I think that in order for the Warlock to become a decent class in dps again, the following changes need to be made: skill ID = 497959 to make instant but slightly reduce damage, skill set ID = 490342 to increase the cooldown to 60 seconds, and skill set ID = 490444 to act as a mage Id 490243, setskill = 490449 to remove caste time, I think this will make the class much stronger and more enjoyable
Though I agree with you that warlock needs a buff this is not what I meant. I think the current place warlock is at the moment is okayish? it is below average not good and not bad compared to the other magical dps classes.
made: skill ID = 497959 to make instant but slightly reduce damage
I thought of this solution as well because why not give him another instant AOE to bust his trash dmg outcome a little further. Although it would increase the AOE potential of warlock tremendously it would also enable the warlock to have access for another spamable cd which I would not recommend as of now I think warlock is in a weak spot but by buffing that skill I think the unique mechanic playing around your %darkdmg buffs/debuffs would disappear because you could just spam Weakening Weave Curse to apply the 9.2% dark dmg buff.
skill set ID = 490342 to increase the cooldown to 60 seconds
Path of Anguish already has a total activation time of 50 seconds in TOTAL, you use this skill before any other in your burst rotation and by the time you are done buffing it stacked up to 10 stacks then you benefit 40secs with 50% increased dark dmg, I think this setskill right now is okay as it is.
and skill set ID = 490444 to act as a mage Id 490243
No! Warlock has a unique playstyle and can not be compared to mage, because the majority of dmg is based off of you increasing your own darkdmg! You have to take in consideration that each time warlock increases his own darkdmg any further increases adds up.
So here a little example for wl/ch because I always liked to play that combination: my starting number for Darkdmg is 180% since I already have increased %darkdmg from my title "Destoyer of the Underworld" and the title system ( numbers might vary depending your class combination titles etc ) so if you add Path of Anguish now and wait for it to be fully stacked you end up with 319% darkdmg already, now activate Rune Energy Devotion ( wl/ch exclusive ) and you end up with 523%, lastly for your selfbuffs you use Chaos Guide and end up with 990% increased dark dmg and take this number and add the additional 10% you get from Spatial Rift you end up with 1099% increased darkdmg so these are huge numbers already but sadly still not enough to compete with the other classes in terms of AOE since you lack the base dmg from these skills since most skills dont have a int multiplier like mage does yea you can get up to ridiculous numbers of %darkdmg but these only last a few seconds and then you are stuck with your base dmg which is low compared to any other mage class. Not a single aoe despite Beast's Roar has a int multiplier which is why it sucks at aoe right now.
But these are just my thoughts about the warlock as I mentioned before I could be wrong or others share a different opinion than me then let me know I would greatly appreciate every idea regarding the warlock since that class used to be my most favorite mdps class.
and if you are too shy to post your ideas here in the Forum you can always hit me up ingame: Ashlynn