlock/Druid or Warlock/Priest. Also funny heal combinations and strong aswell.
~ just my opinion